The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 528

A girl who cannot be treated with common sense.

So after Luo Pei sent the ceremony home and the girl in kimono expressed her attitude of not being bad, he immediately looked like a yellow-haired scum, smiling and nodding.


Then took FirstKiss for two ceremonies.

——Are you kidding me, I'm still hesitating at this moment! Once you have a good impression, you have the prerequisites for a relationship, and you don't reject him, then no matter how pretentious Luo Pei is, he will kill him head-on.

He overthrew the "gentle" law of the protagonist of the galgame with his own behavior very sassyly, and put it on the ground and stomped it hard a few times, feeling a little happy.

At noon, summer is thick.

Luo Pei is lying on the top floor of the "Original Ogawa Apartment", enjoying the baptism of the sun and leisure time. Next to it is a wide pool of blue water that can be used for swimming, bringing a touch of coolness to the heat.

It was already a month after killing Bai Chunlixu and interacting with the two rituals.

The demons and goblins in Guanbuzi City were wiped out, and the calmness of the past was restored. Although various transactions in the dark are still repeatedly prohibited, it is not something that Luo Pei needs to worry about, and the police will take care of it. He just needs to make sure that no supernatural force will touch his territory again.

In addition, during this month, he has been occasionally enjoying the joy of extramarital affairs under Wue's deliberate ignorance. The style is just like what she said, even after the relationship, the attitude is still lukewarm, but at least the conversation with Luo Pei has gradually increased, which is a good sign.

——In addition to prohibiting Rope from entering and exiting the root.

In this matter, it seems that the two ceremonies are unexpectedly conservative, which shows that the family motto of the Liangyi family is very successful.

"It's free..."

Lopez was lying on a deck chair, staring at the sun without sunglasses. The behavior that could have blinded the dog's eyes, waiting here with him is more like a massage for the eyes.

There is an even more exaggerated horse in the body, this little sunshine is nothing.

"If you're bored, go to work."

Kirie came over with an iced drink in his hand. She was not as cool as Luo Pei was wearing, she was still dressed in short-sleeved home clothes, her long hair was wrapped in a white cloth, and she seemed to be busy doing housework.

"Ape has not gone for such a long time, is it okay?"

"Whatever, working for two years is enough to give the hospital face."

With the absence of the two ceremonies, he couldn't think of any reason for him to continue to be a "doctor". Wouldn't it be better to be a rice bug in a luxurious building and study secret arts, study fog painting?

"In this case, come and help me tidy up the room!" Wuhui said with a hint of reproach on her waist, "I have to change to such a big place. Originally, the housework in the villa was enough for me, but now I can do it all morning. You can’t clean even one floor. Ape, your entertainment facilities on the third floor have already started to eat dust, if you don’t care about it, it is estimated that it will be scrapped within this year.”

It was indeed Rope's fault. When renovating Xiaochuan's apartment, he went directly to the fort, the laboratory, and the level of enjoyment, but he forgot to clean it automatically. Now Wuhui is full of housework during school hours and weekends.

"Uh... the two magic dolls I just bought yesterday are stored in the storage room at the end of the fourth floor." Luo Pei said awkwardly.

Wue frowned: "Those things... are lifeless, Ape, I don't like them."

"I don't like it either, but it saves a lot of effort." Luo Pei shrugged: "Just treat it as a magic version of the robot. For this reason, the profiteer who sold my things beat me hard..."

Knowing about puppet skills is really flawed, and he is regretting why he didn't directly use Madness Hell to plunder Aruba's puppet knowledge, so that he doesn't have to go to Orange to spend money.

"So, will Ape help me?"

"Yes..." Luo Pei rubbed his hair and got up from the comfortable recliner.

"Actually, you can bring some friends back to play, it's free, and the price is to let them help clean up afterward and solve all problems..."

"I don't have such good friends. Besides, this is Ape's "secret base". It's not good to invite outsiders, right? "

"Don't say such embarrassing adjectives, am I a child?" Luo Pei said with a smile: "In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just a luxurious mansion, don't worry."

Hearing this, Wue smiled, neither refusing nor agreeing.

The cleaning work lasted until 2:30 in the afternoon, and it took a full three hours to clean the entire building. This was still under the condition of Luo Pei's frightening physical strength.

"Well! Ah Pei did a great job!" The long-haired beauty nodded in satisfaction. "Clean it again in half a month. When Fujino comes back, it will be a perfect place!"

"Fujino is coming back so soon?"

"Yes. The summer vacation is less than a month away, Ape, have you forgotten?"

Rope really forgot.

It was too much fun outside, and he didn't know much about Japan's holiday mechanism, so there was only a vague impression in his mind of the time Kirie said before.

Seems like... summer vacation is almost here.

Luo Pei suddenly thought of a certain silver-haired doll that he visited briefly a week ago.

Since there is still one month left, there is no reason to procrastinate any longer, and he has to go to the country of Dé to settle Irisviel's matter - to save her daughter.

"I will drive to pick up Fujino on time," said Rope.

"However, for the next cleaning, Kirie may have to ask those automatons that you hate."

"What's the matter with Ape?" Wue asked curiously.

Her husband has become a rice bug, and she knows how lazy he is. She couldn't wait for her to bring the meal to her lips, hearing Luo Pei's tone as if she was about to travel far made her feel a little fresh.

"Well, Dezhi, I have to help my friend a little bit, and I will be back within a month. I have to ask Wue to take care of the house again. If there is any danger, go directly to the second basement. There is no tool of violence I left behind. "

"It's about friends... well, let's go, Ape remember to buy two souvenirs, Fujino and mine."

Wu Hui narrowed her eyes, approached Luo Pei's ear playfully, and whispered.

"Don't hang out with that unknown lady for too long, okay?"

"Ahem...Okay, no problem." Luo Pei, who was holding an iced drink, almost choked to death.

After saying these words, Wue went to cook, leaving behind a series of light laughter.

... Sure enough, all the women after cohabitation are Sherlock Holmes? Luo Pei gave a thumbs up to Wu Hui's sixth sense.

However, going to Germany would be a little troublesome for me and Irisviel alone...

He thought for a moment, then pointed his index finger at his temple, and dialed the spiritual communication of his servant.

It didn't take even a second for the conversation to connect.

‘O my most supreme Creator! I don’t know what orders you have for your servant~~’

Fallows remained unchanged, an excited voice echoing in his head.

This time without those uncomfortable voices, it seems that Fallows has learned to relax. Luo Pei was relieved to think that if it continued, the whole world would be in chaos.

He ignored the flattering words, and said in a relaxed tone in his mind.

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