The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 704

"No matter what you are planning, what kind of pain you plan to bring to the world with madness, as long as I am here, I will not let you succeed."

"...Little devil, do you know? In this world, you have shamed my name, Nyarlathotep."

The evil girl changed her posture slightly, just like the most classic action of Kratos in "God of War", supported her cheek with her right hand, and looked at the braided saint coldly.

"There is no way to do this. After all, the power of this avatar is so small that it makes people sick, whether it is "future observation", "causal setting", "reality transformation", "time tearing"... these, mine The body can't do it, plus a little selfish act without authorization, it's only natural that you take advantage of the loopholes. "

- The price of the loser.

"However, even so, even if I'm in a state where I can't move or exert my power, do you think that your weak firefly can shake my existence?"

"...I will only do my best to complete the mission. Protecting the world and mankind, that is the meaning of my existence as a hero."

Joan of Arc walked forward, her steel boots stepped on the etched formation.

The magic power is rising, and the sheathed blade worn by the saint on the right side seems to be preparing for something.

"Ha, the saint of France... When I watched the history of mankind, I also briefly set my sights on your deeds, a typical example of being betrayed."

The most familiar evil god of mankind - Nyarlathotep.

The silver-haired girl laughed, a little sinister.

"Ropey left your life, so I won't kill you. But the punishment has to be a little bit. Since she is a medieval woman, she must have understood the interesting instruments of torture created by humans in that era, right? Wheels, wooden shackles, racks of torture... At what time will Miss Saintess collapse?"

Joan deaf, from walking to running.

He jumped up, waved his spear, and threw the holy flag of irises at the evil girl.

Naiyako didn't move, and couldn't.

But when the sharp tip of the spear was about to reach Naiyazi's cheek, Joan's eyes widened suddenly, and she retracted the spear for defense.

- Boom!

The saint was sent flying.

Naiyako looked behind the throne and said with satisfaction.

"Well done, my humble and lovely hunter."


An indescribably terrible howl.

Above Naiyazi, flying in the sky is a huge creature like a poisonous snake. It has a monstrous, twisted head and appendages with huge claws. It easily floats in the air with its terrifyingly huge wings that look like black rubber.

High-ranking servant race—Hunting Horror.

The power of these photophobic hunters in the dark cannot be underestimated, and this cave happens to be the favorite environment of horror hunters.

——Cthulhu, how could he not make any preparations after knowing the state of powerlessness?

Chapter 90 Night, Nun, Church

At the foot of the hillside overlooking the sea, after Joan of Arc and Nero left, there was no sign of a human being.

This atmosphere of absolute silence is so cold, walking on such a street, I am afraid that even adults will feel a little fear and fear.

But Rope is different.

A mystic who was supposed to live in the dark and befriend demons and monsters, it might be better to say that such an environment suited his identity.

Walking at a leisurely pace, judging from his expression, the black-haired devil king is in a pretty good mood.

A few minutes ago, Nyarlathotep from Yuanzang Mountain sent a spiritual message. The target of tonight, Joan of Arc of France, has appeared in front of the evil girl.

"Don't you need me to go?" He asked in a low voice.

'No need, I can handle it. '

In his mind, Naiyazi's voice was very brisk, obviously not paying attention to the mere follower Joan of Arc.

'Hunting Horror is playing with the saint, just to relieve my boredom of sitting here and doing nothing. Besides, this girl didn't have the Holy Grail on her body, and little Luo Pei's coming here just speeded up the process of arresting her. '

"Is one hunter not enough?"

Rope frowned.

The servants of Nyarlathotep, the photophobic snake hunters, are not bad, and the class of the upper servant races also proves that they are not cowardly races. However, if Joan of Arc doesn't care about anything and activates the ritual of "Saint of the Red Lotus" Allahu Akbar destroying the Great Holy Grail, it is very likely that their plan will be disrupted.

'Be at ease. '

Naiyako smiled disapprovingly.

‘Do you think my mortal enemy is only Nyogda? Having dealt with the big fireball Cthugha for tens of millions of years, I can't be more clear about the "flame" thing. The crystallization of concepts, the flame of saving something, is nothing unusual. '

As I said before, there will always be fighting between evil gods and evil gods. Nyogda is typical, but not the most famous.

The most famous one is the grievance between "Chaos" Nyarlathotep and "Blaster" Cthugha.

Because the time is too long, even the mystics, priests, and demons who kept the ancient scrolls could not know how the grievances happened. But the only thing that is certain is that the relationship between the two Old Ones is so bad that it is quite bad.

In short, what Naiyazi didn't want to happen, Cthugya insisted on letting it happen. And Naiyazi would never let her get what Cthugya wanted.

Under this relationship, Naiyazi's contempt for Joan's Noble Phantasm is also a matter of course.

——She has tasted the flame of the God of Drought and Evil Sun tens of thousands of times.

‘Little Luo Pei, do you want to make a bet? '

"Tell me?"

‘See if you found the Little Holy Grail first, or I captured the saint and tortured her out of her mouth. " Naiyazi said maliciously.

‘If mine wins, little Luo Pei will let me dominate the whole night after the god-making ceremony is completed! '

"Don't underestimate the heroes, there is no way for torturers to make them speak, Your Majesty."

Rope sighed.

"Then what if I win?"


Naiyazi's tone was a little shy, but don't think about it, the evil god must be 100% pretending.

She has a different concept than humans, so she has no damn "shyness".

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