The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 705

‘If you win Little Luo Pei, Naiyazi will let you dominate the whole night, you can do anything, okay? Thinking about it carefully, this is something that the group of interstellar priests and mystics dare not even think about dominating a Great Evil God for a whole night, is it not bad? '

...does it make a difference? !

Luo Pei shook his head speechlessly.

"It's okay to bet, but forget about the bet."

'Why? ! '

"I'm taking care of my body."


It was a clear lie, with the dual blessings of the Nephilim and the Godslayer, he would not feel tired even if he indulged for a few days and nights. In terms of physical strength and physical fitness, Lopez has long been out of the scope of "human beings".

Naiyazi also knew this, what Luo Pei meant by saying this was nothing more than a tactful rejection of her love invitation.

'...I have said countless times that I will never change into other incarnations, why don't you believe me, little Luo Pei. '

She muttered in a low voice, but whether she had such a mischievous intention or not, only God knows.

Luo Pei grasped the mind of this evil lady very correctly.

"Then that's the end of the topic, when I find it..."

The black-haired young man paused in his words, and then stopped.

Looking up, on the long ramp, the church in Fuyuki City stands there. Under the reflection of the moonlight, the silver cross on the top of the church was coated with a faint light, which looked very sacred.

No, that's not the problem.

The black-haired young man took out the "Navigator" given by Naiyako. The surface of the black sphere was like the ripples of the startled water, and a few black tentacles pointed in the direction of the church like a child who wanted to go home.

"...Well, it looks like the bet is my victory."

Luo Pei smiled, hung up the words of the soul and walked towards the church in Fuyuki City.

——The saint and the church are indeed a very suitable combination.


Conventional churches in Europe usually close around 18:00 in the afternoon, even earlier in winter.

The church where Kotomine Risei works is different.

The old man deeply knows that night is the most lonely and vulnerable time for human beings, so when he was young and Kotomine Kirei was still alive, this historic church would open occasionally even at night, so that the confused lamb could pray . But now that Yanfeng Lizheng's health is not as good as before, he seldom opens the door at night.

But it was an exception in the Holy Grail War. Heroes were rampant, and monks and nuns based here came and went, dealing with various tedious matters and disaster management. Of course, the door could not be closed at this not too late time.

Pushing open the wooden door of the main hall, Luo Pei was stopped by an elderly nun wearing a veil who seemed to be cleaning.

"Mister, I'm very sorry. If you want to pray and confess, please come back in a few days. The church has important matters to deal with recently..."

"I'm not here for prayers and confessions, just to get my stuff back."

Luo Pei said with a smile, then pushed aside the nuns who were blocking the way, and sat down casually on the long wooden chair in the hall.

"Let Yan Fengli come to see me."


The nun was a little troubled, she didn't know the identity of the young man in front of her to say such rude words.

However, no matter what the reason was, the head of the church here, Priest Yanfeng's physical condition obviously couldn't support him from the bedroom to the main hall, so she explained patiently.

"Priest Yanfeng is ill. If you have any urgent matters, you can tell me your identity and details, and I will pass them on to Priest Yanfeng."

"Is it."

Rope nodded.

"Then you are useless."

At the moment when the nun's expression was still in a daze, countless twisted human arms protruded from the empty space behind her.

They have sharp purple nails, like vicious ghost claws protruding from the netherworld, trying to tear this innocent nun into pieces of different sizes.

"Please wait!"

The spell was interrupted, and Luo Pei glanced at the place where the sound came from, and the nun also noticed something was wrong, turned around and passed out on the ground amidst high screams.

The nuns of the church who are not special personnel are actually not much more courageous than ordinary people.

But the one in Rope's sight was different.

With pure golden pupils, his expression remained calm even after seeing the terrifying scene.

"Karen, how are you feeling after not seeing you for a few days?"

He greeted naturally.

The girl named Karen Ordesia took a few steps, squatted down in front of the older nun, and replied after confirming that there was nothing serious.

"It's not very good. It's even worse after seeing you." She said, "Grandpa really can't see you. I'm the person in charge of this church now. Just tell me if you can visit me at this time." Okay. Come to think of it, Mr. Lopez would be more at ease if he was an "acquaintance", right? "


Lopez definitely prefers being with young girls to being a bad old man.

"So, Kallen, give me back what's mine—the Holy Grail."

The black-haired youth said with a smile.

Chapter 91: The Silver-Haired Nun Accepting Adversity

Carleen, who was helping the elderly nun, paused for a moment, then continued to put the unconscious nun on another bench near the aisle.

"You really are participating in the Holy Grail War."


After tidying up, Karen smoothed the folds of the skirt and sat down not far from Luo Pei.

From the moment she sat down, the girl's gaze has been fixed on the cross in the center of the main hall.

"Then why do you think that the container of miracles, the Holy Grail that must go through the hardships of war, is in this small church? Isn't Mr. Rope the Master who knows the rules of the Holy Grail the best?"

"With the "relationship" between the two of us, there is no need to tell lies, right? "

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