The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 536

"Separate a few wild beasts to guard the outside of the castle and prevent them from escaping. You are here to monitor and protect Miss Illya. It will definitely be a touching mother-daughter reunion show later, which will help you feel human emotions more clearly. Submit a 20,000-word report to me later, which will be very helpful for your subsequent actions."

"……All right."

Keeping a low profile is the kingly way. If you have enough show off, then you will be honest and lurking. Even Luo Pei feels a little troublesome about the secret treasure in the burial mechanism, the "Stomach World Canon".

In this world where "concepts" are always used and the world is the biggest mushroom, there are still many, many unreasonable things...

"How to adjust your feelings, think for yourself, and then throw away the boring family responsibilities and the people who hurt you. Now you are my lovely hostage. You only need to reunite with my mother with tears. The future happiness will be because of me. It was flawed by your father's murderer, but that's no reason to give it up."

The black-haired youth disappeared into the shadow of the castle. No matter how panicked and fearful the magicians were, the only thing waiting for them was death.

Death is one of the most efficient ways of doing things, and Rope is a firm believer in it.

Fallows watched his master leave, and rarely spoke to Illya.

"Miss, my master revived your mother, and even for your mother's wish, he did not hesitate to come to Germany from Japan in the far east, and even called me and my subordinates to help you. I hope you can understand the meaning of hatred and kindness. Big or small, the dead in that kind of war are force majeure, and no one is kind enough to use his life to accomplish others."

It was rare for the monster to say something human, thanks to Luo Pei's request just now.


Ilya didn't reply, she was still in the chaos of her brain.

The silver-haired girl looked extremely helpless at this moment.

But after thinking of the news that her mother was coming, the girl couldn't help but look towards the empty castle gate.

Never before has Eliasviel been so eager for her mother's embrace and comfort, as well as to solve her own doubts, like at this moment.

If Mom is really alive...

Chapter 91 Mother and Daughter

Irisviel was walking in the forest.

Accompanied by members of the religious order, stepping on the slightly damp soil, an increasingly familiar scene came into her eyes, making the heart of the puppet who had gained a second life beat involuntarily.

After all, it is a place where he has lived for a long time. Even if the blood flowing in his body no longer belongs to Einzbern, memory is not so easy to deceive. All kinds of things from the past involuntarily appeared in her mind, making her even more disturbed because she was about to see her daughter.

- An unpleasant smell drifted over.

Among the members of the church, Mary, a blond woman who had met once, stopped in her tracks, walked to Irisviel's side and whispered.

"Miss, for your sake, it's better to close your eyes in front of you."

"Huh?" Irisviel had a puzzled expression.

"There are corpses. I'm afraid they are the ones you don't want to see."

Mary explained briefly.

Without giving Irisviel time to accept it, everyone turned around in front of a tall and straight old tree in front of Einzbern Castle, and the silver-haired doll came into the open space outside the castle.


Blood, all blood and corpses.

The people of Einzbern, the artificial humans, and even the "Grandfather Ahad" she once feared and respected fell to the ground and lost their heads.

Irisviel instantly covered her mouth in horror.

How... what happened? !

On the way home, Irisviel naively thought that it would be great if only a quarrel or a simple fight could solve the problem.

But it is clear that Luo Pei's words mean much more than that.

This is... the path I chose...

Irisviel forced herself to lower her head, not to look at those horrible corpses, her shoulders kept shaking from fear.

"Are you all right?"

Mary's complexion was as usual, compared to the coldness of her fellow cult members, this woman was much more humane.

The rest of the heretics didn't bother to care about Irisviel's situation. In their eyes, the silver-haired puppet was just a toy of Your Excellency the Great Mystic, and there was no need to respect it.

After being silent for a while, Irisviel shook her head.

"...I'm fine, thank you."

The shaking of her shoulders gradually stopped, as if she had crossed some insurmountable barrier, she took a deep breath of the bloody air, her red pupils were still painful, but they became unbelievably firm.

The silver-haired doll took the initiative to walk forward, walking among the corpses of the former clansmen.

If this saves Illya... please forgive me, Grandpa Ahad...

After all, in the heart of the former artificial man, the weight of a daughter overcame her dead husband, her family mission, and even her grandfather—this was her instinct as a mother.

The closer she was to the familiar main entrance of the castle, the harder it was for Irisviel to suppress her mood.

She felt it, her daughter, Illya, there was nothing wrong with that wonderful feeling.

The half-open door was pushed open with all the strength, and the darkness in the castle was completely driven away under the sunshine of summer, and the stale air was filled with a warm smell.

The same silver-haired and red-eyed young girl who was very similar to her was standing in the center of the castle, staring blankly at her who opened the door and entered.


Irisviel's mind went blank.

She couldn't care about anything else, and ran to Ilya's side, and before her daughter could react, she hugged her fiercely into her arms.

Tears soaked the side of Illya's face.


Ilya stretched out her hand involuntarily, stroking her mother's face.

A warm touch, a feeling unique to living beings.

"...Is it really my mother? Illya isn't dreaming, is she?"


Irisviel's voice was crying.

"I'm sorry Mom left you alone for so long. I'm sorry, Illya. Mom is back now and will never leave!"

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