The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 535

Elijah froze.

"Miss..." Sera looked at Illya worriedly, and gently pushed the girl with her hands.


Illya reflected, concealed her flustered expression, and forced herself to speak calmly.

"What are you talking about...why..."

"Why do we meddle in our own business?" Luo Pei nodded his chin in thought.

"Well, it stands to reason that those of us who don't eat people really don't have the spare time to give alms to a magician girl in a remote area... But there is no way."

he sighed.

"I was entrusted by Mrs. Irisviel, who helped me, so I have to come here no matter what. Otherwise, I will definitely have a headache sometime in the future—— besides, Miss Illya is so cute, and being cute is justice, isn't it?" Right? Justice shouldn’t have a tragic end.”

"Irisviel... Mom?"

The girl whispered the name in confusion.

This is the woman who died in the Fourth Holy Grail War and gave birth to "Iliasviel von Einzbern" according to family records.

He is also the only person who gave her unconditional love in the vague memory of her childhood.


Chapter 90: Eliasviel's Chaos

"Mom, is it really mom!?"

Agitated, Ilya's breathing obviously became a little messy.

After all, it is a sixteen-year-old girl who lived in a castle. Even if she has received an unusual family education, when it comes to things she cares about, few people can remain completely calm.

"Why... Mom hasn't already..."

The end of the Holy Grail War declared the death of the Little Holy Grail, and Illya knew this better than anyone else.

In the grade when other girls were enjoying their youth, she already knew her destiny and end that she could not escape——

"Irisviel von Einzbern, the Little Holy Grail in the Fourth Holy Grail War. I'm not interested in cheating cute girls." Rope said.

"By the way, my name is Rope, not "you", so it's kinder. After all, in the future, I will be fully responsible for your health..."

The black-haired young man's inconspicuous words pulled Illya out of the chaos, and made her put aside the shock and salvation brought by her mother's name.

——It won’t work if you don’t put it aside.

She knows the name. The whole of Einzbern is known to everyone.

The winner of the Holy Grail War, who defeated her father in the Fourth War, a man with a mysterious background and identity.


The red pupils were quickly filled with anger.

Thanks to Toropey, Emiya Kiritsugu, who failed in the head-to-head confrontation, was not given the derogatory title of "betrayer" by the patriarch Ahad, but was only described as "loser" in front of Illya.

This also led to Ilya not having much dislike for her father.

Killing her father and enemy and possibly her mother's murderer, Illya's anger bar was full in an instant. If it wasn't for the blood stains on the terrifying ancestor of the dead next to her who warned the girl "don't mess around", I'm afraid she would have called Sera And Lijielit attacked.

"The enemy who killed my father—!"

"Ha, I knew..."

Rope shrugged, not caring about Illya's anger at all.

Who would guard against a kitten's teeth and claws? The immature "teeth" can't even leave a scar on his skin.

"Although it seems useless to reason with a girl who lost her father, but for the sake of getting along happily in the future and reducing your hostility a little bit, I will explain it. Your father Emiya Kiritsugu was indeed killed by me. Debate. But it is a war, either you die or I die. Emiya Kiritsugu participated in the war with such a purpose, so naturally he had to be prepared to be killed by others - no sneak attack, no conspiracy, and he was killed by us in a head-on confrontation. kill."

"...Do you think this remark can be accepted by me?"

Breathing gradually stabilized, Illya's address was changed back to "you", she knew that she did not have the position and strength to mess around.

Father... At this time, the family is the first priority.

If the negotiations were broken due to impulsiveness, not only would he become the purse of the black-haired youth, but the people in the castle would not be able to survive. Elijah knew this very well.

"Well, whether Miss Ilya accepts it or not, things are already like that, and I have no intention of apologizing."

Rope stood up, and this action made both Sera and Lijielit alert, their bodies tensed.

It turned out he was just straightening the folds of his suit.

"The above is the purpose of my coming to you and the explanation for killing Emiya Kiritsugu. To answer your last question, your mother is not dead, she was saved by me and is alive. She is on the outskirts of the castle. will come."


Being bombarded with high-energy information, Illya no longer knew what to do.

Just like Irisviel back then, the girl was also buffed with chaos.

——The enemy gives kindness, concern, and unimaginable hope. They mix together to create a status quo that is beyond comprehension.

Luo Pei sighed and grabbed his hair helplessly.

"Sure enough, my eloquence can't be used for a one-click strategy... Help depends on other people's faces. It's really good enough."

He turned his gaze to Fallows, motioning for it to let members of the cult bring Irisviel in.

The monster immediately notified the subordinates outside the forest in the mental communication.

"Okay, Miss Ilya, wait for your mother to come and have a good chat with her. I have to deal with the leftovers. According to what I said just now, you can't live in Einzbern unless you deal with them. Live on."

The words of the two magicians were taken to heart by Luo Pei.

Help people to the end, send Buddha to the west. The killing wasn't over yet. To allow Irisviel and Eliasviel to live a normal life, it's better for these ancient things to disappear sooner.

Just like their patriarch Ubus Takuhaid von Einzbern.

"Master Creator, if you want to do it, please let me..."

"No, you stay here."

Interrupting Fallows' pleading, Rope, who was heading deep into the castle, said without looking back.

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