The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 790

In the office, Kevin looked at the black-haired young man with a toothache.

"Is this how you intend to handle 682?"

"What's wrong?" Rope asked back.

"Give her a place that is isolated from the world, and she will give you a security that you don't have to worry about. Isn't this much better than the shelter that puts your lives at risk?"

"I'm not talking about this problem. Of course it's good to be safe." Kevin glanced at the painful blond loli on the display.

"It's just that if it continues like this, I'm afraid of repeating the mistakes of SCP-999."

In the SCP-999 incident, 682, who developed the ability of "laughing waves" with the help of 999, plunged the entire research institute in Europe into a hell of laughter, and many people died.

"If she didn't want to be an ice sculpture, she wouldn't do that. Believe in a creature's most primitive desire to survive."

Luo Pei picked up the white robe on Kevin's hanger and threw it over.

"For the time being, let her stop running away. We will discuss the matter of 682 later. Now let's go to see Miss Makise. I shouldn't have missed the time, right?"

"Five minutes."

"very good."

Rope went out first.

Kevin didn't leave in a hurry. He put on his white robe and looked at SCP-682 on the display, feeling a little ridiculous.

...Will this solve the Indestructible Lizard that made the European headquarters turn pale?

...and still in a conversational and joking way?

The old man sighed and followed Rope's pace.

The world of non-humans is really hard to understand...

Chapter Thirty-Six: Rookie Researcher Makise Kurisu

Walking out of the containment cave of SCP-682, Kevin drove the car himself and carried Rope to their second destination today.

Crossing the military base and driving on the smooth and flat concrete ground for a while, Luo Pei saw a group of tall buildings through the gaps in the green leaves.

It is very high-end and brand-new. From the outside, it can be seen that all kinds of living facilities are available. At the corner, Luo Pei saw the signboard of the convenience store.

It was the first time for the black-haired young man to know that this small island had such a building. Usually, he would go directly to the headquarters of the underground research institute.

"Don't look at me like that."

Kevin stepped on the brakes and stopped by the side of the road.

"It's impossible for us to live underground 24 hours a day, and we always have to see the sun. If we stay with those contained objects for a long time, we will have mental problems..."

"Shouldn't the interview be in a more formal setting?"

"The conference room inside is 'formal' enough. "

On the way, Rope learned from Kevin’s chat that any researcher who applied and was proposed to join the SCP Foundation had to be confirmed by field agents and the General Personnel Department to be innocent, and then he would be allowed to inform a small group of Foundations The truth, and signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Not only that, before entering a local unit, leaders at the level of Kevin will personally conduct a second interview in order to know that the new researcher is qualified for the job, and the process is quite cumbersome.

Who made the SCP Foundation shoulder the responsibilities of human continuation and abnormal containment, this matter can not be sloppy at all.

In front of a brown-red door on the third floor of the building, the old man wearing glasses stopped in his tracks.

"Before the interview, is there any request from Mr. Rope?"

"Huh?" Luo Pei withdrew his gaze from looking around, and looked at Kevin strangely.

"I'm just here to join in the fun, new employees of your foundation, what request do I have?"

"Ha." Kevin shook his head: "If it wasn't for you, I didn't plan to use Miss Makise because of her age, not to mention that she may be in charge of research on you in the future."

"...You still remember that."

"This is what you said yourself. If Ms. Makise came to be the main researcher about you, you would be very cooperative. There are many candidates for the "Anomalous-023" research team, but the only one who can get your approval and permission is Ms. Makise is one. "

Kevin showed a smile like an old fox.

Luo Pei thought for a moment, and found that he really said this sentence, and then curled his lips.

The door was pushed open, and Luo Pei and Kevin walked in one after another.

The interior space is unexpectedly large, more than a hundred square meters, with a long oval table in the middle and black chairs with backrests on both sides.

At the end of the room, there is a girl standing in front of the window.

The side face alone can be called beautiful, with long reddish-brown hair and purple pupils. Wearing the standard white coat of the institute, on the slender legs wrapped in short professional skirts, there are black stockings full of femininity.

This is Luo Pei's first meeting with Makise Kurisu.

The absolute heroine, the mother of the time machine, is a beauty with a unique charm even to the critical eyes of the dark-haired youth.

The girl was looking at the sky outside in a daze.

It seemed that something was on her mind, so she didn't even hear the sound of pushing the door and footsteps.

"Cough cough."

Coughing lightly to remind, Kevin sat down and took out a document from the purse he was carrying, and put them on the table in categories.

Rope sat next to the old man.

"Miss Makise..."


Finally reacted.

The girl shivered, turned around and saw the two people appearing in the room, her expression instantly became a little awkward.

"Sorry, I didn't notice..."

Makise Kunlisu blushed and apologized softly.

"It doesn't matter."

It's too young to be his granddaughter at the age of a girl, so how could Kevin blame such a small faux pas for a younger generation.

"I'm Dr. Kevin Hollard, who is in charge of your final interview. Just call me Kevin. Ms. Makise, come and sit here. We can't start the interview standing there."

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