The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 752

Luo Pei looked satisfied, and even the consumption he had just fought was over-replenished.

"How sweet, not only helped me relieve the boiling of my blood, but also replenished my physical strength and consumption at the end. Seriously, you shouldn't be classified in the "Keter" level project, a kind lizard like you should stay in the zoo Just play games with the kids. "

" monster."

"Me? A monster?"

Luo Pei pointed at the Immortal Lizard in disbelief, and then pointed at himself.

"Is this the word you heard from the researcher? I can guarantee that if anyone in the world stands in front of you and me, he will come to the conclusion that you are the monster."

With a wave of his hand, he returned part of the absorbed heat back into the cave, and the frost on the rock immediately changed, forming dewdrops.

Coupled with the moisture in the atmosphere, a transparent ring-shaped water rope floated out from Luo Pei's fingertips.

"The game is over, the time to go home can no longer be postponed. 682, it is really a pleasure to fight with you."

formed, then split.

Before 682 could react, more than thirty ring-shaped water ropes tied it firmly in place.

Of course, the lizard was not reconciled to just being caught without a fight.

In the final "evolution", in addition to its ability to absorb and release heat, it further improved its physical performance.

It rioted, trying to break free from Rope's shackles, rocks shattered under the Tuatara's tumble, and that deafening growl.

But this time, the black-haired young man who didn't want to continue playing did not continue to sit on the sidelines.

Before 682 broke free from the water rope, his palm turned into a gray mummy shape, and the magic power of "Necronomicon" acted on it, directly piercing through the scales of the Immortal Lizard.

Withered, weakened, died—

Multiple negative mystic barriers unfolded in SCP-682's body, like opening a "gate" for it, offsetting the eternal vitality of the Immortal Lizard.

Visible to the naked eye, 682's body has weakened.

"You will regret it..." The Immortal Lizard said weakly: "They will bind you with steel bars just like they did to me...and soak you in disgusting hydrochloric will regret it. "

"Those are the things I need to worry about."

Luo Pei supported 682's head, leaned close to its side face, and whispered

"Stay well in the asylum, I'm starting to get a little bit interested in you, 682. If you're good enough, I might come see you and chat with you or something. In the end, we'll be "friends" "Maybe. "

SCP-682 is the most immortal and unique life form he has ever seen.

It is quite normal to have a strong interest in the existence of Luo Pei whose whole body is soaking in the "abnormality".


I don't know whether it was out of strength, or because it sneered at Luo Pei's words, 682 closed its eyes.

After a while, its vital signs disappeared.

Luo Pei knew that this was another "evolution" of the secret technique that 682 planted to deal with him.

But before that, SCP-682 is not going to do anything big. It will be as weak as a child, and even a soldier can dance on its head with ease.

The first job after forming an alliance with the SCP Foundation, Rope completed it very well.

"SCP-682" - Recontainment.

Chapter Thirteen The Banquet of Allies, Familiar Names Come into View

SCP-682 was escorted back to its cage by soldiers.

It is conceivable that after this incident, what awaits it will be stricter surveillance and containment measures.

But those details are not what Rope needs to worry about. He only needs to ensure that Wingate Peaslee can sit in the leader position of this facility, and it is enough not to let SCP-682 indirectly hinder his trial.

Night fell amidst the din of the institute.

Rope; Wingate Peaslee and Kevin Hollard, three of the Institute's most powerful and powerful people gathered in the luxurious director's office to celebrate their small victories.

Luo Pei wanted to leave directly, but he really couldn't resist the old man's warm invitation, so he stayed with the intention that his allies should really get acquainted with each other.

The doctor wearing glasses was sitting in a wheelchair, holding a glass of red wine in his hand and chattering.

"I watched your battle video before I came here. To be honest, Mr. Rope, I am still glad that we are not enemies. Wingate made a wise decision. With your demonstrated ability, 100% will To be included in the list of most dangerous "Keter" class objects...even reminds me of Pandora's Box which is still in the backup plan..."

Because of 682's "masterpiece", although he didn't hurt his spine, the symptoms of torn leg muscles made it impossible to stand up in a short time.

Hearing this, Luo Pei's drinking expression became a little weird.

"Dr. Kevin, are you sure you want to talk about these things in front of me?"


Kevin froze for a moment, and then realized the impoliteness in the words.

He said helplessly.

"Sorry, this is just... a description, yes, a description. I don't have any intention to offend you..."

"Haha, Luo Pei, don't embarrass him. Kevin's pitiful head has nothing but research. After staying in the Foundation for a long time, when seeing alien creatures, they will subconsciously classify them into the category of containment."

Wingate walked over with a wine bottle with a smile, added red wine for Rope, then raised his glass and said.

"Here, let the rules of the foundation go to hell, and the stupid people in the council don't care. For my not being transferred, for Kevin's life, for Mr. Rope's victory, and for our plan, cheers!"

The last "plan", Peasri was obviously telling Rope.

"... Peasley, can you tell me what you're holding in your hand?"


Wingate took a sip and looked at the bottle in his hand.

"Castle Lafite in 1982, I took it from your room when you were in the infirmary, is there any problem?"

" bitch."

No wonder it looks so familiar.

Kevin sighed, looking at the red wine in the glass with no interest.

Besides research, his only remaining pleasure is collecting wine. It is difficult to transport materials here, and he has been reluctant to drink this bottle of wine for a full year, but now his old friend has given it out to others.

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