The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 776

"That's it. What do you think? Do you want to accept my loyalty?"

I'm a little tempted.

Leaving aside such insignificant things as power, if he can receive the inheritance of the mask craftsman and control thousands of fantasy monsters and naturally born indigenous monsters, then Rope's control over the dark side of the city can be raised to a higher level. Accidents like the "Curse of the Vortex" will greatly reduce the chance of it happening.

There are certain benefits to his trials.

Luo Pei rubbed his eyebrows and asked hesitantly.

"...A question in advance, are you planning to play with the yellow robe, first give me the favor of the leader, and then use the favor to say something like "righteousness" to let me lead you to destroy the human beings on this planet Bar? "

If so, the black-haired youth turned around and left without any hesitation.

The powerful death priest is coming, he is busy all day like a ghost blowing fire, how can he have any leisure time and mood to play "Monster Rise" and satisfy the ambition of a reality bender before death, that is definitely a thankless task Huge project.

Among other things, Luo Pei also counted on the many enjoyments that human society brought him.

"Will you be trapped by such inexplicable things as human feelings?" the mask craftsman asked back.

"of course not."

Rope said.

"But I will do my best to fulfill what I promised, so I have to ask now, so as not to conflict with my principles in time."

"Haha, you are overthinking. Simply speaking, my creation feeds on human fear, just like the relationship between dogs and lice. Without humans, they can't live." The mask craftsman explained.

"You just need to be a ruler and rule them. When the time is right, give them some shelter, so that the so-called Western organizations, or things like the "vortex" will not swallow their poor lives... The rest, It belongs to how they rack their brains to enshrine you. "

Rope pondered for a moment.

You only need to take on negligible responsibilities, and you can harvest thousands of monsters, and by the way, add the allegiance of a reality bender, a multiple-choice question that is almost unnecessary.

The question is, what is the reason for this strong sense of abruptness... Is he really unable to keep up with the fast-paced times?

"Okay, okay, just go out to clean up the garbage, and pick up a bunch of "kittens" by the way, I will accept your reward... and then? "

Rope spread his hands.

"I believe that you will transfer the ownership of your creations and serve me as master. But how willing are the other monsters under your control? I can easily kill them all, but that doesn't mean I have the time to buy them Their loyalty, or, have you brainwashed them in this album?"

There are strange things, ghosts and monsters are rampant.

It is a strange thing for a group of monsters soaked in human blood to be willing to put a king on top of their heads. You can get a little idea from the initial attitude of his hot weapon, Fu Jiang.

"That's beyond their control."

The mask on the craftsman's face was even more cracked at the corners of his mouth.

"The creation of monsters requires the fear and spread of human beings, and in addition to these, a unique soul is embedded in it... I don't know if you know something like "soul"? "

"Coincidentally, what I am best at is "soul". "

The Cthulhu Department's unique partial subject problem, Luo Pei has always been a master of the soul.

"Oh, then you really hit it off with them..."

The mask craftsman held the album, shook his head and said.

"My compatriots here are like fish on a sticky board. You just need to gently pull out some of their "souls", and this group of guys will be more obedient than dogs..."

Luo Pei narrowed his eyes and reached out to take the mask craftsman's album.

When his fingers touched the paper, the black-haired youth suddenly felt a very inexplicable throbbing.

Not the body, but a deeper, benign feeling that is closely related to the soul.

The Maskmaker has completely severed control of its creations in the book, bringing them under Rope's control.

There are other non-created monsters sealed in it, some are docile, some are violent, but their souls seem to be defenseless, as if a part of them can be pulled out as long as Luo Pei gently pulls.

For him, it is as easy as drinking water.

Clenching the picture album tightly, Luo Pei pinched out some invisible "things" with his fingertips, which were summarized into the magic power flowing in the magic pattern of Laleye on the back of his hand.

After doing this, all creations and non-creations in the album belonged to Luo Pei's subordinates.


Luo Peiyang picked up the album in Yang's hand.

"I accept your gift."

"Thank you for taking on this important task."

The mask craftsman said with relief, his tone became no longer weird, but a rare trace of sincerity in it.

It took off the shabby hat and clearly expressed the relationship between the two.

"Your Highness Luo Pei. So far, all my creations, including this one, will be your master, and there will be no violations. My "Anzhiju" swears by all its essence! "

This is the first time a mask craftsman has reported his name.

Its name, like its most cherished hand-painted drama, is named after Anshiju.

Hearing those overly serious words, Luo Pei turned his eyes away in embarrassment.

No matter how you think about it, he made money, but now it seems that he has done the other party a huge favor. This feeling is a little weird.

Suddenly, there was a vibration from the album in his hand, and after a flash of green light, three familiar masks flew out of the album.

A monster whose real name is "Sanmi Mask".

"His Highness Luo Pei, His Highness Luo Pei! Is there anything we can do for you? Besides, we really didn't want to disappear suddenly just now. The traction force of the "vortex" is too strong..."

The "sorrow" mask is still so unscrupulous, just after changing the owner, I immediately couldn't sit still and wanted to show my loyalty... …

It makes its companions "angry" masks unbearable.

"Hey, master... Lord Anzhiju is still here!"

The "anger" mask scolded.

Anzhiju didn't care at all, but smiled instead.

"It's okay, it's okay, that's what you want. Now His Highness Luo Pei is your master. Serve him well and fulfill His Highness's orders."

It put its hat back on and said to Rope again.

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