The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 788

SCP-682 changed into the childhood appearance of the human female it hates the most.

No, not humans.

Although it looks very similar to humans, Lopez can clearly feel the difference.

—That is the appearance of the juvenile female body of the Nephilim.

There is no natural power of the war race, but there is no doubt that SCP-682 is infinitely close to the juvenile body of a Nephilim female in appearance and individuality.

Facing Luo Pei's inquiry, the young girl spat out a series of blisters expressionlessly.

Chapter Thirty-Five: Pass Loli a Collar

"From the X-rays, although SCP-682's current body has a human-like appearance, its internal structure is completely different from that of normal humans."

Kevin let go of the urgently printed investigation report, took off his glasses and rubbed between his brows.

"I'm 100% sure that this is another "defense evolution" of SCP-682, but I don't know why SCP-682 abandoned its usual lizard appearance...Mr. Rope, do you have any special hobbies? "

The old man in glasses asked a very rude question.


Luo Pei, who temporarily left the containment room, denied it without looking back.

He kept looking at the beautiful blonde loli on the screen.

The important part is covered with clothes-like scales, and in the airtight chaos containment area, 682 is still trapped in the cage shaped by the water flow. She has no expression on her face, and fiddles with her small dark green tail from time to time because of boredom, which is completely different from the violent and wild "giant dragon" before.

That female Nephilim look and feel gave Rope a rather weirdly benign vibe.

He knew very well that this was something called "reproductive instinct" buried in the blood.

After two face-to-face encounters with him, SCP-682 successfully simulated the female Nephilim. Although it could not replicate the power of the raging race, 682 perfectly possessed the ability to release similar sex pheromones or soul resonance, and gave Rope cause a little impact.

As a Nephilim, Rope had come of age.

The black-haired young man was the first Nephilim facing the opposite sex—although he was a half-fake.

"But the fact is that after SCP-682 changed shape, you temporarily put aside its containment, which means that its purpose of "safety" has been achieved..."

"I'm still standing here, I haven't left."

"All right."

Kevin shrugged.

"Even if you are a pedophile, I won't say anything, after all, this is not a police station. Mr. Rope, the main question is, what do you plan to do with SCP-682 under the current situation?"

He looked at the platinum watch on his wrist: "We still have about thirteen minutes to spare. If it can't be resolved within this period, I have to make a phone call to postpone the final interview with Ms. Makise. Although it can be seen that you Looking forward to the little lady, but I personally think the "Keter" class items are more important..."

"There is no need to postpone the meeting."

Rope finally withdrew his gaze from the display screen, staring at Kevin Hollard and asked.

"Do you still have "D-class personnel" in your hand? Send two in, and I'll free the water cage. I'll have to see if SCP-682 still has the same homicidal urges as it did a few minutes ago. "

"I don't think it's necessary to test..."

Kevin glanced at the sharp nails of the blond loli. Obviously, SCP-682 didn't leave that dangerous thing for good looks.

"Of course, if you insist..."

Kevin pressed the simple call button on the office, and instructed his subordinate researchers.

"Go and arrange for two "D-class personnel" to enter 682's containment room. At the same time, all units should pay attention to SCP-682's reaction. I want the most detailed record and report. "


Moments later, two slightly panicked and disturbed D-class personnel appeared in SCP-682's containment room.

Rope withdrew the use of power, and the blond girl escaped from the water cage.

What happened next made Kevin frown unnaturally.

In almost an instant, the two D-class personnel who were still at the door disappeared. Instead, there were scattered pieces of meat and blood that exploded onto the wall.

"Sure enough..." Kevin sighed: "It just changed its shape, and it is still the monster that has great hostility to humans..."

"The speed increased and the power decreased," Rope said.

"This is the inevitable result of reducing its own mass."

Kevin spread his hands.

"So, what is your decision after seeing it? If you use the current power of SCP-682, you only need to catch it and put on the special alloy shackle again. It will not be so easy to break free this time, or continue to let 682 feel like you just now. Dangerous behavior, this is a rare opportunity."

"Being not."

Rope walked out of the office, intending to re-enter SCP-682's containment room.

Hearing this, Kevin frowned.

"Mr. Rope, although it will make you unhappy to say this, but... you really don't need a psychological test? SCP-682's "defense evolution" is likely to play a role. You didn't treat the big lizard like this before "Gentle" judgment..."


Luo Pei stopped, turned around and smiled.

"You are worrying unfoundedly, doctor. Mental influences are ineffective on me, and this is just a small reason based on my identity."

With an explanation, Kevin will naturally not worry about eating radish salty.

Originally, he was using Rope's light to deal with SCP-682. If the other party suddenly had any idea, if it did not affect the containment of SCP-682, then it had nothing to do with him. Even if it affects the containment, as long as his life is not in danger and he is not fired, Kevin Hollard doesn't bother to take care of it.

Like Wingate, Kevin also came to the Asian branch to retire.

Back in the containment room, Luo Pei waved all the garbage to the corner with water, pulled a piece of broken metal scrap, and sat down in front of the blond girl.

682 didn't move, just wagging its tail, and its blue pupils watched Luo Pei quietly.

"I'm surprised, little lizard."

he said.

"Your self-preservation ability is simply perfect. In that situation, I didn't even think of the result of imitating my kindred to escape the seal. What's more, I really didn't want to seal you."

"let me out."

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