The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 533

Fallows ignored the flames ignited by magic and several wounds that would be fatal to ordinary people, and continued to fight like a robot.

Every movement it makes will make the life present disappear little by little.

As Rope said, this is a fundamentally unequal battle, a massacre and sadism.


The old man named Ubstakuhaid von Einzbern shouted violently.

He was trembling all over, the painstaking efforts and talents of the family died meaninglessly, making the old man almost faint.

How, how unreasonable! Why did Einzbern suffer such a disaster! ?

An hour ago, on a beautiful morning, the magician of the family still had the hope of the Fifth Holy Grail War, but after such a short time, it came to naught and ushered in the worst enemy.

"You are so unscrupulous! Aren't you afraid of attracting the hatred of all magicians!?"

The "academic" magician family is indeed unable to withstand such a battle, but it does not mean that the Einzbern family has no connections in the magician world.

Ahad prayed that such a threat would make the Tenth Patriarch and the unknown youth stop this unreasonable invasion and killing.


Fallows crushed the head of a hapless magician with one foot, and looked at Ahad with a distorted smile on his lips.

"The trash fish is the trash fish, and it will not change because of gathering together. My greatest master has come here. You don't want to kneel in front of the castle gate to listen to the oracle, but instead make a gesture of resistance, which is tantamount to giving up. took his own life—did you hear it just now? My master said that there will be no one left here..."

In an instant, the gray-haired monster disappeared from the spot.

The mobility brought about by high physical fitness made Ahad's neck clenched by a huge force after feeling a gust of wind, and he lifted it up.


This was not a good experience for Ahad, whose body was an old man. He wanted to use magic, but just as his finger moved, he was bitten off by some unknown beast.


Before Fallows was about to smash the old man's skull, Rope spoke.

He covered his nose with a handkerchief, walked around the surrounding corpses in disgust, walked past the monster, and said lightly.

"Don't destroy his brain. Just cut off his head. The knowledge in his brain may still be useful."


Fallows nodded, his raised arm becoming the sickle of a praying mantis.

With one chop, Ahad's head and body were separated.


The sound of a dead body falling to its knees. The patriarch of Einzbern, the most famous family in the field of android technology, just died on his own territory.

In order to prevent the head from rotting, Fallows kept Ahad's head in his body, turned around and followed behind Rope, and walked towards the interior of the castle.

he asked softly.

"Master Creator, there are still many living creatures in the castle, do you want to clean them all up for you?"

"Stop attacking." Luo Pei said without looking back.

"Take a defensive counterattack. There is someone I want to see there. She is very fragile and her spirit is not strong. If you accidentally kill her, I will peel your skin."


The gate of the castle was violently opened, and several magic traps were launched. Except for the curse being offset by Rope's magic resistance, the remaining physical attacks were completely blocked by Pharos.

Loyal bodyguards, helpful assistants——

Lopedo glanced at Fallows, as if he didn't make wrong choices every time on a whim. It's not bad that other troublesome things are solved by others. He is very satisfied with this servant.

Stepping on the luxurious wool carpet, Luo Pei's footsteps were silent.

Beside them, a few magicians from the Einzbern family didn't dare to show their aura, and they put on a posture and nervously watched the two who seemed to be alone.

Luo Pei looked around for a few times and found that there was no sign of Illya, so he spoke to a middle-aged man in his thirties next to him.

"Over there."

"Yes Yes!"

The magician was so taken aback that he almost couldn't hold the magic dress tightly in his hand.

He was afraid, afraid of these two monsters who seemed to come to destroy the Einzbern family.

"Iliasfil von Einzbern—there should be such a girl in your castle, right? The Little Holy Grail of the Third Law. Let her come out to see me."

"What are you talking about... There is no such person here."

The magician lied in a panic. He watched the tragedy at the door through magic, and learned the purpose of the monster from Luo Pei. The family's sad wish made the magician unwilling to give up his hard work.

"Ha, another idiot who doesn't know how to praise." Fallows sighed: "Is the situation still unclear? The Lord Creator can say such a thing, which means that if you execute the order, you can save a life—originally That's the way it is."


The magician was sweating and wanted to explain again.

But his mouth seemed to be out of order, and he didn't even feel his body.

Soon, a humanoid statue made of lime stood in the hall, and the horrified magicians shouted frantically.

"Attack! Attack! Attack me all!!"

"We can't let those monsters succeed, no matter how many artificial humans there are, fill them in!"

Only a few artificial people have a "heart", and most of them are like self-discipline dolls, numbly executing the creator's orders.

Therefore, they also do not face the fear of two impossible enemies.

Luo Pei shook his head boringly and said.


The gray-haired monster stepped forward, waiting expectantly for the man-made man and the magician to come to die.

At the same time, a crisp voice echoed in the castle hall.

"Please wait!"

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