The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 777

"Then, Your Highness, I will not bother you. If there is anything I need to do, just let the "Three Flavors Mask" inform you..."

"Are you leaving the city?"


Anshiba nodded.

"The most exciting play of "Anzhiju" was created by me, how could it be without the audience's support? Usually, I show it to human beings, but for the last episode this time, I will let my compatriots perform a tour in this country, so that they will know the news of your arrival in Tokyo and Japan..."

In the idea of ​​the mask craftsman, it not only hopes that Rope can become the master of the city's strange monsters and its own creations, but also hopes that this powerful demon king can command the abnormalities in this country.

By that time, the craziest and most beautiful "Garden of Eden" will surely bloom, right?

Anzhiju had this opportunity when he was young, but he was completely interested in shaping ghost stories and didn't cherish it. So the old reality bender sincerely looks forward to Rope's achievement, for which it will dedicate the rest of its life and strength.

There must be some guys who don't agree with the new changes and feel contemptuous.

But Shadow House won't let these guys appear in front of the king of monsters, which is also a side responsibility of its tour.

Remove impurities.

Being old and frail does not mean that you will be so weak that you can't even hold a knife.

If a few disobedient mice are allowed to spoil the king's view of the throne. Annoyed by the once-in-a-lifetime powerful leader, Luo Pei is upset and starts an all-round massacre mode, and Anzhiju, who will not live for decades, will not even have a place to cry.

——Rope doesn't need monsters, but monsters need Rope.

Watching the mask craftsman push the cart away as if he had put down his burden, Luo Pei took his mind back from this bizarre experience.

In the distance, the sound of police sirens had faintly reached the black-haired young man's ears.

"Sanwei mask, help me clean up the stone pestle over there." He directed his new servant.

"It is an honor to serve Your Highness!"

The three masks flew towards the ruins of the high-end apartment with great interest, and started to do the work of the workers with their evil power.

——It seems to be really useful.

After flipping the picture album in his hand, Luo Pei followed behind the masks and walked towards the last thing he needed to deal with tonight.

At the same time, what Luo Pei doesn't know for the time being is that one of the three pictures on the special item "Vessel of Divinity" he stored in the White Gospel is very similar to the last painting by Anshiba about the "Divinity" of "King Power". "Sexual Apocalypse" is undergoing a drastic change like a chemical reaction...

Luo Pei once dominated a country of human beings when he was a godslayer, but the divinity of "kingship" was indifferent to this experience, and it was not good to be cold.

Now, with only the servants of thousands of monsters, the divinity of "King Power" directly spread its thighs.

Dominate monsters, dominate aliens, and are born to be kings.

Perhaps, as the reality benders babble, this is where the "Father of Demons" begins.

Chapter 29 At dawn, there is only one person left

In the middle of the night, approaching the morning, Akiba Rumiho opened his eyes in a state of distress.

——An unfamiliar ceiling.

The light orange incandescent lamp on the top spreads light, looking around, it is a very elegant and simple room that cannot be said to be high-end.

This is not her home, Akiba Rumiho is very sure.

After another two full minutes, the girl covered her head in pain, and the memory came like a flood.

The invasion of the black-haired youth; his own resistance was ineffective; Grandpa Akiba fought with the opponent and was knocked down; he picked up the vase by himself, and then lost consciousness...

"you're awake?"

A male voice came from the corner of the room, and Akiba Rumiho raised his head.

The dark-haired young man who invaded her room and raped her grandfather was sitting in front of the corner table, with a notebook as high as a mountain piled on the wooden tabletop, and he was still writing fast even at this time of night.

"...Where is this place?"

"My home."

The black-haired young man closed his notebook, and took the chair towards Akiba Rumiho.

"There was an accident in the apartment where you live. If Ms. Akiba is interested in watching the news every morning, you will be able to see the report in the morning news in a while. In order to prevent you from falling into a homeless situation, I took you without authorization. Come back, I hope you won’t be offended.”

Akiba Rumiho clenched her hands a little, but immediately relaxed.

The clothes are well worn on the body, and there are no signs of injury or pain. In the short term, her safety appears to be fine.

Besides, she doesn't have the confidence to resist an adult man with her weak strength, which will undoubtedly make things worse.

Although Akiba Rumiho is a secondary school student, she is not stupid at all.

"What did you do to my grandpa?" she asked coldly.

"over there."

The dark-haired youth pointed to the wall with the window.

Only then did Akiba Rumiho realize that under the dim light, there was a long strip of objects beside the wall.

Taking a closer look, Akiba Rumiho covered her mouth in horror.

It was undoubtedly her grandfather's clothes.

But... can that really be called a "human being"?

When Akiba Rumiho was very young, she had no taboos like other children of the same age, even catching slugs that she hates now. The creature in front of her was like a melting slug sprinkled with salt, but this slug had a human face.

Akiba Rumiho's grandfather - Takashi Akiba.

"I knew you would have to ask this question after you woke up, otherwise I wouldn't be bothered to get that disgusting thing into the room. It's best home under the mound of ruins..."

Rope shook his head and said.

"It should still live for another hour or so, if you have anything to say, talk to it now."

"You turned... grandpa... into this?!"

Tears welled up in Akiha Rumiho's eyes.

She wanted to run over, but the attitude of the old man caused the girl to fall into unexplained fear from the bottom of her heart, and her body was completely incompetent.

"It's not me. In fact, your grandpa is completely to blame for becoming what he is now."

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