The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 547

Subtly, Luo Pei's affection for her has increased a little.

Who wouldn't like a black silk loli who is not arrogant?


"I accept your apology, Miss Altruchi." Rope smiled.

"However, I'm sorry, although you caused the disaster, I don't intend to stop. Especially after seeing you."

"...Why? Are you playing with your concubine?" Hei Ji's face darkened.

If Rope was trying to tease Eltruchi's anger bar, then there is no doubt that he was very successful.

Not only the primate killer's ferocious eyes, but also the eyes of Ruizowal and Brad, who had just been defeated by Rope, became quite unkind.

There is a posture of attacking with one order.

"Oh, I'm not kidding Miss Altruchi, don't get me wrong."

Luo Pei scratched his head and showed a sunny smile.

"If I have to give a reason... My girlfriend has a lot of grudges against you. If you catch the lovely Eltruchi, it should be a very good gift. Oh, by the way, my girlfriend's name is Alquiet Brunstad. I don't know if she mentioned me when I met my sister, you?"


An unexpected name came out of Luo Pei's mouth.

The black and white knight was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Arquite... Brunstadt? Isn't this Her Highness "Bai Ji"... What did this man say just now?

The executioner of the true ancestor has a partner? !

Hearing this, Erte Luqi's immature and pretty face was even more gloomy like ink.

She sneered a few times and said.

"...Fate is really a magical thing. The white guy has been sleeping in the Millennium City for so many years and still wants to find a man. So you are also contributing to the death of Luo Ah and her recent return of power?"

"The same can be said."


Needless to say.

A faint red fluorescent light began to surround Elte Lucy's body, and the magic power of Dayuan was surging around her.

Just like the transformation of a magical girl, the black silk loli has grown up visible to the naked eye, and her clothes have changed, making her more gorgeous, and her long black hair almost hangs down to the ground.

A few seconds later, Yujie, who was a little more mature than Alquette, appeared in front of Luo Pei.

—A fighting stance.

The "first ancestor" primate killer. "Sixth Patriarch" Rui Zuoer Stulut. "Eighth Patriarch" Feiner Brad Sfelding. "Ninth Patriarch" Erte Luqi Brunstadt.

Four of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles gathered here, and the number was overwhelmingly unfavorable to Luo Pei.

With such a luxurious lineup, he is probably the first person to enjoy it in the Moon World, right? Others, even if they have some skills, are basically solved by the black and white knights.

"It would be quite embarrassing if four hit one and was counter-killed, huh?"

Luo Pei moved his fingers, with a weird smile on his face.

The fighting blood of the Nephilim, which has been silent for a long time in daily life, is gradually waking up

In addition, Luo Pei felt that it was necessary for him to let Eltruchi understand what a "God Killer" was.

Chapter 100 Moving the Scourge Rope, the Power of the Holy King

Elijah was running around in a panic.

The ribbon tied to the silver hair has long since disappeared. The girl has no time to worry about that. She is trying her best to use her immature magic to disperse the ordinary people around her. The huge magic circuit in her body is gradually beginning to look like A red-hot iron rod is generally scorching hot.

If it was in other cities, Ilya would not be bothered to care about the life and death of ordinary people.

But this is the territory of Einzbern, and the family has managed the spiritual veins here for generations, taking root and sprouting. No matter how young, Ilyasfair von Einzbern, who is now acting as the head of the family, has to Shoulder the responsibility of nobles to protect civilians.

Simply this place is close enough to the fringe of the city. Apart from a few apartment buildings and narrow shopping streets, there is no one inhabited. The rest are stretches of forest and roads leading to the suburbs.

After dispersing the people in the last place, Illya breathed a sigh of relief.

Her slender legs were a little numb after running for a long time, but the girl still dragged her tired body and walked in the direction of Luo Pei.

She was not as ignorant as Luo Pei imagined, with red pupils and an ominous feeling, as long as a magician would understand something like a dead apostle, it didn't matter how old she was.

The territory was invaded by the dead, and the leader of Einzbern had to deal with it. Grandpa is gone. Mother is not a magician, that's Illya's business.

——Don’t die.

The silver-haired girl prayed for her enemy in her heart. If something happened to Rope, the ancestor who still lived in the castle and called himself "Rope's servant" would definitely not let her and her mother go.

I have to help him.

However, in fact, the girl made a subtle miscalculation of the situation, and it was not Luo Pei who was caught in a hard fight, but the ancestors of the Dead Apostles headed by Hei Ji...


Wind and thunder, the twin brothers who dominate the sky, are raging.

In the howling sound of the north wind, the roar of the beast and the loud laughter of Luo Pei were interspersed.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, the ancestors of the Dead Apostles standing at the top of the inner world, where did the aura just now go?"

In this narrow neighborhood, the battle of ancient myths is taking place.

The palatial hotel is trampled to stone by "wild boars", Rizowal and the primate killer struggle with the irascible god of destruction, and Brad and Eltruchi are entangled in thunder and storms , hard fighter.

The long-haired black-haired Yu Jie shattered the lightning falling in the sky with one claw. As a price, her right hand was regenerated immediately, and the little distance she had advanced was knocked back. The white knight Brad was even more unbearable, he barely used the magician to protect himself from the storm, not to mention attacking with his master.

"How long are you going to dawdle!?" Hei Ji shouted angrily.


What responded to her was the aggrieved cry of the primate killer and the indifferent words of the black knight.

"It's not a fantasy species, my lord princess. It's a mythical beast. We... eh!"

As soon as he was halfway through speaking, Ruizovor was kicked into the sky by the wild boar's tusks burning with green flames. In the sky, Rezovor adjusted his posture while rapidly regenerating the pierced side ribs. The magic sword on his right hand shone brightly, almost turning into a black-red comet.

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