The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 520

Yeah, it's over.

Rope closed his eyes bored.

With extraordinary information collection and judgment, how could Shiki fall down because of his unsteady standing? It seems that even a Tantric monk who has lived for two hundred years cannot resist the temptation of wish fulfillment...

Just as he thought, Araya Soren's hand failed to touch the two rituals.

At the same time as the monk appeared, the girl changed her rigidity, raised her head to dodge and kicked the handle of the dagger that fell from mid-air.

All the strength was exerted, and after the dagger broke through the barrier, it accurately pierced Araya Zonglian's chest until it was completely submerged.


The monk lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the blood gushing from his chest—that was his life that was passing away.



The two rituals obviously had no intention of listening to his last words, and after stabilizing their bodies, they pulled out the dagger from the magician's chest, and cut off his head with a beautiful back cut.

The splashed blood stained everything around him red.

After more than two hundred years, Araya Zongren finally ushered in a real stillness.

sleep forever.


I really didn't deliberately weaken the monk, the spiral of contradictions in the original book is even more exaggerated than this (spreading hands), it's a pity that the strength of pulling the cool bully...

Chapter 78: What Should Come Still Will Come

At the moment Araya Soren died, the entire Ogawa apartment froze.

The puppet residents inside disappeared from existence to non-existence one after another. The bubbles in the formalin in the jar will no longer rise, and the skull will rot normally. Because of the external barrier, although there is a part of Araya Zong's lotus heart image scenery, it will not disappear when the host dies like the real inherent barrier, and Ogawa's apartment is completely preserved.

That's exactly what Rope wanted.

The sound of applause echoed in the basement.

"Nice attack, miss."

While applauding, Luo Pei said with a smile: "The number one enchanter in the clock tower, a monster that has lived for more than two hundred years, how does it feel to kill such a powerful enemy?"

" sucks."

The two rituals muttered under their breath.

She lay motionless in a pool of blood, and her kimono became unexpectedly heavy after being soaked. At the same time, the aftereffects of normal human beings using the secret technique were revealed, with a slight tingling in the head, and the injured arm, the two ceremonies were indeed literally "unable to recover".

However, the results are gratifying. The decapitated monk, the culprit, may have been helped by unreliable gods in the process, but Liangyizhi's hatred was finally repaid, and Shi could give himself an explanation.

"Let me help you."


The girl snorted softly. According to her physical condition, if she didn't accept Luo Pei's help, she would have to spend the night with the dead body here.

The black-haired young man jumped down from the jar mountain, waving his hands, and the scene he saw when he was in the apartment hall reappeared, and the water floated in the air, thinking of her flying.

Penetrate into the clothes, take away the dirty blood, and the kimono gradually returns to its clean appearance.

But the flow of water on the skin inevitably took away the body temperature of the two rituals, making her shiver involuntarily. Even in summer, the cold in this bleak basement is unbearable.

The cold lasted only a few seconds, and the girl was immediately embraced into a warm embrace.

"Hmm... what are you doing?"

Apart from their father and grandfather, it was the first time that the two had such intimate contact with the opposite sex. She was dissatisfied and turned her head to look at Luo Pei. The young man still smiled gently and picked her up from the ground.

"Don't be self-willed at this time. Your arm is broken. If you don't want to make it more troublesome, it's better to be honest. You refuse me to interfere in your battle, but there is no reason to object to the treatment? Or do you prefer to recuperate in the hospital? on a monthly basis."

"The reason why you didn't make a move is that you are waiting for this time, right?"

Complaining, the girl in her arms calmed down.

Maybe because I stayed in the hospital for too long for two years and the process was not satisfactory, the two ceremonies were very repulsed to return to that place.

she said in a very low voice.



"My knife, hold it for me." Liang Ri poked his head out of Luo Pei's arms and looked at the dagger on the headless corpse: "I like that weapon quite a bit, there is no reason to give it to someone I hate. "


Putting the two ceremonies at the door when he came in, Luo Pei turned and walked back with his hands in his trouser pockets.

Huang Ye Zonglian's body stood still, like Xing Tian whose head had been beheaded by the Emperor of Heaven, and his unwillingness could be seen with the naked eye.

Two hundred years, life and death, helpless to save, what is human beings.

Too many contradictions led this supposedly talented enchanter to go astray. The origin of "stationary" will not age. If Araya Zonglian didn't care too much about the elusive answer, it would be more normal. The world wouldn't be like this, where he was unknown to all but his old schoolmates from the Clock Tower.

"Whether it was in the past or now, you are very unlucky, Araya Soren. However, I will enjoy your inheritance well, thank you..."

Lopez mourned hypocritically, and pulled out the dagger of the two ceremonies from the monk's chest.

Under the effect of the water of death, the corpse quickly turned into white lime, and together with the blood on the ground, it perfectly dealt with the remaining problems of the two ceremonies.

"for you."

Lopez handed over the dagger, and the girl took it and put it back into the scabbard behind the "belt".

Picking up the two rituals, he asked.

"So, excuse me tonight, Shiki."

"Excuse me...? Wait."

As if realizing something, the girl who was resting in Luo Pei's arms opened her eyes again.

"...You haven't given up on your plan to go to my place, have you?"

"Of course, without a place to stay, it can't be unfolded, right?"

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