The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 784

However, at that time, the black-haired young man was distracted by other things, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Luo Pei waved his hand, not going to chat with these dispensable soldiers.

"Lead the way."

"Yes, sir."

While working on an off-road vehicle, Luo Pei propped up the car window with one hand, watching the scenery of the small island flying backwards.

Immediately, they entered the range of the military base.

I don't know if it's Luo Pei's illusion, but he always feels that compared with the last time, the number of soldiers trained in this military base has increased significantly.

"Have you increased the number of soldiers stationed?" Rope asked casually.

The team leader opened his mouth, just about to answer with "confidential", but then he thought of the authority and identity of the person next to him, and changed his explanation.

"It's like this, Mr. Advisor. Since ten days ago, about 500 navies have joined this base, including some tanks, helicopters and other equipment. Of course, the specific why is beyond my authority. "

The captain shrugged.

"Perhaps you will meet with Dr. Hollard later to learn more about the inside story."

"I'll ask."

The car drove another distance, and put Luo Pei down at the entrance of the institute.

The soldiers seemed to have no intention of going in. After saluting, they returned to the car and returned in the same direction they had come from.

Walking into the research institute, walking down the transparent elevator, the honeycomb-shaped SCP Foundation branch came into Luo Pei's eyes more clearly. This time, he can appreciate this underground building if he is not in a hurry.

There's a combination of white and silver everywhere, and in some places painted with the Foundation's signature logo.

Occasionally, a researcher in a white coat was surprised by Rope's outfit, but was immediately driven by the full line of work and walked away quickly.

In addition to the researchers, the black-haired youth also saw several people wearing crude standard clothing. They seem to come from all over the world, and there are all kinds of races.

No need to guess, these must be the famous specialty of the SCP Foundation - "D-class personnel".

That is, cannon fodder for research.

They were all prisoners on death row, and they were told the lie that they would be free after completing the experiment. In fact, the last thing waiting for the D-class personnel is either killed by the containment in a strange way, or a bullet from the Foundation.

When it comes to executing the scum of humanity, the Foundation is not lenient at all.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Mr. Rope."

At the door of a research room on the lowest floor, Rope met the research director of this research institute, Dr. Kevin Hollard.

The old man wearing glasses was full of energy, completely unable to tell that he was almost crippled by SCP-682 more than half a month ago, and walked towards Luo Pei with strong steps.

Rope chewed the lollipop in his mouth and asked with a strange expression.

"Is the medical technology of the SCP Foundation already so advanced?"

Kevin smiled and pushed his glasses.

"It's all thanks to Peasley that I recovered so quickly. He's been able to randomly pull out some outlandish technology since before, otherwise how could that bitch be higher than my position and scold those in the O5 council How about being mentally handicapped and not being dismissed and executed?”

"……I see."

Looking at it from another perspective, isn't Wingate Peasley the protagonist of the black science fiction?

Accidentally obtained the technology of non-human higher races, and then used their help to reach the pinnacle of life, and became the regional director of the Asian branch of the SCP Foundation. Except for the dead wife and child, and the curse of wanting to die but not dying is a bit regrettable, the rest are completely standard templates.

Chatting with each other, Rope and Kevin walked to Peasley's office.

He took out his ID card and passed the verification. Inside the door made of special alloy, the owner of this place, "Site Director" Wingate Peasley, was sitting behind his desk with his head in his hands and an extremely ugly expression on his face.

The old man seemed to be in a cramp, the exact opposite of Dr. Hollard's mental state.

Kevin seemed to know why his old friend behaved like this, he shook his head helplessly and knocked on the door on purpose.

"Pearl, Mr. Rope is here."

After a while, Wingate raised his head, squeezed out a smile uglier than crying, and reluctantly greeted him.

"...Welcome, Rope."

"What's going on here?"

Luo Pei didn't treat himself as an outsider, so he put the plastic bag on Wingate's desk and sat on the chair next to him.


Wingate let out a long sigh.

"I wish I could have the same power as you, so that I could wring the heads off the necks of those colleagues in Europe without leaving a trace... This group of bastards who eat vegetarian food are still thinking about it after SCP-682 Send me two more treasures, the reason is "to take care of them properly and share the pressure"..."

More than half a month after the transfer of SCP-682, the European group was very surprised to find that the professional jailbreaker "Undead Lizard" had never escaped from containment, which made me happy to put my hand on the nuclear bomb launch button They immediately began a new round of "transfer applications," which were delivered to Wingate's desk this morning in the form of official paperwork.

One by one, they all wanted to send over the troublesome contained items in their hands, so that Wingate Peaslee would have a headache, while they were enjoying the relatively safe "Safe" level items.

It can be seen that this old man with a bit of acrimony in his way of speaking is indeed very unpopular among his colleagues.

"Pearcely, I didn't come to hear your complaints."

Luo Pei took out a can of Dr. Pepper from the plastic bag, opened it and took a sip. The wonderful taste made him frown instantly.

"I'm here today to "repair" SCP-682's cage by the way, Miss Makise. Even if you use this attitude, I won't get too involved in the internal affairs of the SCP Foundation, that would be too troublesome. "

In an instant, there was a trace of embarrassment on Wingate's expression.

His little trick was seen through by Luo Pei.

"...Look, we are allies?"

"So? You want me to travel halfway across the world to the headquarters of the SCP Foundation to brainwash you or kill your colleagues and superiors so that they don't send SCP containment to you?"


Wingate shut his mouth. He also felt that his hint was a bit too much.

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to cool down, Kevin opened his mouth to smooth things over.

"Okay, Peasley." Kevin said, "It's not as bad as you think. The two items to be shipped this time are only "Euclid" grades. It's not too much trouble. I'm pretty sure I can Contain them safely. Moreover, the allocation of additional materials, personnel, and funds has already been in your hands, which is a real benefit. "

"I'm mad that they ignored my dismissal yet again!"

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