The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 521

Looking at the expression on the black-haired young man's face for granted, Liang Yi knew that if he didn't take him tonight, things might become even more unimaginable.

Ahh, what kind of Good Friday is today... The two ceremonies sighed wearily.

"I see... I hope you will be safe then. Think about the wounded."

"Have a little more trust in me. I admit that I am inferior to anyone in gentlemanly manner." Only on girls who are interested in me.

Luo Pei responded with a smile, and the two finally left the dark basement together.

When passing through the hall of the West Building, Luo Pei paid special attention to it, but found that Aruba, who had been planted with the "Eyholt Embryo" by himself, had disappeared, and what disappeared with him were the broken arms and blood on the ground .

...Did you hide after entering the "integration period"? Adaptability looks pretty good.

It’s just a role of a pawn. Whether Aruba is fused to become the "son of Eihuote" or dies from the erosion, he will not let Luo Pei care. He doesn’t even slow down. go outside.

The appointment is successfully concluded, and the rest, after the two ceremonies are settled, you can start the work of moving into the new home.

He thought so.


Night, the first quarter of the moon.

It has been a while since Xiaochuan came out of the apartment, and Princess Luo Pei was walking on the street with only faint lights in her arms.

More and more remote, less and less populated.

According to Shi's instructions, Luo Pei came to her current residence, a corner of the second floor of a simple four-story apartment that did not match the young lady of Eryi's family.

Find the key, open the door, and there is no "big hole in the sky" inside. The familiar yet unfamiliar girl's room is so simple that it makes people feel suffocated. Fridge, bed, phone, some necessities, but nothing else.

"Humans give up enjoyment, but they are violating their own most primitive needs."

Luo Pei commented on the taste of the two rituals, and gently placed her on the white sheets.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a place to live anyway."

After lying down, the girl's expression was obviously relaxed. Then she said, "Since you've seen it, go back. It doesn't matter if you leave me here, I'll go to the doctor myself when I feel better... Hey, don't touch other people's foreheads without authorization."

The male's palm touched the girl's forehead.

"Hmm. It doesn't look like you have a fever. If you catch a cold, it will be troublesome."

Lopez ignored the protests of the two ceremonies, and lightly swiped his index finger to the side, and the "higher light element" that did not require sacrifices was summoned.

Muscle and bone injuries are the easiest objects of healing for them.

The strange shape of the light elemental creature pressed forward, making a posture similar to that of a human "bending down". Fluorescent light floated out from its body, continuously converging on the injured part of the arms of the two ceremonies.

Soon, the soreness in the arm disappeared.

After regaining consciousness, the two men raised their arms and clenched their fists in surprise, as if they didn't believe that an injury of the level of a fracture would heal in less than half a minute.

Reminiscent of Luo Pei's attitude of not taking him seriously at all when he obviously used all his abilities and awareness to deal with the black-clothed monk. The two rituals are subtle and somewhat jealous.

what is this? The "privilege" of the gods is probably too much...

"Is there anything Shishi wants to eat?" When the girl came back to her senses, she found that the black-haired young man had already opened the refrigerator in the room on his own, making an obvious sound of disgust.

" are more extreme than when I lived alone...Is there only eggs and rice left. It looks like you can only cook fried rice."

"I said."


The two turned over and looked at Luo Pei who was busy in the kitchen like a housewife.

"Rope, how on earth do you separate "abnormal" from "normal"? Once that kind of thing is accepted, it will be inevitably infected like ink and clear water, right? I just got a little dirty at the beginning, and then I became what I am now, why... can you keep it like this? "


Hearing the question of the two rituals, Luo Pei's hand that was stirring the eggs stopped.

"...Interesting question."

Chapter 79 Fried Rice and Night Talk

"First of all, I am very puzzled, why do you want to distinguish the two?"

Holding the egg beater in his hand, Luo Pei turned his head seriously and said.

"Whether it is abnormal or normal, it is wrong to deny either one. In the final analysis, this question is meaningless. Just like me, Shiki thinks that after killing someone, it is wrong to put on a different face and mentality to face the people close to me. Is it normal?"

"Get close..." Two Rites frowned: "...Does Luo Pei think it's normal?"


Luo Pei nodded: "I think it's quite normal. The people I hate, my enemies, are slaughtered, plundered and used by me. And the people I care about and give "tenderness" to are friends and important people. The two are not contradictory at all, and they are not in conflict at all. In the final analysis, whether it is normal or not is just a standard fabricated by society and human beings. As long as you feel that there is no problem, then there is no problem. "

This is Luo Pei's current concept, living as he pleases.

People who can make you feel good are friends. Otherwise, it is considered irrelevant. It has nothing to do with him, and it has nothing to do with him if he dies ten thousand, ten million, or one hundred million.

——In the past, no irrelevant people have ever cared about him, so he naturally doesn't need to care about irrelevant people.

'oh! Ape feels more and more like "we"~'

Azalia made a sweet sound in Rope's head. 'The state is good, the state is good, I also like Ape who is so reckless~☆. '

'...I'm busy, don't make "☆" symbols in front of my pupils, this is not a shojo manga. '

'Yes yes yes, I wish my dear all the best. '

Azalia, who has always been tolerant of the relationship between Rope and human women, kept her mouth shut, cute and well-behaved.

However, if the person with him here and now is not the two rituals, but some other heterogeneous evil god, Luo Pei will be buried by the murderous intent of the system mother 100%... With Azalia's harsh treatment of compatriots, his brain The first one will suffer greatly.

There was a brief exchange in the mind, and the black-haired young man's face was still calm, and he gave the two rituals a very reliable smile, and continued to cook fried rice.

After getting the answer, the two men buried their pretty cheeks in the pillow and said in a low voice.

"That's right, freedom... an extraordinary god. If I'm not human, then I don't have to worry about it..."

"Don't say that, Shi."

Luo Pei took out the spatula from the cabinet and said softly.

""Afflictions are Bodhi", people without afflictions can hardly be called human beings. To live and live in this society, it is better to have some expectations for it, such as Shi met me and so on. "

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