The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 542

He looked at the sky, it was time to go back to the castle.

They had come all the way without taking a car, and neither of them planned to take a taxi. If they didn't walk now, it would be completely dark.

"Let's go. In order not to let Irisviel misunderstand that I did something outrageous, we should go back."

Streetlights illuminated the dimly encroached streets, surrounded by children and adults who had departed from the amusement park.

Illya and Lopez walk together, and if the hair color is not considered, the two people's equally outstanding appearance will always give people a weird idea of ​​"are they brother and sister?"

Luo Pei enjoyed such gazes, he wanted to touch Ilya's long hair, but Lori avoided her in disgust.

——It seems that the favorability is rising very slowly.

He shook his head, and he didn't force it, he just walked slowly while keeping a distance that wasn't far or close.

Before passing by a high-end hotel, Luo Pei stopped.

It's not just because there are no people around, but a unique feeling permeates his heart.

This feeling appeared when facing "Tenth Patriarch" Nero Kaos and "Grandfather" Roa.

Turning his head and looking at the location where the feeling came from, a gorgeously dressed blond young man was leaning on the marble pillar a few steps above, standing there in a handsome posture like a woman facing a caricature.

A white suit with a rose pinned to his chest.

"What a wonderful night." The blond youth said to Luo Pei and Illya with a smile.

"I thought it was a boring city, but there is such a beautiful and bright gemstone, can you give me a face to get acquainted with it?"

"... lolicon?"

Luo Pei looked at the blond youth with a strange expression.

Why are the dead disciples changing their careers to be pick-up guys these days?

Or to a loli who looks only about ten years old.


The strange atmosphere made Illya feel a little scared.

Even a girl with the identity of a magician can't bear the aura of standing at the top of the food chain.

Luo Pei moved Ilya behind him, and gave her a reassuring look.

——"Everything has me."

"loli? Lolita?" The blond youth understood the meaning of Luo Pei's words and shook his head in denial.

"No, no, you may have misunderstood, handsome young man. The beautiful and bright jewel does not refer to the little lady next to you, but you."

He walked down the steps, bowing gracefully.

"My name is Brad, and I would like to invite you to dinner, young man. The encounter at dusk is a gift from God... What if I don't know it?"



So it's not lolicon, it's gay!

It seems that there is one more reason for Luo Pei to destroy this dead man humanely.

Chapter 96: White Lolita and Black Lolita (3)

It is said that the world is getting worse and the people are not old, but Luo Pei thinks that at least in the late 1990s, there should be no obtrusive things in German cities known for their conservativeness.

It turns out he was very wrong.

But if you think about it carefully, if those dead disciples who have lived for hundreds of years, it seems that it is not unacceptable to have such a retro "hobby". After all, hundreds of years ago, Europe, especially the European aristocrats, said that it was easy for gays to walk everywhere. Back then, if you didn’t find a beautiful boy, it seemed that you couldn’t keep up with the trend. Among them, the clergy are the leaders... Cough, in short, it is such a messy relationship.

"...It's so strange. For you, blood-sucking should be the first priority desire?" Or is it that the settings are all deceiving?


The scarlet pupils of the blond youth shrank, but the smile on the corner of his mouth remained undiminished.

"I thought I used the magic of "Charm" wrongly, but I didn't expect to be able to see my identity. The boy is from here... a magician? Indeed, I heard that this city is tentatively considered the territory of "Noble Einzbern", so you and the lady over there are magicians from the Einzbern family? "

""Charm" magic? "

Luo Pei looked at the blond young man with trash-like eyes.

"...You're only right about one thing. It's true that Illya is a magician, but I'm not."

He took a few steps forward, facing the blond dead apostle head-on.

As the dusk faded, the surrounding street lamps were lit, making Luo Pei's shadow very long, like a strange monster.

"Because of your politeness, let me first introduce myself - Rope, a vagrant who is going to give you a "lesson". "

"Oh, wait, wait."

Looking at Luo Pei's increasingly dangerous eyes, the blond youth quickly waved his hands.

"Please don't be angry, boy. I apologize for your unauthorized use of magic. I think we still have room for discussion, don't we? Don't look at me as a Dead Apostle, but I haven't eaten a human for a long time. So the dinner thing Please think again, I am serious, I will never do anything bad to you..."

He was not afraid of the boy.

After living for several centuries, even if the young man in front of him is a little abnormal, how can he compare with him standing at the center of the alien?

The blond Death Apostle just didn't want to accidentally hurt this cute boy during his passive defense, that would definitely be a big loss. He was severely injured by the mad Tenth Patriarch before, but after recovering, he became more or less indifferent. Last time, he almost crushed one of his lovely babies to death.

"Brad, what are you doing?"

While the dead disciples were thinking about it, a cold voice came over.

Just like changing faces in Sichuan opera, the blond young man's complexion became very ugly the next moment while he was still smiling gracefully one moment.

Turning around, a man in a black windbreaker was walking out of the hotel gate. He has a well-proportioned figure, and on his waist hangs a "thing" wrapped in brown leather from head to toe. Judging from the several Runes embellished on the leather, it should be the magic of the ancient Nordic seal system.

Brad said angrily.

"None of your business, Rezovor. I just wanted to ask what you're doing here!?"

"My lord princess has something to look for you."

The man named Ruizowal shifted his gaze to Rope, and his tone was slightly distasteful.

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