The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 778

Luo Pei explained, but he knew from the girl's expression that his explanation had no effect.

Shrugging, he turned back to the table.

The reaction of the divinity of "King Quan" was the biggest surprise tonight. He immediately stopped all the deduction about the divinity of war, and analyzed the "King Quan" raising the veil from the most subtle points over and over again.

In just a few hours, the progress of "kingship" surpassed the "war" that took more than ten days.

After about two minutes, concern for the only loved one finally overcame fear.

Akiba Rumiho got off the blanket and staggered towards Takashi Akiba.

Kneeling in front of the old man, listening to his faint breathing, the feeling of weakness that his life is dying, Akiba Rumiho felt very sad, just like when he heard of his father's unexpected death.

"Liu Miho..."

The old man seemed to have sensed something, and opened his mouth to call out the girl's name.

Akiba Rumiho hastily wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and grabbed Takashi Akiba's palm.

"Grandpa, I'm here!"

"I'm sorry... I'm afraid Grandpa can't watch you get married..."

Akiba Takashi said with a sigh.

It seems that because of the disappearance of the "vortex curse", the mental state of the old man is proportional to the speed of his life, gradually returning to normal.

"No, Grandpa, you must be fine!"

"Ha ha……"

The old man smiled, and there was a look of sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Liu Weizhen. This time... Grandpa did something wrong... The only blood heir of the Akiba family, grandpa almost pushed you into the most terrifying hell... Please forgive grandpa... Liu Weizhen ..."

Hearing this, Akiba Rumiho's expression froze.

She couldn't understand the meaning of the old man's words.

In the girl's mind, her disaster today and the death of her relatives are all written by the "devil" sitting on the chair behind her.

"Maybe... because of your father..." Akiba Takashi said intermittently.

"I have never had a child, so I treated your father as my own son... After your father passed away, I poured all my love into you... But even so, I am still moved and scared by the end of my life... ...I don't know what kind of embarrassment Liu Weizhen will face in the face of such a big business after I leave...I dare not think..."


"It was at that time..."The Whirlpool" found me...It told me that as long as it comes, the human beings in the whole world will be happy, and there will be no doubts and distances between everyone, and they will all become "one"...I was confused by it Now, I became a monster under its power... Then, I gave you the "vortex"... I hope you can find happiness in that new world. "

Slowly, Akiba Rumiho let go of the old man's hand.

She slumped on the spot in a daze.

The girl may not know what the hell "Uzumaki" is, but she has suffered from a strange disease for six months, and with just a little association, Akiba Rumiho can guess what her grandfather is talking about.

The disease that took away her life, the calamity on her body...was actually given by her most beloved grandfather?

"It's not true!"

Akiba Rumiho shook her head again and again, her eyes full of anticipation.

"Why would grandpa do such a thing to Liu Weizhen!? I will take grandpa to the hospital right now, everything will be fine...everything will be fine..."

As she said that, she seemed to help Akiba Takashi to stand up.

But with only a little force, Akiba Rumiho actually tore the old man's arm off his shoulder.

No blood, no wailing, just flat, like a toy was just ripped off.


Akiba Rumiho was so frightened that she quickly dropped her arms, took two steps back and leaned against the edge of the bed, whispering with dull eyes.

"I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to..."

"Don't be afraid, it's okay...cough cough...Liu Weizhen, grandpa is no longer human, it's just an arm..."

Even though his life is not long, Akiba Takashi still comforts Akiba Rumiho, not wanting to leave a shadow in his granddaughter's heart.

Luo Pei stopped writing and looked slightly sideways.

The current Akiba Takashi is a completely different person from when he met him. This shows how much the "curse of the whirlpool" has affected the spirit.

"Sir over there..." Akiba Takashi called Luo Pei.

"My willfulness and mistakes have caused you trouble..."

"It's not that much trouble."

Rope said lightly.

"It's just that before you die, it's best to explain clearly to Ms. Akiba. If you treat the "savior" as an enemy and hostile, it will make me very distressed..."

"Feel sorry……"

Takashi Akiba apologized bitterly, and then tried his best to turn his head to where Rumiho Akiba was.

The girl didn't care about fear.

She read the meaning in the eyes of the old man.

It is praying.

"Liu Weizhen...Miss... Grandpa has done a lot of wrong things. In the end, Grandpa hopes to hear your forgiveness before leaving this world. This is the last request in my life...with your resentment Leaving... Grandpa can't bear it..."

Logically speaking, Takashi Akiba should have died the moment the "Curse of the Vortex" disappeared.

But the old man persisted until Akiba Rumiho woke up with perseverance, during which time he didn't even ask Luo Pei to wake her up.

This can be regarded as a bit of compensation from the old man for Akiba Rumiho—although it is insignificant.

"...Did Grandpa do all those things?"

"Well... your "disease", the continuous disappearance of the residents in the apartment, your nightmares at night, and the confinement of you at home are all selfish decisions of grandpa. "

In silence, Akiba Rumiho sat up straight again.

She stood up, walked to Akiba Takashi's side, and grabbed his hand again.

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