The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 527

No one is better than her at understanding Rope's attraction to "Two Ceremonies", and the void is longing to be filled. Her rejection was nothing more than this kind of inertia-like process, and the feeling of being arranged in the dark made Shi Shi very uncomfortable.

In the end, was the first dating experience an extramarital affair... What a terrible life, if my father knew about it, he would definitely scold me for my indiscretion... The girl sighed in her heart.

In any case, the monks and murderers have disappeared, and the city will return to what it used to be.

Law, ordinary, human society—

"Rope, no meat for dinner."

"Why... well, I understand."

Glancing at the four corpses on the ground, Luo Pei closed his mouth, walked a few steps, and followed behind the girl in kimono.

The water danced behind him, and the ability of calcification perfectly solved all kinds of after-the-fact troubles. In this way, the police in Guanbuzi City can also breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, in this deserted alley, the murderer who had been at large for the past three years had died silently.

Bai Junlixu, death has no value.


This is a western restaurant on Second Avenue.

At night, the lights are bright, and there are people in decent clothes, only Rope and the two ceremonies are a little strange.

It's okay for Rope, the black casual suit feels very suitable no matter where you go. But the kimono on the girl's body doesn't match the theme of the western restaurant, and it frequently attracts attention.

The two sat in the corners.

"What do Shiki want to eat?" He handed over the menu.

"Anything, except meat and sweet things, everything else is fine."

"Is that"

Seeing that the other party had no intention of taking the menu, Luo Pei made a decision on his own and ordered two vegetarian dishes that ordinary people could accept, and handed them to the waiter next to him.

he laughed.

"The last time we ate together like this was more than a month ago. It's been such a long time without knowing it. It's really hard to make an appointment when there is nothing to do."

"Recently, my family asked me to go to's annoying."

"So you skipped class?"

"Of course." Liang Yi picked up a knife and played with it in his hand: "No matter what, it will become "marriage and having children" in the end. I was born in Liang Yi's family and I don't need to think about livelihood issues. As a woman's value That's about all that's left...boring. "

"Haha... It's amazing that feminism heard your words."

"Feminism? ... Ha, I'm a woman anyway."

She put down the knife and looked up into Rope's eyes.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Even murderers are regarded as ants. How did you become such a mother-in-law? Where is the aura of tying me to the iron railing when we first meet?"


Do you settle old scores in such a romantic atmosphere?

"...Leaving that aside, I'll just say it straight. Shiki knows what I mean, right?"

"Every time you meet, you don't hide your dirty thoughts at all. How could I not know."

"So what's your answer?"

Rope said straightforwardly.

"Do you want to date me?"

"What if I say 'no'? "

"If you still say no now, then I can only be tough." He spread his hands half-jokingly.


The two ceremonies became a little uncomfortable.

"...If it wasn't because I couldn't beat you, I would have cut you into pieces."



The two said with a deadpan face: "The word "communication" is only used to clarify a fragile relationship, what's the difference between agreeing and not agreeing? You don't expect me to be like an ordinary woman, do you? "

"Of course not, just be yourself."

Luo Pei smiled and shook his head, he got a satisfactory answer.

"Ah, after such a long time, have you finally allowed me to feel the root? It's really... amazing." All magicians' sad wishes will be fulfilled by me!


The words he didn't understand made the two rituals put on a disgusted face in disgust.

"Tell me in advance that even if you agree to date, don't think about that kind of thing. If you dare to insist, and I still have a knife on me, I will let you know what "I will kill even the gods for you." "

"Is that so?"

Luo Pei restrained his expression and nodded seriously.

"Thank you for your concern. At that time, I will pay attention to dismantling all the weapons on Shiki. Please rest assured, I will not make fun of my life!"

"You bastard..."

The two ceremonies felt that if sooner or later one day they overstepped their grandfather's teachings and were dominated by murderous impulses, then 90% of them must be caused by this evil god, which is too irritating.

But in this way, this feeling of emptiness may be able to... The two rituals clenched the neckline of the kimono tightly.

—Probably, not bad.

Chapter 84 Target: Einzbern Castle

Logically speaking, in the atmosphere of romance and fulfillment of the relationship, it would be a very unsightly behavior to bring up the matter of "gambling". According to galgame's practice, at this time, the male protagonist has to be hypocritical in one way or another, and then express himself with a considerate, generous and humorous attitude, which can easily gain a lot of favorability from the girl.

It stands to reason like this--

But the other side is two rituals.

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