The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 789

The blonde loli said coldly.

Her voice is softer than when it was in the form of a large lizard, the voice of a girl, and there is no pause in her speech, it is very coherent and smooth.

——The sense of sympathy has been strengthened.

Luo Pei frowned, cursing the turbulent youth of the Nephilim in his heart, and grabbed SCP-682's tiny head.

"Do you think you can order me by evolving a half-baked charm? There is a guy with a stronger charm ability than you now, and I have one in my family."

682 raised his hand with a paw.

But not surprisingly, her slender arm was caught by Luo Pei.

"If it was the form just now, I would have lost this arm. Not only that, I would definitely have received a heavy punch in the stomach, and I was beaten to the wall by you with my stomach pierced."

The blond loli said straight to the point.

"Now you will not kill me."

"Don't challenge my patience, little lizard."

Slowly, Luo Pei held the palm of 682's head downward, and lightly squeezed her neck tightly.

"Do you want to try it? The bullet from just now is still in the magazine."


The blonde loli was silent.

In the final analysis, her evolution this time is just for "self-preservation". She doesn't have much ability to forcibly influence the mind. If she offends the guy in front of her, she still has to become an ice sculpture.

This is why 682 dare not be too presumptuous.

"...I can accept your proposal, which is not human."

The blonde loli said awkwardly.

"Give me a comfortable room, don't let me see humans, and don't conduct any experiments. Relatively, as long as you are here for a day, I will choose to stay in peace and not leave."

"Huh? Don't you call me a running dog? Now I have learned to be soft."

Luo Pei stared at 682 for a moment, then laughed.

"I see."

He has seen through the purpose of this evolution of SCP-682.

It has to be said that this evolutionary dragon does have a very high IQ.

"After seeing that the situation is not good, first reduce my hostility by changing the form, and then compromise a condition that is beneficial to you... You are really a typical scumbag."

The strength is not comparable, there is no way to escape, and the death will be frozen by physics, so it is better to choose a not bad situation.

——Lori 682's mental journey is surprisingly simple.

But it is also reasonable, she herself is synonymous with "survival" and "evolution", and self-protection is the first duty. Moreover, in a certain execution experiment, SCP-682 faced SCP-053, a little girl who could kill her assailant by injuring her, and insisted on letting SCP-053 ride on her head to draw pictures. Abnormally, there was no physical damage little girl.

The young man's comment made the blond Lolita's eyes flash with displeasure. She managed to control her anger and did not say any more bad words.

"You don't have to drink a toast, but if you express this meaning after I enter the door, and don't cause trouble to my plan, these are all yours, now..."

"Are you going to refuse?"

682's blue pupils instantly showed signs of turning into vertical pupils, which meant that she was ready to fight.


Rope shook his head.

The palm of the blonde loli's neck began to gather magic power, and a trick that wasn't even a secret technique was applied to 682.


The blond loli knelt down clutching her neck as if she had been hurt.

On the fair skin, black, datura-like patterns appeared, encircling 682's neck like a collar.

"It's nothing scary, but it's sure to give you a good time."

Rope smiled and withdrew his hand.

"Before you enter Paradise, you have to pay a small price for your words."


Following the black-haired youth's voice, 682 laughed loudly.

Long, tireless and pauses.

"Bastard...hahahaha...what did you do to me...hahahahahahaha...kill you!"

The laughter began to be mixed with painful curses, and the blond loli rolled, her tail slapping the ground vigorously.

The scene is quite funny.

"You have nothing to do with this, right?" Luo Pei stood up: "SCP-999, the little snot in your mouth, its ability makes me very interesting. The way I imitated it added a BUFF to you, just But my "collar" is more inclined to the soul level, it takes a lot of effort for you to evolve..."

"Hahahaha...this kind of thing...haha...I able to..."

"Oh, by the way, I know you have evolved the ability of "Laughing Wave" from SCP-999, that is not allowed to be used. When I come back next time and find that you have any behaviors to toss the human beings outside, then our transaction will be cancelled. I keep this bullet for you. "


The blond loli rolled to the corner of the wall, scratching the wall with her sharp nails, while roaring in an unknown language, but the laughter still didn't stop.

Although Luo Pei didn't understand, it was definitely not a good word.

now it's right.

Taming the beast also has to let it know the consequences of doing something wrong, otherwise it won't be able to become a "friend"...

"That thing can last at least two hours. I wish you a happy afternoon amidst laughter, Miss 682."

Lopez made an "OK" gesture to the monitor.

The door was quickly opened.

Amidst the laughter of the blond loli and the rain of scrap iron falling on him, Rope left SCP-682's containment room.

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