The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 794

It was just a chat with an academic taste, the girl didn't dare to have gunpowder in the first conversation with her boss.

She likes to study and experiment, but that doesn't mean that Makise Kurisu doesn't know the ways of the world—the break with her father has taught her well.

"It's nothing, just an acquaintance."

Luo Pei came back to his senses on the surface, but his thoughts were still lingering in the idea of ​​the completion of the trial.

Yog Sothoth is indeed a good candidate.

But what would it take to make the second in command of the god system who is so cold, the King of Everything, also known as Bubble, put in so much effort to help him?

With Luo Pei's current strength, he would not naively think that it would be so easy to fix the fruit of time in a world.

Coupled with the incarnation of Yog Sothoth's dark and angry face, "God of the Future and Time" Avgomon, just thinking about the black-haired youth feels like a toothache.

Just as he was unwilling to contact the "God of Ivory Throne" Lan Tigos, Rope tried his best not to contact the old rulers whose mental state was unstable, or who revealed malice everywhere in the classics. Nyogda is an exception. Although His Royal Highness, the resident of the Darkness, has a bad temper in the classics, it was not the case when I first saw it in Luo Pei.

Miss Nyogda is still cute...

...It would be great if there were "SCP-276" and "Time Sailboat" in the SCP Foundation... At least you don't have to worry about the time machine...

Luo Pei sighed wearily in his heart.

I don’t know if it’s an anomaly in the chaotic world, just like “Anomalous-023” is Junji Ito’s “Long Dream”, Lopez, who browsed some SCP files with the help of Kevin and Wingate’s authority at the banquet of allies, found some The number of the containment is different from the setting number given by Azalia, as if it has been replaced, and the replaced ones are all SCP containments with extremely dangerous abilities.

Chaos and the incongruity of setting into reality are superimposed to create the current SCP Foundation.

——far less exaggerated than in the original setting.

The words evoked a lot of thoughts, but Luo Pei was not in the mood to continue chatting with the assistant lady.

He needs someone to be quiet and think about His Majesty "All things are one" for a while.

"Nice talk, Miss Makise."

Rope stood up, smiled and held out his hand.

"Your rich knowledge has benefited me a lot. In the future, I hope that Ms. Makise can chat with me about the time machine."

"Of course, Mr. Rope..."

Makise Kurisu took the black-haired young man's hand and tilted her head.

"Are you leaving?"

"Unfortunately, I suddenly remembered that there are very troublesome things to deal with... You know, this is the SCP Foundation." Luo Pei said lies without blushing.

"But you don't seem to have answered my question..."

The brown-red-haired girl really wanted to know what Kevin Hollard's "research subject" was, and why he got involved with the handsome black-haired youth in front of him.

That's her job!

"Oh! I did forget to explain."

Luo Pei suddenly realized, and then blinked playfully.

"Just please Ms. Makise stay calm and wait for tomorrow. I will inform Ms. Makise when Kevin officially arranges the basic venue for us."


It doesn't feel good to have the secret right in front of you, Luo Pei can tell from Makise Kurisu's expression.

He smiled, and pretended to take out something from the inner pocket of his jacket, which was actually a white gospel, and threw it at the brown-red haired girl.

After the girl caught it, she felt a little pleasantly surprised.

"It's Dr. Pepper!"

After coming to the island, the girl looked for Dr. Pepper in a simple convenience store, but unfortunately, there were no other carbonated drinks except Coca-Cola.

"It's an apology. The delivery of materials on this island has always been a problem, but it should improve soon..."

According to Kevin, because of the arrival of two "Euclid" level projects, a large sum of money has entered Wingate's pocket, and with himself as a powerful ally, even if this island is destroyed by old urchins who like to eat public money It's not out of the question to convert it into a resort...

Living conditions are sure to improve.

"Then, I will take my leave first."


After the black-haired young man left, Makise Kurari stayed there for five minutes. After confirming that she had really left, she immediately lay down on the desk in an unladylike manner, rummaging through the pile of documents for her personal report.

"I don't remember writing down my preferences... Why would Consultant Rope know that I like to drink Dr. Pepper..."

The girl doesn't understand.

For this mysterious and handsome young man, Makise Kurisu is looking forward to the truth tomorrow.

Chapter 39 Born to Exterminate Humanity

In the early morning of the next day, the icy sea breeze woke up Luo Pei who was in a light sleep.

Having done more habitual cleaning work than necessary, the black-haired young man opened the curtain that was slowly fluttering by the window, and looked down from the tall building, and the island scenery was unobstructed.

There are patches of verdant forests, and there are groups of seabirds on the coast in the distance. On the concrete road farther in sight, the soldiers at the base had already started a new day of training, running in neat rows.

The Asian branch of the SCP Foundation today is also peaceful and quiet.

He casually put the crumpled notebook on the desktop into the white gospel — that was the spell that Rope calculated after staying up half the night last night to call Yog Sothoth, "All things are one."

Unlike Nyarlathotep in the Moon World, at this moment, Lopei has no exclusive artifact, and secondly, he has no deep connection, so he can't steal and play tricks. He can only use the most basic stupid method to summon this Cthulhu god The second-in-command Yogbubble, not to mention the poor success rate, the preparation in advance is cumbersome enough to make people want to vomit.

But that's not what Rope is going to do right now.

"Is there still work to change 682's house today..."

Sitting on the chair, I was dazed for a while, and when the black-haired young man started to feel bored, he slowly changed himself into a brand new suit with the water flow, opened the door of the luxurious dormitory, and went downstairs, to be precise, to this Go to the underground laboratory on the island.

On the way down the stairs, apart from the shadows and voices of some logistics personnel, the researcher's dormitory, which was a bit lively last night, seemed empty.

Even in the Asian branch, the researchers of the SCP Foundation are not as idle as imagined. While the black-haired youth was still asleep, including the newly appointed Makise Kurisu, the researchers arrived at the place where they worked day after day with the undimmed lights, and started a new round of happiness with the contained people play.

Even if it is an unpopular branch, the staff of the SCP Foundation know what to do to be worthy of this high salary.

It took about 20 minutes for Luo Pei to return to the entrance of the institute along the road he drove yesterday.

Taking out the ID card that Wingate Peaslee had sent overnight, he took the elevator down and down, and soon the black-haired young man saw Wingate sitting behind his desk drinking coffee.

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