The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 785

Wingate said loudly, banging on the table.

"I'm here to enjoy the old age. If the matter of SCP-682 wasn't for Mr. Rope, you and I would have to sit in a helicopter to watch those mentally retarded mushrooms grow! Then go to a more remote base in the desert to fall in love with cactus !"

Kevin shrugged.

"Come on, you have ignored the council's orders more than once before, it's a kind of karma. As the research director, I didn't even complain, but you started first..."

"Whose friend are you?!"

"I'm a friend of money, and you didn't send me the year-end bonus of 500,000 U.S. dollars every year."

"Kevin, you've changed..."

"I've always been like this, Peasley."

Kevin didn't want to get entangled with this old urchin any more, so he turned his head and said to Luo Pei.

"Mr. Luo Pei, the final interview of the new researcher Ms. Makise Kurisu is scheduled for 3:30 p.m., and I will be responsible for it personally. Do you want to change the scheduled time? Or should I go and see the situation of SCP-682 first?" ?”

"Is that lizard active?" Rope asked.

" should I put it?"

Only then did Kevin rub his temples with a headache.

"I ate two D-class personnel in charge of cleaning in the morning, and killed another researcher when you came here at noon. I was processing the remains of those unlucky ghosts in the laboratory just now, to ensure that there were no sources of virus infection. After all With 682's evolutionary ability, it's nothing surprising..."

"I understand."

Really bad, at least within the containment facility, SCP-682 has regained the ability to move freely.

Eighty percent of it is still his fault.

After the battle with Rope, the Evil Lizard's evolution was beyond imagination. The simple special alloy and hydrochloric acid were no longer as strong as before.

He stood up from the chair he had just sat down on for a while, and walked towards the door.

"Let the lizard settle down first, and then I will go to see Miss Makise with you."

"It's nearly three o'clock, Mr. Rope."

"Dr. Kevin, it won't take me thirty minutes to deal with it."

For a moment, the two laughed at the same time.

Wingate Peaslee froze on the chair, then spread his hands and asked.

"Are you sure you want to leave me alone to deal with those two SCP projects?"

"Wingate, you can only say yes."

Rope said.

"For the sake of my allies, if I can see a steaming cup of coffee after I finish my work, I may do something after those two projects come to continue to ensure the safety of this research institute."

"What you're doing will only make them send more containment!"

"Then solve this result. Your responsibility is not just to give a book or a reminder. Don't let this place become a concentration camp for trouble."

When Rope and Kevin Hollard left the office together, Wingate regained that dead face.

With extreme reluctance, he picked up the document on the black desk and looked at it carefully.

"SCP-173" - "Statue"

"SCP-049" - "Plague Doctor"

Both are "Euclid" level items whose behavior cannot be predicted correctly. It is dangerous to say it is dangerous, but it is by no means as difficult to contain as "SCP-682".

Wingate Peaslee sighed deeply again.

Why did it become like this...

Chapter 33: The Indestructible Lizard Like a Weak Girl

The secondary containment place for SCP-682 is naturally not within this research institute.

After experiencing the dangerous situation of getting out of trouble last time, no matter how conscientious the leader of this place, Wingate Peaslee, his subordinates would never agree to put a containment comparable to a nuclear bomb on the bedside.

No one can guarantee that 682 will not break out of containment again, and its criminal record in Europe is the best proof.

Rope followed Kevin out of the institute.

After driving for about five minutes, the two stopped in front of a cleaned cave.

There are soldiers standing guard at the entrance of the cave, and they seem to be familiar with Kevin's arrival, which shows that Mr. Research Director pays more attention to SCP-682 than ever before.

Walking into the cave, the cave, which looks unattractive from the outside, is unexpectedly bright, and the white lights are evenly distributed on both sides of the cave roof, dispelling the darkness. After a while, the feeling of modernity gradually appeared, and a high-tech alloy door blocked the way of the two of them.

"Because it's a shelter that was rushed out, I can only do this..."

Sighing, Kevin took out his ID card and opened the door.

The noisy voice came out at once. There are no fewer than thirty researchers who are busy running back and forth here, and all kinds of equipment are available.

"It's not as crude as you said." Rope said.

"It's just what it looks like." Kevin said helplessly, "Compared to the headquarters in Europe, it is indeed crude. If you hadn't damaged 682 that time, it would be tantamount to nonsense for us to contain it with these things... Its counterattack has now begun."

After the old man finished speaking, he walked in first, ignored the researchers who greeted him, and came directly to his independent office.

He hung the white robe on the hanger, and then Kevin opened his hands to Luo Pei who walked into the office a step later, showing a kind smile.

"In short, although it's not elegant, it's still worth living-welcome to my "temporary kingdom", Mr. Luo Pei. "

Luo Pei did not sit down, but looked at Kevin strangely.

"Dr. Kevin, I thought that you would only call me when the situation became imminent. Now it seems that this is actually my misunderstanding?"

"No, not to mention the eyebrows, the hair is almost burned out."

Kevin picked up the remote control on the desk and lightly pressed it against the display screen on the wall, and the situation in the SCP-682 isolation room was vividly displayed before him.

Broken, bloody, messy.

The metal walls were full of traces of brute force collisions, and the special alloys that originally restrained SCP-682 were scattered on the ground, looking as if they were being torn apart. The culprit, a dark green lizard, was curled up in a corner, breathing regularly with its eyes closed, as if it was resting.

As expected of the Dragon of Evolution, the negative mystic enchantment that Luo Pei imposed on him was successfully eliminated by 682 in just half a month.

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