The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 791

"Okay, okay."

Makise Kurisu quickly came to the opposite of Kevin, and sat upright on the chair.

Luo Pei could tell that the girl was nervous.

"Don't be too restrained, just treat it as an ordinary conversation. With Ms. Makise's ability, an interview of this level is definitely no problem." He comforted with a smile.


Hearing this, Makise Kurisu turned her attention away from Kevin, who seemed to be the leader, and looked at Luo Pei more.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but as a result, the girl is almost drawn to all eyes.

With short black hair, blue pupils, and a handsome appearance that does not resemble a human being.

Just two minutes of looking at each other made Makise Kurisu blush up to her ears.

...Foul, foul! Didn't they say it was a research base for abnormal creatures? How could there be such a beautiful boy!

Luo Pei's appearance was still too exciting for a girl who was only sixteen years old.

"Miss Makise Kurisu?"

Kevin frowned and knocked on the table.

"Please concentrate a little bit."

"Oh! I'm sorry!"

Makise Kurisu immediately lowered her head like a hamster.

Kevin picked up the materials and started the final interview process.

"So far, what does Ms. Makise think of your upcoming unit, our organization, the SCP Foundation?"

"An organization that contains... anomalous creatures and events?"

"Correct answer. But I would like to hear your personal opinion in addition to the official words you have been told."

The brown-red-haired girl slowly calmed down from the panic, she pondered, thought for a moment and said.

"A month ago, I was still a staunch atheist. But after reading the materials given by those people, I don't seem to be sure of my beliefs... I feel very incredible about your organization, the SCP Foundation, and I have never thought about it. But there is such an organization in the back of human society."

With a simple answer, Kevin nodded and recorded it.

"The group of mentally handicapped people who recruited you... Cough, I mean the staff of the Foundation, they haven't given detailed information about the SCP project, have they?"

"No." Makise Kurisu shook her head.

"Then why did you agree to join this organization with little basic information? A researcher at the Institute of Brain Science at Victor Kondolia University, this status is enough to make you a celebrity."

"The people I contacted said that there are very unique scientific research topics based on heterogeneous organisms, as well as experiments that can actually bring benefits to human beings. I think this will be the place I should stay."

Makise Kurisu said.

"Of course, they also produced strong official government credentials - which is one of the main reasons I'm here."

"Didn't those guys mention the dangers of the SCP Foundation?"


The red-haired girl's eyes widened.

"Is it that kind of... a life-threatening experiment? Those people in black suits haven't told me about it..."


Kevin was silent.

The old man wearing glasses turned his head, lowered his voice and gritted his teeth and said to Luo Pei.

"I will definitely apply to the headquarters later, and send all the members of the personnel department who are in charge of recruiting to me as fodder for 682! Wingate will definitely stamp the application form very happily."

In order to complete the work of finding talents, they even concealed part of the truth to trick a 16-year-old girl into walking a tightrope, those guys should be damned! Kevin thought angrily.

"Support." Luo Pei echoed with a smile: "But you can't toss 682 anymore. I just promised to give it a human-free environment. It's not good to break my promise. Maybe you can choose to incorporate them into D-class personnel."

"Good proposal."

Kevin sorted out the materials on the table, took out another stack from the bag, and pushed it in front of the girl.

"This document is a special case guaranteed by my authority. Take a good look, Ms. Makise. It contains all the truth about your upcoming job."

After a long silence, the expression of the brown-red-haired girl gradually became serious, and finally even brought on a slight sense of anxiety and fear in line with her grade.

she asked hesitantly.

"Are these... all true?"

Makise Kurisu saw something, some containment items that broke her three views.

At the same time, the girl also knew that she had no room for withdrawal.

A high-level confidentiality agreement with the cold word "execution" is at the bottom of the file.

"it is true."

Kevin sighed.

"I really don't want to say this to a girl your age, but——welcome to the most dangerous and weird research institute in the world, Ms. Makise Kurisu."

Chapter 37 First meeting and acquaintance, the beginning of the time machine

The SCP Foundation does not dare to say 100% of the abnormal events that have occurred around the world, but at least 40% of them are due to what they have known, controlled or obliterated. Compared with the number of abnormal events in this diseased world, this number has already It was amazing.

Therefore, the SCP Foundation is the sentinel and police of the human world. Their research institutes are even more dangerous than the darkest prisons in the world. , often brought about tragic massacres and deaths.

Ms. SCP-682 must have a say in this point. Every time she escapes from trouble, she is accompanied by the blood of researchers and soldiers.

Of course, Makise Kurisu, who just came into contact with the back of the world, must not be aware of these secrets. The girl didn't care about the words "dangerous" and "weird", but was stunned by Kevin's whole sentence.

"Dr. Kevin, you mean..."

Makise Kurisu asked tentatively.

"In this way... Even if I succeed in the interview? I thought that for an existence like your organization, it would be more cumbersome to recruit members..."

"I think it's tedious enough, Ms. Makise."

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