The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 529

‘Faros, the time has come for you. There are some troubles in Germany that need to be dealt with, bring me some people, and I will inform you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. '


There was silence for two seconds.

Then Fallows's frivolous feeling disappeared, and his tone was unprecedentedly serious.

'learn. I will arrive as soon as you tell me the location, without a second of delay. '

'……okay. '

Fallows seemed very anxious, and the telepathic call was suddenly hung up.

Sitting on the sofa, Luo Pei always felt that something was wrong, but after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure out why, so he left it behind.

The cause and effect of the continuation of the Fourth Holy Grail War is far from over.

Chapter 85 Reunion after a long absence, evil forces appear

Two days later, Rope and Irisviel boarded a plane to Germany.

After twelve or three hours of sailing, the country that is also in summer is already clearly visible. Along the way, the silver-haired girl clutched the bag in her hand nervously. After living for a period of time, she felt that two years had passed, and she felt an inexplicable fear of seeing Illya again.

"Irisviel, we're here."

"Thank you, thank you." She said nervously, grabbing Luo Pei's hand and getting up from the first-class seat.

When I got off the plane, a breeze blew over.

It was obviously a country that could be called home, but Irisviel didn't feel that nostalgic feeling. He has been staying in the castle, and has never even been to the nearest city.

Even common sense in human society is understood after obtaining a second life.

"—Mr. Rope. Next, where are we going?"

About to walk out of the airport, Irisviel looked up at the tall black-haired man next to him, his expression was very relaxed, as if nothing could embarrass him, he was completely different from Emiya Kiritsugu.

"I have notified my subordinate in advance that he should pick us up at the gate of the airport and go to the station to settle down first. Are you tired from the 12-hour journey?" Luo Pei said with a smile.

"As for the matter of the Einzbern family, Madam can just take us there tomorrow, and your daughter will be brought out safely."

"No..." The silver-haired girl hesitated to speak.

"...I don't really know the exact address of the castle. I just remember the name here is the limit...or the woods around the castle?"

That was the view she had seen most from the windows of the castle.

"Well, that's enough," said Rope.

"Leaving our lovely little Illya out of the identity of the Holy Grail from childhood is tantamount to telling the Einzbern family to give up the "Holy Grail". I don't need to say more about what that means to your family, right? At that time, it is estimated that a large number of ignorant people will have to be eliminated, and your grandfather may be included among them. I hope that Madam will not say unnecessary words then. "

Being interrupted by his own people is what Luo Pei hates the most, so he has been vaccinated in advance.

——The daughter is more important or the family is more important, choose slowly.

"...I see." Irisviel lowered her head and said in a low voice.

The two quickly walked out of the airport. At the end of the street, there was a black stretched Lincoln, and several guys in black suits who looked like bodyguards were standing around.

Seeming to have noticed Luo Pei, one of the women with a golden ponytail whispered a few words to her companions, and the spirits of several people instantly became more vigorous, and even their breathing could be calmed for the sake of etiquette.

She ran over quickly, stood still in front of Luo Pei, respectfully stroked her shoulder with her right hand and saluted.

"Welcome to your visit, Your Excellency the Great Mystic. I am Mary of the "First Sequence", and I am here to welcome you under the order of the leader, Mr. Pharos. "

You don't even need to think about it, you know it's Fallows' subordinate. Women's bodies are filled with the "taste" of occult techniques, which Luo Pei is all too familiar with.

He wanted Irisviel to signal to get in the car first, and wait until the silver-haired doll left before speaking.

"And Fallows himself?"

"I'm so sorry."

The woman named Mary bowed her head and said: "The leader once said that "the master should enjoy the most perfect respect", so he is still furnishing the rooms in the manor. The time is a little tight, and it will be completed by the time you arrive. "

"... Tsk, I told him not to waste too much time."

Rope pouted.

He obviously created an indescribable monster of the Cthulhu family, but he learned ten percent of the kung fu of flattering human beings. And what about the manor? Just arrived yesterday and got a manor as a resident?

He could already imagine what a terrible nightmare the original owner of the unknown manor had.

It must be a very unpleasant death.

"He didn't make it too exaggerated, right?" Luo Pei pointed to Irisviel who was sitting in the luxury car: "As you can see, I brought a female companion. Find a place to live. "

"Please rest assured." Mary said: "Your order, the leader has always been on his lips, and there will be no accidents."

"That's good."

If Irisviel entered that unspeakable alien world unprepared, even if she hadn't been drenched in black mud, she would not be far from being completely blackened and crazy.

After the exchange, Luo Pei also got into the car.

Fallows' arrangements are meticulous. Those guys who looked like bodyguards in black did not come up with Luo Pei, but all entered another car in the distance. So there is no fourth person in this wide space except Mary who is the driver.

The car was driving unhurriedly, passing through the foreign city, and continuing towards the suburbs.

In about 30 minutes, Rope arrived at the station that Fallows had seized to welcome him.

The emerald green lawn, the castle-style building full of ancient European style, the top is decorated with the evil emblem flag of Cthulhu. His servant, "Original Tenth Patriarch" Fallows was waiting at the gate of the manor.

The pale short hair may be because Rope once said that he hated his face similar to that of Nero Kaos. This time, Fallows used another face, which was younger. But the abnormality and cruelty between the brows did not improve because of its face change, and it was still firmly grasped on its body.

It is the only person around.

Getting out of the car first, Luo Pei took Irisviel's hand, invited the lady to get off the car like a gentleman, and walked towards Fallows with a smile on his face.

"It's good to say that the hotel is fine, but you are still exaggerating."

"Where!" Fallows said humbly: "It is the natural mission of a servant to satisfy you. Even so, I still feel that I am not worthy of your status. Forgive me, the time you gave is too tight."

This is the second time to see its creator after its birth. Fallows is like a wanderer who has been away from home for a long time, cheering for the opportunity to meet his "father".

Therefore, after it heard Rope's call and learned the location, it led its subordinates to Germany without stopping.

Until now, it still blames itself for not doing well enough.

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