The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 793

In the end, it was the researcher's responsibility to make her speak.

"Dr. Kevin just said that you are my "first research subject"...what's going on? Mr. Rope Consultant. "

"Just call me Rope."

Luo Pei leaned back and nestled comfortably in the soft backrest.

"Before answering this, I also have a question to ask Miss Makise, why don't you answer me first."

"Excuse me."

The brown-red haired girl thought it was another test, and immediately straightened her slender waist.

"What do you think of time machines?"

The dark-haired youth asked an unexpected question.

Chapter 38 "The Key to the Door" Yog Sothoth, the girl who does not recognize the time machine

Makise Kurisu was stunned for a long time.

She thought it would be a question about the SCP Foundation, but unexpectedly Rope said the word "time machine".

In terms of understanding of time machines among peers, no one can surpass Makise Kurisu. But again, no one can match the girl's distaste for time machines.

When she was a child, Makise Kurisu liked to listen to her father's difficult physics. When she was in elementary school, she could understand the papers published by her father, and she could even discuss with her father academically. She was dissatisfied, but the girl didn't know about it.

Until her eleventh birthday, she completely denied her father's theory about the time machine, causing her father to be furious and causing the relationship between father and daughter to break down.

Therefore, this word is the culprit for the deterioration of her relationship with her biological father Makise Shoichi.

"Is Mr. Rope planning to have an academic discussion with me?"

Makise Kurisu frowned and asked.

Rope shook his hand in denial.

"I don't have the skills to have a scientific academic discussion with talented women from Condolia University. I just want to know your personal opinion on the time machine... just treat it as a chat between friends."

"Then please forgive me, the time machine is an out-and-out pseudoscience!"

Makise Kurisu said bluntly, and Luo Pei was a little surprised by the firmness of her posture.

It's hard to imagine that the girl who spurned the time machine academically in front of her is actually the mother of the time machine in a certain timeline of the original book... The future is really elusive.

"What's the reason?"

Luo Pei was not in a hurry, and continued to ask calmly.

When it came to academic issues, Makise Kurisu seemed to be a different person, and the shyness and uneasiness she had just joined the job disappeared in an instant.

She explained carefully.

"So far, scientists in the world have proposed many theories about time travel. There are eleven major theories. Neutron star theory, black hole theory, light speed theory, tachyon theory, wormhole theory, strange matter theory, Cosmic string theory, quantum gravity theory, cesium atom laser theory, elementary particle ring laser theory, Dirac antiparticle theory. But none of these theories departed from the realm of hypotheses.”

Oops, why didn't I understand it at the beginning...

Rope smiled.

As a great mystic, he specializes in the mystic, and has various forbidden texts and a huge amount of knowledge derived from himself, especially the soul. Even a true mysterious polymath would feel ashamed standing in front of him.

But if it involves normal scientific theories in a broad sense... don't be too embarrassing. In the series of theories with the same name just now, Luo Pei has only heard a little about the wormhole theory.

After all, the idea of ​​a multi-dimensional space tunnel connecting two distant time and space in the wormhole theory has been widely used in various animations, novels, and movies, and it can be regarded as a household name.

"The closest to time travel, I think only Einstein's theory of relativity. The closer the speed of movement is to the speed of light, the slower time will become. This is the theory of relativity." Makise Kurisu said.

"But this only involves the "future" and cannot complete the "return to the past" in time travel, so the theory of relativity cannot be the principle supporting the time machine. "

"Let's talk about these so-called theories aside?"

"Are you saying that everything is based on fantasy?"

Obviously, this is not the first time Makise Kurisu has been asked this question.

"Similarly, it is not true. The causal relationship, the grandmother paradox, and the solution to that kind of time paradox, the time travel experiment cannot be realized, absolutely not."

To put it simply, A went back to the past and killed his grandmother before his mother was born. Without the grandmother, A's mother would not have been born, and A's mother would not have been born, and A would not have been born, so A has no way to go back to the past Kill the grandmother, but without A, the grandmother will not die, A's mother will be born, and A will be born...

An unsolvable time maze, a spiral causal vortex.

——This is the causal collapse theory based on time travel.

Luo Pei regained his energy, he sat up straight again, put his hands on the table, and looked at Makise Kurisu with burning eyes.

"Plus the correction power of parallel space and time?"

He did not directly say the word "world line", but chose a more accessible parallel space.

"With the assumption of parallel spaces, is that just the range of space jumps? And... time correction power? I'm sorry, maybe I'm ignorant, I've never heard of this theory..."

Rope's second word confused Makise Kurisu.

But this is also of course, time correction power, history correction power, these are assumptions that can only be established under a certain huge and detached unified consciousness-Xingyue's restraint power belongs to this category.

This is the mystical realm of non-science.

"Is that so..."

Rope nodded slightly.

He kind of understood Makise Kurisu's thoughts - he didn't recognize the time machine at all.

So besides allowing her to see the time machine with her own eyes like in the original book, how can the girl now voluntarily devote herself to the research of the time machine...

Two years, whether it is long or not, is not short.

But before the arrival of "Lord of Death" Azakaron, if Rope doesn't want to wrestle with the five non-incarnated secondary enemies of the Old One, he must build the time machine within two years, and then Go back in time and kill the Priest of Death who was supposed to be with his master.

Oh, by the way, he has to find a way to fix "now", otherwise the danger of time paradox will make his trial collapse directly.

The suppression of the planet is weak, so who should find a great existence that can fix time and space, and at the same time be willing to help him...

"All things are one, the key to the door, Yog Sothoth..." Rope murmured in a low voice.


Makise Kurisu didn't hear clearly the taboo name that Luo Pei read out, she looked at the black-haired young man blankly, wondering if she should continue talking.

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