The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 541

Rope nodded.

"As for the opponent, I have done this information." Thanks to Lao Xu for the script.

—Kill the few and save the many.

Luo Pei's ability to express is extremely poor, but Ilya still heard the meaning from it.

What followed immediately was a chill.

Such a concept...wouldn't it be the destruction of mankind in the end?

Illya doesn't think killing people is wrong, but it's still far from reaching the point where they can be indifferent to destroying human beings. She never thought that there was such a wish hidden under her father's gentle face in her memory.

"Well, that's all in the past." Seeing that the silver-haired loli fell silent, Luo Pei came out to adjust the atmosphere appropriately.

"Your father doesn't consider rationality and his naive and terrifying thoughts, but he is still a good guy at heart. What I said, Illya can be regarded as the opponent's slander, okay?"

"...Hmph. Of course I know."

Without paying attention, Luo Pei's impression of Illya's tone was revealed.

The black-haired young man shrugged, and put the self-made black pot on his back.

Gradually, there were more houses around, and he and Ilya approached the edge of the city after walking a short distance.


Am I pursuing the rationality of the strategy too much?

Chapter 95 White Lolita and Black Lolita (2)

There's not much to say about the process of dating a young teenage girl.

Luo Pei would not take Illya to movie theaters, opera houses, restaurants and other adult dating venues without taste. He chose the amusement park project that was more pleasing to Lolita first.

The result is gratifying. Ilya is really satisfied with Luo Pei's arrangement. She is a legal loli, no matter how mature she is, she is still a loli. She has never been out of the castles. Ilya, who has few entertainments, is suddenly attracted by the various projects in the amusement park. Living.

Although he hasn't shown a normal loli's happy look to him, and still maintains a reserved and distant attitude, but seeing the sweet smile when he is playing, Luo Pei feels that this wave is not a loss.

"Here, juice."


Rope opened a bottle of Coke and sat down on the other side of the amusement park bench.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah." Illya sipped the orange juice and said in a muffled voice.

"Grandpa never let me out. When I was young, my wish was to come out and have fun. I didn't expect it to be fulfilled by you, the guy who destroyed the Einzbern family and killed my father..."

The girl's way of speaking is getting closer and closer to her nature.

"Let us lament the impermanence of the world." Luo Pei took a sip of Coke and looked up at the sky.

"Your life expectancy problem can be solved next week. However, it will take another year or so for the carrier transfer of the Little Holy Grail. After that, Ilya will not have to bear anything and can be with her mother live on..."

"Why help us?"

Illya overplayed her head, her red pupils were full of doubts.

"Rope, you have such power, and you still do this kind of action to help the enemy's family. Just because I am cute?"

"Yes, because you are cute."

Rope said naturally.

"Nie Yuan, Nie Yuan, since my mother, cause and effect have been entangled together. In the end, it has evolved to a place where I can't help you. If it wasn't your father who summoned Saber at that time, but me, Yili Ya and I will meet for the first time in the Fifth Holy Grail War—as an enemy."

"Saber? The heroic spirit of the last Holy Grail War?"

"Well, it all started."

Seeing that Luo Pei didn't intend to explain further, Illya withdrew the questioning words on her lips.

Holding the can of orange juice, she whispered.

"You have already won once, but you still want to intervene in the Holy Grail War again. Isn't one wish enough for you...greedy guy."


Luo Pei twitched the corner of his mouth in remorse.

Do you think I want to? If it weren't for the mission to be completed, who would have nothing to do and want to fight for the cup of black mud. Not to mention the cheating "wish". Let’s not talk about the fourth war as Luo Pei’s initial battle. This time, there is a 90% probability of crushing, and the task is the same as leisure, but he still has to deal with various problems. Luo Pei wants to call the police.


Before the fifth war comes, just enjoy this leisure.

The last time I avoided the first day of junior high school, I used an opportunistic method to get a head-to-head with Jin Shining. This time, if you have the strength, you don't need to hide and hide. You probably won't be able to escape the routine of tearing up the heroic spirit.

So, what's the use of being a Master. Luo Pei fixed a light wheel on the back of his head, and he could go to COS and reincarnate as a god.

... Well, he is already in COS.

Luo Pei drank the small can of Coke in one gulp, threw it lightly, and the can fell accurately into the trash can across the road.

The morning passed quietly, and it was lunch time.

Lunch was just a simple bento sold around the amusement park. The price was not cheap, but it paled in comparison to the richness of the Einzbern family. Even so, Illya ate very happily.

Either way, it is a novel experience for girls.

So, the two of them returned to the amusement park after visiting the commercial street in the afternoon, feeling like they wanted to enjoy all the fun of the amusement park in one day.


Getting off the Ferris wheel, Luo Pei stretched his waist and asked Lori next to him.

"Have you enjoyed yourself?"


Subconsciously, Illya nodded heavily. Then, as if thinking of something, he immediately put on a flat expression.

"...I would be happier if it wasn't with Rope."

"Aside from my identity, it's not good to be frank."

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