The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 532

The forest is mostly composed of fir trees with brown-black trunks. Perhaps because of the summer, other trees are thriving and growing.

Stepping on the soft and dry soil, in about fifteen minutes, Rope touched the barrier of Einzbern.

As fragile as he expected, just the Godslayer's "magic resistance" made the barrier unbearable, and it shone like a slide, almost shattered.

The spinning wheel appeared behind Luo Pei, and the magic power so strong as to make people vomit burst out, the surrounding fir trees spontaneously ignited without fire, and the enchantment completely declared the end of its mission.

"We have been discovered, and the owner here will come to welcome us soon."

Lopez moved his neck and said to the servant behind him.

"Then, the man-made man will be handed over to you, is there any problem?"

"No objection." The monster put on a ferocious and cruel smile.

"If it's the kind of melee dolls with magic dress, no matter how many they come, they are just garbage that I tear up. You just need to move on. It is also one of the servant's responsibilities to keep the master from being harassed."

The inherent enchantment of "The Beast King's Nest" is originally a melee type ability.

The sensitivity of cats, the strength of elephants, and the vision of eagles—after being corrupted by Cthulhu’s torso, those wild beasts and monsters became indescribable family members, not only their vitality was qualitatively improved, but in terms of combat, Pharos Almost all attacks can be dealt with without using any secret techniques.

It was the same with the battle with Kurohime's subordinate, "White Knight" Brad. Being dragged into the opponent's inherent enchantment "Ghost Army", boundless pirates and undead, and the onslaught of an "ancestor" level dead Apostle, Fallows still smiled and tore off nearly half of the blood-sucking count body, allowing him to escape with serious injuries.

If it weren't for the obstruction of "Black Knight" Rizowal Stulut, I am afraid that the twenty-seventh ancestor of the Dead Apostles would be reduced by another seat.

As for Hei Ji, she was having a cordial exchange of feelings with her own sister at the time...

"I hope you can listen to the lady's request just now." Rope said, "We are not here to slaughter the Einzbern family. Don't do anything that makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Your will." Fallows bowed his head.

Moving towards the center of the forest, the surrounding trees gradually become scarcer.

Soon, a castle with a rather medieval style, but obviously more brand new and splendid, came into Rope's sight.

On the top of the blue-topped round head, the body of the castle was cut into pieces of weathered stone. Before the wide brown-red gate, more than ten white-haired magicians were waiting for them with serious expressions.

"Hi, Fallows, here we are."


The monster let go of its hand, leaving behind a woman with the same hair color as it. Blood overflowed from the corner of the artificial man's mouth. Although his breathing was weak, he was still alive.

There are a total of four Einzbern androids blocking them on the way.

But except for the one under the feet now, all the others were slaughtered by Fallows without exception-thanks to Toroppe's warning, the death process of the artificial human is not so unacceptable.

Seeing the "presumptuous" behavior of the two of them who did not restrain themselves even when they saw him, Ahad, the head of the Einzbern family, frowned.

he asked in an old but majestic voice.

"Why do you want to trespass on Einzbern's "territory" without permission? If there is no suitable reason, I will definitely follow the iron rules of magicians and question the two of you! "

Ahad's sharp eyes swept over the two, crossed Rope, and stopped on Fallows' face.

The old man's expression became surprised.

"The Tenth Patriarch...? ! "

The old magician looked at it carefully again.

It can't be wrong, it's the same as the appearance from the photo magic. One of the "Twenty-Seven Dead Apostles" who has been making a lot of noise recently - "Tenth Patriarch" Nero Kaos!

Why did such an existence come to Einzbern? !

The presence of the ancestor of the dead gave Ahad a bad feeling.

"Hey, you were recognized." Luo Pei elbowed his servant and asked jokingly.

"Could it be that your hobby, Fallows, is being an idol? Why can even the head of the magician clan in a remote area recognize you at a glance?"

"Ashamed." Fallows bowed his head slightly.

"This appearance has been changed for a while. It is estimated that I was caught in a certain battle. I will change my appearance immediately and be more cautious..."

"Well, this kind of thing doesn't matter. If you are famous, you should be famous. This is actually beneficial to the development of your church..."

The villainous party magician who came here for fame... or something like that.

Lopez walked forward at a leisurely pace, and came to the man-made man and the patriarch Einzbern, saluting hypocritically.

"Greetings to you, Einzbern's patriarch, Ubstakuhaid von Einzbern."

"...Who are you?"

Unlike Fallows, Ahad was unable to determine the true identity of the black-haired youth in front of him.

But the tone that naturally surpassed that of the Tenth Patriarch, and the faint sense of danger, made the patriarch of the millennium magic family not to take it lightly.

"My identity and name? Why bother with these."

Looking at the group of fully armed artificial people, Luo Pei said with a smile.

"Mr. Ahad, you just need to know that we are "robbers". Entrusted by the old man, the crystallization of your family's sorrowful wishes, the little holy grail of the third law "Ilia von Einzbern" is saved by me... Haha, I can actually say such a thing with " If it tastes like Messenger of Justice, thank you very much. "

The black-haired youth snapped his fingers, and Fallows' black windbreaker began to flap.

That was a precursor to an attack.

"I know you won't agree, so I don't need to waste any more words-Faros, I will kill all the people present, leaving no one behind."

"Hey... take orders, my master!"

The monster created from Cthulhu's torso opened its bloodthirsty fangs.

Chapter 88: A Girl Like a Snow Fairy

The artificial man of Einzbern did not react slowly. After Rope gave the order and Fallows showed his killing intent, he acted spontaneously. They hold all kinds of magic costumes, including long swords, spear axes, and even bows and arrows with cursed magic. They stand in front of the Einzbern magicians and resist the attacks of monsters for the masters.

It was not as unbearable as Rope imagined. It may be because of the number of artificial people and the superb combat skills. Fallows did not achieve the most efficient killing at the beginning, but was held back for more than ten seconds.

It was only ten seconds.

When the nameless abominations began to emerge from the monster trench coat, the resistance battle came to an end.

Blood, bright red, soaked the soil.

The scorpion pincers with human hands, after clamping the artificial man, tore it to pieces. The running sideburns, like abstract paintings, have mechanically applied the characteristics of other animals to them, and their combat effectiveness has not diminished but increased. They crossed the artificial man's defense line, knocked down a magician who was trying to use magic, and feasted on it.

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