The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 795

The old man looked a little surprised.

"You will be the first to come to me?"

"Is it weird?"

Luo Pei looked at the steaming coffee pot on the table, took out a paper cup and poured himself a cup.

Really hard to drink.

"Tsk... I think Kevin should be here with you at this time. Why, did I guess wrong?"

"Wrong guess. He took people to decorate the containment room of the two new containment objects very early." Wingate shrugged.

"Did you know? Last night I just gave the reply of "agree to transfer", and the result was a message of "plane taking off" 20 minutes later. It can be seen that the group of mentally retarded people have long been prepared..."

"That means two of your 'new friends' are coming this afternoon. "

"If nothing else."

Wingate showed a malicious smile: "I hope that nothing will happen to that plane. Before it landed on my small island, the containment failure has nothing to do with me..."

"...Wingate, are you really the Site Director of the SCP Foundation?"

"Your Excellency, I am a site director who is 'afraid of trouble' and 'retirement'. "

Luo Pei shook his head speechlessly. With Wingate's bad personality, I really don't know how he bribed the members of the O5 Council to sit in this high position.

"I'll take care of it this afternoon."

Luo Pei put down the paper cup in his hand.

"Did Miss Makise Kurisu go with Kevin too?"

"That red-haired little girl. She didn't go, but she wasn't with me. Kevin assigned her to the research institute in the East District, and she is probably packing up her work... There has been a certain "Anomalous" since five months ago. After the failure of containment, it has been in a state of desertion, and it will take some effort to return to normal. "

Luo Pei knew that this was tidying up the venue for himself.

It seems that the doctor wearing glasses was unexpectedly serious about his thirst for knowledge, and he still didn't put aside Makise Kurisu's "research topic" despite his busy schedule.

But it's okay, this is also an excellent way to enhance your relationship with Makise Kurisu.

"In this case, I'll go to 682 first. Finishing that irritable little lizard earlier will also give you a sigh of relief to deal with the new SCP project."

If the person he wants to see is not there, Luo Pei will naturally not stay.

Standing up from the unheated chair, the black-haired young man planned to finish the first job of the day first, and then go to Makise Kurisu's place.

"Thank you for everything you do here."

Wingate solemnly bowed his head in thanks.

Luo Pei shook his hand with his back to the old man, and said indifferently.

"Responsibility and what each wants."


In the containment area of ​​SCP-682, Kevin really disappeared as Wingate said, but fortunately, there are not a few researchers in the facility.

They had already received Kevin's order and fully cooperated in meeting all of Rope's requirements.

Seeing the blond loli playing with her tail boredly while breaking free from the torment of the "laughing collar" on the display, Luo Pei asked the female researcher who had met once.

"Is the new room ready?"


The female researcher nodded, she looked at the form in her hand and said.

"The new containment room of 100 square meters is divided into one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom according to conventional human residences. The floor is covered with hand-woven silk carpets, the metal walls are pasted with pastoral-style wallpapers, and all the furniture is fully furnished, plus a D The small window through which high-level personnel deliver food every day..."

The more Luo Pei listened, the more unbelievable he became, and he interrupted the female researcher's report.

"Is this what you guys prepared overnight?"

The female researcher tidied up the hair hanging down her ears, and smiled wearily.

"...Compared with risking your life every day, the hard work of staying up late is nothing at all. You can calm 682 in this way, and all researchers are thanking you. Consultant Rope, you have to open the SCP now -682's cage? The task force is in place."

"Let them out."


"Show me where the new room is, everyone here, including you, go out," said Rope.

"You don't want 682 to kill one or two on a sudden whim after seeing the most disgusting human beings, do you?"

"……I see."

The female researcher glanced apprehensively at the alien young girl on the display.

"We will be fully evacuated in five minutes. The new containment room is on the basement floor here. You can see it after you get out of the elevator and turn left through a metal isolation door."


After the researchers retreated, Rope lightly pressed the switches of all the gates.

This time, unlike usual, they won't close anymore.

In the display screen, SCP-682 became alert the moment the door began to rise upwards, but what puzzled Lizard Loli was that no one appeared from behind the door, and there was only fresh air pouring into the room from the ventilation duct.

Rope spoke into the microphone on the table.

"Little lizard, it's time to come out and relax."

The blond Loli raised her head, glanced at the horn at the top of the room, then wagged her tail and walked out of the dirty containment room where she had been confined for more than half a month.

All the way was unimpeded, and when Luo Pei came out of the office, 682 was standing in the middle of the studio where the researchers were originally staying.

Rope smiled and opened his hands.

"I've come to fulfill my promise."

"...You didn't lie."

With a pleasant child's voice, SCP-682 looked at Luo Pei with a strange expression.

"I thought that after you tortured me to my heart's content, what was waiting for me was still the bullet in the pistol."

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