The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 534

The crowd parted, and Luo Pei saw the goal of his trip.

Irisviel's daughter - Ilyasviel von Einzbern.

White hair and red pupils, with a slender figure like a loli.

The girl was followed by two maids. There was a little fear in her eyes, but she still walked towards him full of courage.

Even though it was summer, Luo Pei couldn't help sighing.

——It is indeed a girl like a snow elf.

Chapter 89: The "Warm Hearted" Scary Butcher

Ilyasphil von Einzbern.

Not only inherited her mother's role as the carrier of the Lesser Holy Grail, but also inherited the tragic fate of being born in the Einzbern family.

In the fifth Holy Grail War in the original book, this white-haired loli is almost the most miserable, and she can also be ranked among the top few in the month-to-month competition.

Luo Pei watched the girl walk in front of him with great interest. The two artificial maids beside her were completely different from the mass-produced goods over there, with guarded and hostile eyes.

"I am Eliasviel von Einzbern. Please stop with the Tenth Patriarch."

She clearly has the appearance of a nine-year-old girl, but Illya's words are younger and more mature than her appearance, hiding the fear in her tone very well.

In 1998, that is to say, Illya is sixteen years old now? Really legal loli...

Luo Pei's smile became gentler, he squatted down, and looked parallel to Illya.

"Of course, Miss Illya. The premise is that if those idiots of them can consciously stop—"

He scanned his surroundings, and the magicians caught by that gaze kept backing away like cocks whose necks had been strangled.

The massacre of Fallows has already impressed them enough.

"You guys, step back."

The Snow Maiden gave the order.

"Grandpa is gone, and I will be leading the Einzbern family for the time being. Except for Lijielit and Sera, everyone has left the hall of this castle."

"Who do you think you are? It's just a small Holy Grail carrier... Mmmmm!"

Among them, some elderly magicians of the Einzbern family were dissatisfied with Illya's words, and when they were about to speak, their companions tightly covered their mouths and dragged them back.

His companion is obviously more shrewd and understands form judgment than the magician.

Enough has been lost, and stupidity can no longer be the trigger for massacres. Now that the patriarch died, they had to adapt to survive in this sudden catastrophe.

"Please take care, Miss Illya."

The younger magician said that he was sweating coldly, but he still glanced at Rope and Fallows.

"If anything happens, please flee quickly, we will risk our lives to buy time. Only if you are alive, it is meaningful for us to wait for the Einzbern family!"

"I see."

Elijah nodded.

Although she knew that the "you" in the magician's mouth did not refer to the person "Ilias Fel", but the carrier of the Lesser Holy Grail.

Soon, apart from the uninvited duo, the girl and the maid, there was no one else in the hall.

Luo Pei turned his head, searched around, then got up and walked to a nearby step to sit down.

The miscellaneous fish recede and squatting there is not a good start for communication.

Fallows said nothing, staying beside him like a stone statue. Judging from the constantly turning eyeballs, it should be relying on heat or magic to sense the surrounding magicians and artificial humans, so that they can respond to sudden attacks in the first place.

It would be a disqualification to be a servant to let the Creator be troubled by the slightest bit of trouble.

"Miss Ilya is very courageous, did Ahad change the education policy?"

Lopez rested his cheek with one hand, looking at the silver-haired girl who was temporarily carrying a family's future on her small shoulders.

Your mother Irisviel is a very weak woman. completely different type from you...

Ilya didn't answer him, and after the slight breathing sound, she covered up Luo Pei's doubts with doubts.

"The Einzbern family has always been in the deep mountains of the country. In my impression, grandpa has never gone out, let alone made any major contact with the outside world. I don't know how you learned of my existence, and why you want to You want to get me, but it is too barbaric to attack the residence of a noble magician without any reason. At least you should tell me the reason as the person involved?"

The girl didn't question Luo Pei's murder, and she didn't think it was wrong to kill because of her weak ethics.

Illya's calm words now are simply fulfilling her "duties" - as the source of the incident and the identity of the surrogate parent, to explore the truth of the disaster.

"It's amazing, it's amazing." Luo Pei applauded.

"I thought I would see the "innocent" side of the girl, but I didn't expect to be the first to see the aptitude of your Patriarch. Well, okay, that way it will be fine. "


Ilya tilted her head cutely, a little inexplicably.

Why did the man in front of him use such a familiar tone... Do you know him?

The idea was rejected as soon as it came out. Apart from the Einzbern family, the only outsider in Illya's memory was her father, Emiya Kiritsugu, the loser of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

"Well, I won't tease you anymore." Luo Pei spread his hands and smiled.

"Miss Ilya, although it may make you unbelievable, we are actually here to "save" you. "


The absurd words came out of the mouth of the black-haired young man, which Illya could not understand.

Do you...need to be saved? She thought suspiciously.

No, what the hell is going on now? Why would intruders and robbers say such things? Did you miss something?

Questions filled the girl's brain, and the situation was far beyond her expectations.

"This kind of magical transformation from the mother's womb, Miss Ilya, you won't live long. If you participate in the Holy Grail War according to Einzbern's plan, your lifespan will be reduced to two or three years after being branded with Command Seals. Even a year." Luo Pei patted Fallows next to him, and the monster smiled bluntly in response.

But no matter how you look at it, it looks like a gloomy and weird smile in a horror movie.

"And I and this Mister "Dead Apostle" are here for this purpose, to end your boring and sad fate, and to live like a normal person. "

The murderous executioner spoke angelic words. On the pale-haired monster, the blood of Patriarch Einzbern seemed to have not yet dried up.

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