The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 753

"Wingate, let's not talk about the fact that you stole my wine." Kevin said: "During the battle with Mr. Rope, the power of 682 has increased again. If you don't apply for transfer immediately, with our existing resources in Within a month of it waking up, the escape will happen again."

"I have applied for the doubling of various resources, and the application form is on the table and will be delivered tomorrow."

"Just like that?" Kevin asked in disbelief: "Do you think that getting more special alloys, armaments, and coffee beans can make SCP-682 stay in the cage quietly?"

"I can."

Rope raised his glass.

"Although I have a very good way to destroy it in a short period of time, it is still possible to let 682 stay here safely. Starting today, I may become a regular visitor in the next few months."

With a strong guarantee, Kevin's attitude immediately took a 180-degree turn.

"Welcome infinitely, Mr. Rope! Of course, if you are willing to cooperate with me to do a few experiments, it is just a few experiments that are not important to you..."


Wingate glared at his old friend.

"Don't think that Mr. Rope is easy to talk to. If he really gets angry, your few remaining old age will probably be more painful than that of African black slaves in the last century."

He clearly knew how terrifying the group of mystics was.

Even great races as strong as Yisi rank their level of danger as a higher order. Interstellar priests and great mystics are all out-and-out powerful lunatics in the multiverse.

As it turned out, Wingate was worried too much.

Rope is not a powder keg that explodes at one point—although he really doesn't like to control his anger many times, he is still very tolerant in front of the "allies" he has confirmed in the open.

Especially when these two are still so funny.

"It's okay, Wingate." Rope waved his hand.

"Occupational diseases, who doesn't? Dr. Kevin, if your experiment interests me, I won't hesitate to cooperate."

"I'm beginning to like you, Mr. Rope."

"I'm not happy at all being liked by an old man."

Kevin Hollard was not angry either, he toasted Luo Pei from a distance, and then laughed involuntarily.

"I've never had such an easy conversation with someone like you. The containment people in Europe risk their lives every time they deal with them. If all the guys can communicate friendly like you, I'm afraid SCP The foundation will not be established..."

"Minorities are minorities after all. Don't expect your personal ideas to be accepted by the public." Luo Pei shrugged: "It's reasonable. From a human point of view, you have done nothing wrong."

If there is no system before, Luo Pei is living in this world, and he supports the behavior of the foundation 200%.

——For the continuation of mankind.

The purpose of the foundation is much nobler than those who promote peace and sell missiles at the same time.

Although they did kill a lot of people, compared to the continuation of the human race... it's not a big deal, is it?

"Yeah..." Kevin rubbed his brows helplessly: "Humans are still too weak, and if you are not careful, you will be doomed. The Foundation has been researching ways to make humans stronger, but they have gained little..."

"Isn't SCP-500 ready for mass production yet?"

SCP-500 "The Panacea".

It can cure all diseases and injuries on the body, and any discomfort can be cured in just two hours with that small piece of red potion... …

"You really know the details of all the SCPs..."

Wingate has already told Kevin part of Rope's information.

After all, he was the second in command of the facility, so it was really inconvenient for him to be shrouded in mist. Of course, Wingate and Lopez didn't say a single word about Yisi, the collapse of the world, mystics, and evil gods.

Kevin shook his head.

"A large number of experiments have been carried out, and attempts to artificially synthesize the main components of SCP-500 have all ended in failure. The "panacea" cannot be mass-produced, and its quantity is decreasing every year. "

"Unfortunate news."

"Yeah, it's like when I tried to apply for an SCP-500 for my son with severe pneumonia, but was severely rejected. There is only one thing that Wingate often said, and there is only one thing I don't disagree with, that is, the council is a bunch of mentally retarded."

For the comments that were obviously mixed with personal feelings, Luo Pei just drank the wine and didn't take up the conversation.

Wingate clapped his hands, breaking their silence.

"Kevin, you asked for new researchers in the brain field a few days ago, and the above approved it, and the list has been sent to me."

"Take a look."

Kevin directed Wingate naturally, without treating him as his superior at all.

Wingate handed a stack of materials to Kevin, who put the wine glass on the table, flipped through them one by one, and selected new researchers he liked.

Immediately, Kevin stopped flipping through the files.

"What the fuck is this?"

As if seeing something unbelievable, the doctor swears again.

He picked up the paper and slapped Wingate angrily.

"Is the person in charge of the screening an idiot? They actually plan to send a little girl who is not yet seventeen years old here, a place where she dances on the tip of a knife? If I were their superior, this group of people should come here Responsible for cleaning 682's cage!"


Wingate obviously didn't read the file.

He took the paper in Kevin's hand, looked at it for a while and said.

"A researcher at the Institute of Brain Science at Victor Condolia University... has excellent grades and has published several constructive papers... Doesn't this meet your requirements, Kevin."

"I'll show you her age!"

"...It's really a bit too much."

Wingate frowned.

"If my son hadn't died, my great-granddaughter would be about the same age..."


Rope interrupted Wingate.

He just heard a very interesting name.

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