The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 548

"TrueDemon (true demon)!!"

Calling the real name of his own magic sword, Rizowal released the "curse" in the sword in one breath, forming a strong curse energy impact.

The target is the beast below.

The primate killer let go of the sharp teeth that were biting the wild boar's left hoof, and jumped to the side.

Against such a beast, its special rights don't help much.

The black torrent poured down, and the wild boar was howling. It was unmatched in terms of strength, but it was very inflexible. Under such an attack, it could only be beaten passively, and its skin was shattered and bleeding.

If counted according to the Noble Phantasm of Heroic Spirits, the magic sword of the eighth seat must have a rank of "A" at least.

"Ha, that's right...don't disappoint my blood that hasn't been boiling for a long time." He murmured in a low voice.

The pattern of "wild boar" on the back wheel was dim, and Luo Pei took it back to save it from pain.

With the disappearance of the divine beast, before the four ancestors could take a breather, another terrible thing happened before their eyes.

With the sudden dazzling light rising in the dark night, Erte Luqi narrowed her eyes subconsciously, and then Luo Pei's words came from her sensitive ears.

"—For victory, come to me quickly! Immortal sun, please give me a shining steed. O spiritual horse with fine feet, bring the light wheel that symbolizes your lord!"

"The God of War in the East" - "White Horse".

The nemesis of all darkness, the horse that draws the eternal sun.

Rising from the east, shaking the tail flame, the golden fireball rushed straight towards Elte Lucki.

Even Rizowor, who always had a dead face, changed his face.

The members of the moon like the Dead Apostles are most afraid of the sun. Low-level ghouls will be wiped out in the sun. Although it is impossible for ancestor-level dead apostles to be at the same level as ghouls, there is no difference under such power.

If hit head-on, 100% will be turned into fly ash. Among them, Brad, who is generally immortal, is very likely to directly GG, and there is nothing to play.

"I'm deeply reviewing my mistakes—" Brad whispered to himself with a pale face.

Eltruchi didn't have time to worry about her knight's depressed mood, the "sun" was already close in front of her eyes, and she had already seen the pure white horse wrapped in flames with her eyesight.

Can't save any more power--

Thinking of this, Hei Ji squeezed the right hand that was born again, took a step forward, and stood in front of the knights. Such a scene made the rigorous style of Ruizowal feel ashamed and angry, but it is a pity that the "True Demon" is used continuously in such a short period of time, and the accumulation of "Demons" takes time.

boom! ! !

"White Horse" made contact with Kurohime.

Unprecedented explosions resounded throughout the city.

Flames, flames everywhere.

The explosion from the "White Horse" turned into scorched earth within a radius of several thousand meters, coupled with the constantly blowing storm, the fire took advantage of the wind, and Luo Pei standing on the wall was like standing in a sea of ​​flames. In it, it is like the burning hell in mythology.

Is the power of the black princess... "blood"?

No, there should be something else in it...

Luo Pei looked at the beautiful figure standing in the flames, a thin layer seemed to block the irritable "white horse" by the blood mist after evaporating blood. In contrast, Hei Ji's beautiful face was a little tired.

Well, don't worry if you don't "realize your fantasy"...

Even Luo Pei is afraid of the unreasonable ability of that white cat girl. At the beginning, even the hated "Azachel's Pupil" was used, just because he didn't want Alquite to further release this ability during the rampage.

"Excellent, Miss Altruchi."

He applauded Hei Ji loudly.

"In this world, this is the first time my horse has been intercepted from the front. The princess on the side of the dead is indeed well-deserved."

God damn it!

Eltrucci gritted her teeth and stared viciously at the still handsome Lopez.

...When did such a monster appear in this world? Isn't it too powerful?

Kurohime had never experienced such a powerless feeling when fighting her sister. From the beginning of the battle to the present, the opponent has not moved a step, and the own side is already tired of dealing with various terrorist methods that emerge in an endless stream.

"It's disrespectful to you to use this kind of ability to scrub the floor... um."

Lopez thought for a moment, then jumped off the wall.

The flames, docile as sheep at his feet, forked a path.

Unlike the light of the "sun", light like stardust gathered in Rope's hand.

In a moment, a platinum-golden blade emerged.

Tough, great, pure——Eltluchi just glanced at it, and the feeling on the knife was transmitted into the black princess's mind, as if the king was waving a scepter to force her to submit.

"The wind and thunder will dissipate, and there will be no unnecessary obstacles."

Lopez pointed the platinum-gold blade straight at the ancestor of the four Dead Apostles, smiling.

"Miss Eltruchi, let's see if the Lady of the Moon and her servants can defeat my sharp blade—the magic knife to save the world!"

To usurp Rama who never obeyed, the power of the biggest and strongest BOSS in the world of Godslayer, is also the most prominent achievement of Luo Pei.

Integrating gods, gods, gods, gods and gods with support and support in one body - "Sacred Sword of Salvation"!

Chapter 101 The artifact of the gods, the battle is coming to an end

The son of the king of Ayodhya, the king of ten chariots, the holy king Rama.

Known for conquering the demon king Ravana, he was given the duty of "destroying the demon king". His origin, Vishnu, is the most prosperous main god in the South Asian continent, possessing boundless divine power. Not only that, but Rama's ability is absolutely invincible in the world of godslayers.

The support of the planet made him reincarnated without death, and the gods bestowed their authority on the sage, who is the last and strongest God of Steel.

The crystallization of the gods and Buddhas of the gods turned into the sharp blade in Luo Pei's hand after Rama's defeat and death.

Power - "Sacred Sword of Salvation".

Guide the weapons and divine power of the gods and Buddhas to bless themselves, one person is a group of gods!

Gilgamesh's "King's Treasure" still has some heroic treasures that cannot release the real name, but Rope is different. His weapons belong to the gods, each of which can release their original effects, and can even change their form, turning into a powerful "Savior of the World Thunder" as a shooting star.

There are so many myths, how many powerful weapons are there?

At least after Luo Pei got this power, there are more than 10,000 in rough calculations. Coupled with the divinity contained in the gods themselves, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are gods.

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