The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 786

"It's only two days at most, and this secret room can no longer stop 682. This is still counting the time after poison gas, acid, and firepower are suppressed. If these expedient measures are not taken to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, the date of 682's escape is not yet. It has to be one day earlier."

"...In this case, how can you be so leisurely?"

Kevin, including the researchers in this containment site, are all ordinary human beings who cannot be more ordinary.

The escape of SCP-682 was like a scythe raised by the god of death for them. Luo Pei couldn't figure out why Kevin Hollard could be so calm.

Kevin's smile became even brighter, and he spread his palms.

"Because you came in time. I didn't close my eyes all night last night. I didn't sleep for a while until Wingate told you that you were coming today."

Rope had nothing to say.

He finally understood why Kevin and Wingate, two old people with such huge differences in personality, became close friends. They definitely have something in common in some aspects.

——Heart wide.

"I didn't come here to chat with you, Dr. Kevin."

Luo Pei didn't intend to waste time, he rolled up his sleeves a little bit, and moved his stiff neck.

Accompanied by this posture, an undetectable electric current flashed through the hands of the black-haired young man, and the surrounding lighting equipment dimmed for an instant, and then returned to normal immediately.

"Let me go in and re-educate that guy, let him serve his sentence well, and then we will see Miss Makise again. If there is no accident, I will deal with your death again in fifteen minutes."

"no problem."

Kevin nodded happily.

Led by a female researcher and two heavily armed soldiers, Rope passed the strict guards in a short while and arrived at the gate containing SCP-682.

"Mr. Advisor, we are leaving first."

The voice of the female researcher trembled a little.

She had never been so close to SCP-682 before, and the frightening rumors of the "Immortal Lizard" put a lot of pressure on the female researcher.

"The way back will be blocked again. Even if your life is in danger, we will not open the gate. Please understand..."

"What if SCP-682's life is in danger? Will Kevin ask you to stop me?" Rope asked with interest.

The female researcher couldn't give an answer. After reading the information roughly, it was hard for her to imagine that the monster's life would be in danger, so she could only bow her head slightly and choose to leave.

Wingate and Kevin obviously didn't inform these researchers of Rope's secret, and it was only circulated among the senior management of the institute, which satisfied the black-haired youth.

After the soldiers and researchers left, the metal door on the way back closed again, and the corridor returned to silence... …

At the same time, the door of SCP-682 was slowly opened, and the pungent smell came, causing Luo Pei to squint his eyes involuntarily.

The familiar growl.

"Immortal Lizard" instantly got out of its resting posture, and retreated to the corner of the room. Its jade-like scales stood upside down, making threatening sounds.

Rope walked in with a smile.

"Hey, little lizard, how are you doing these days? I heard that you plan to escape from prison again. This is different from what we agreed on at the beginning. If you don't behave well, we can't become "friends" okay? "

"... Get out... Get out... Go!"

The human language spit out from the throat of the Undead Lizard.

The remnants of the last battle are still lingering in the monster's mind. It deeply knows that it is not the opponent of the inhuman with a human form in front of it, so it didn't attack at the first time when it met for the second time-a waste of energy the behavior of.

The sharp claws scratched the hard ground, and with the approach of Luo Pei, 682 had no way to retreat.

"Of course I'll go out, but not until you put your collar back on, little lizard."

Luo Pei walked in front of 682.

Obviously the Undead Lizard is bigger than Rope, but the current situation seems like Rope is "looking down" on SCP-682.

"So, are you going to get caught by me after a beating, or lie down on your own initiative?" Luo Pei pointed to the broken cage in the middle of the room.

"You're smart, and it's not hard at all to make the right choice."


The Immortal Lizard glared at the black-haired young man with gritted teeth.

If eyes can kill, then Luo Pei has undoubtedly died tens of thousands of times.

"Hugh...think! Submitting to humans...they disgust slave driven by humans!"

After saying this, 682 coiled up his body like a weak girl preparing to endure violence, clasped the ground with his paws, and silently turned his back to Luo Pei.

In any case, the Immortal Lizard would not take the initiative to return to that cage.

Even if it knows that the result of doing so will only be useless work that suffers from pain, it is unwilling to give up its dignity so easily.

Luo Pei raised his hand, thought for a while, and put it down again.

He got closer to 682, patting its dark green scales.

"Since I said that I want to be your friend, I won't take it as a lie. Don't let me use violence again, little lizard. Be obedient, it will be good for you and me."

"..." 682 didn't answer, only the sound of dull breathing.

It seems that it intends to fight to the end.


Lizard girl...well, very nice...

Chapter Thirty-Four

"The inexplicable backbone will not change any results except that it will bring you extra pain..."

The other party's attitude was firm, and Luo Pei also gave up and continued to use words to persuade SCP-682 to return to the restraint.

The assistant's final interview was at 3:30, and he didn't plan to postpone it, so there wasn't much time left for Rope to deal with SCP-682.

The black-haired young man patted the scales of the Immortal Lizard without a word, walked to its back, tightly grasped the tip of the tail with both hands, and began to try to pull 682 out of the corner with brute force.

A howl driven by pain.

Under the tremendous force of the adult Nephilim, SCP-682 was slowly and firmly dragged out of the corner no matter how much it showed its reluctance. The sharp claws of the Immortal Lizard drew ten long marks on the hard metal floor, and the sharp sound even made the monitoring researchers outside the room cover their ears.

"Let go of me! You running dog!"

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