The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 754

Victor Condoria University.

"Wingate, if you don't mind, can you show me the information?"


Wingate handed over the 4A-sized document.

After the black-haired youth took it, he narrowed his eyes after just a glance.

A color photo of the girl, printed in the upper right corner. He has a handsome appearance, long reddish-brown hair, purple pupils, and wears a uniform more like a high school student than a college student.

The column of the name is filled in Japanese characters.

——Makise Kurisu.

Chapter Fourteen Strange Containment, the Coming Makise Kurisu

Makise Kurisu lives.

The well-deserved heroine in the original story of Steins;Gate is played by Xueba.

When other little girls were still in high school, she was already a researcher at the Brain Science Institute of Victor Condolia University, and she provided very valuable papers in the brain field. Even in the world line of a certain plot, she is also the mother of the famous black technology "Time Machine".

...the assistant would be chosen by the SCP Foundation.

However, this is also a unique "inevitability" of this sick world.

Makise Kurari's talent in "scientific research" is unique, coupled with her young age, it is not surprising that she will be spotted and explored by the foundation.

Luo Pei felt that whether it was to meet her selfish desires in advance or to further expand the trial information, it was necessary for him to let his assistants come to the Asian branch of the SCP Foundation.

A smile hung on the corner of the black-haired youth's mouth.

"There's nothing wrong with that, right? According to the information, Ms. Makise should be a very good researcher. Her talent will help you unexpectedly, Dr. Kevin."

He re-passed the information to Kevin Hollard, the research director here.

The latter pushed the black-rimmed glasses with a distressed expression.

"Mr. Luo Pei, I am not questioning this lady's ability. I have understood the saying "age does not limit talent" decades ago. "

he said with a sigh.

"Although I, Kevin Hollard, can send D-class personnel into the cage of the SCP containment with a blank face for the sake of experimentation, it does not mean that I am an inhumane old man. The D-class personnel of death row prisoners have long ago I gave up my life, and now it is just a waste of waste to regenerate a little heat for the human race. But this...she is only sixteen years old, younger than my grandson. Let the underage children come to this small island to dance with the god of death , the little conscience I have left will make me sleepless..."

"You don't trust me to control 682?"

"No, I fully believe that you have the ability to stop 682's rampage."

After seeing the crushing attitude of Luo Pei and 682 in the battle, Kevin believed in the strength of the black-haired youth in front of him.

"But there is not only one containment of SCP-682 on the island, but also other "Anomalous" items that have not given the SCP number. In fact, if the evaluation results of the headquarters come out, two or three of them are likely to be classified as "Keter" or "Euclid" projects, and Ms. Makise in the field of brain science will definitely join one of their research groups. "

Hearing this, Luo Pei swayed the red wine in the glass and murmured in a low voice.


The information that Azalea gave him was all numbered containment objects of the SCP Foundation, and his "omniscience" would not work for such containment objects that had not been evaluated and assigned a number.

"Can you show me the project information that Ms. Makise is in charge of?"


Kevin looked at Wingate in embarrassment. He is only the supervisor of the researcher, and he has no right and authority to give this kind of confidential information to people outside the foundation, and he cannot bear that responsibility.

At this time, Wingate Peaslee was not ashamed of his status as an "ally" who shared the same goals with Luo Pei, and immediately took out a small object from the drawer of the desk and threw it to Luo Pei.

Reaching out to catch it, Luo Pei found that it was a small name tag.

"Site director consultant, something I just thought of, it's been moldy in my drawer."

Wingate said to Kevin.

"So you have no objections, right? My cautious Dr. Kevin. Mr. Luo Pei will fully represent me at this base and has the authority to access all materials."

"Well, anyway, if something goes wrong, you will be responsible."

Kevin Hollard pushed the wheelchair and came to the desk next to Wingate in his inexplicable sight.

Kevin then pulled out a silver laptop from it.

"Why is your computer here?"

"Before the containment plan of "Lactavira", you asked me to bring it here. If you pay attention to the business, you will never forget this matter. "

Kevin glared at his old friend angrily.

He turned on the computer and entered a lengthy password. After a few operations, he pushed the wheelchair and handed the laptop to Luo Pei.

"What you want, the item data of "Anomalous-023". "

Luo Pei took the computer and looked at the confidential documents on the screen.

Item #: Anomalous-023

Special Containment Procedures: Anomalous-023 is placed in a 10cmX10cmX10cm bulletproof glass box, placed in a containment chamber, and equipped with a powerful sterilization system. As it is temporarily uncertain whether it is contagious, any D-class personnel who come into contact with Anomalous-023 are to be terminated immediately.

Description: Anomalous-023 is a crystal of unknown origin, similar in appearance and structure to diamonds under a microscope. Anomalous-023 can only play its role in the human brain. Any human with Anomalous-023 in the brain will be afraid of sleep, and at the same time claim that once they fall asleep, they will have terrible "long dreams".

It has been observed that the "long dream" caused by Anomalous-023 will gradually grow with the injection time. From one month later, the body of the person with Anomalous-023 will reflect the time experienced in his dream in a real aging way. One year, ten years, fifty years, one hundred years, two hundred years, until finally his body will completely weather and disappear. At this point, more Anomalous-023 will be born in the location of the brain among the weathered wreckage.

Target It is not yet clear how Anomalous-023 causes this phenomenon, and the more specific efficacy is still under further research - Dr. Kevin Hollard.

Addendum 1: Containment Timeline.

08/5/7: Anomalous-023 was found in Maeda Hospital in Tokyo, and was noticed by Agent Smith after the medical staff called the police, and then learned about the existence of Anomalous-023 in the confession of the principal culprit doctor.

08/5/9: Agent Smith recovered Anomalous-023 from the principal culprit doctor, who was secretly executed. In subsequent investigations, there was no trace of Anomalous-023 in Maeda Hospital. (The possibility of Anomalous-023 in other regions has not been determined)

Addendum 2: Selected interviews.

Agent Smith: Why did you kill that girl named Mami? She is your patient, isn't she?

The principal culprit doctor (extremely unstable mentally): I... I didn't intend to kill her, I just let her get rid of the fear of death and let her live forever! If I succeed...humanity can completely avoid the fate of extinction! I shouldn't be locked up here!

Agent Smith: As far as I know, you had a good reputation in the hospital until you received a patient suffering from insomnia. He died of constant exhaustion within a few months, does this have something to do with the crystals you hold?

Chief culprit doctor: Xiangtian Zhelang... Yes, Xiangtian is a gift from God to us humans. From his brain, I found the keys to make the human spirit last forever. He got rid of the shackles of his body, and continued to extend to the future in his dream, reaching a long time that we humans can't even imagine.

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