The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 797

By the time Luo Pei arrived at the Eastern Research Institute along the route marked on the map, it was already approaching morning, and the building that caught his eyes showed a dilapidated scene.

It’s not the wear and tear of time, but it’s like it’s been scorched by a fire. Black smoky traces are everywhere on the outer white walls. More than 20 soldiers are doing cleaning work with their own division of labor. At the beginning, a certain “Anomalous” project caused The movement of containment failure is not small.

But after walking into the Eastern Research Institute, Luo Pei realized that the outside is actually a little exaggerated. The interior of the research institute is okay, at most the ceiling is blackened by smoke, and even a few heat-resistant light bulbs are functioning normally, providing bright light .

It's right to think about it, if it's really hot and can't treat others, Kevin wouldn't arrange Makise Kurisu here.


While the black-haired young man was still strolling around with great interest, the girl with long brown red hair and wearing a researcher's white coat carried a cardboard box, entered from the side door with a face of difficulty, and walked towards the entrance of the stairs on the second floor.

Makise Kurisu's appearance was not much different from yesterday's. If there was one difference, the girl finally compromised in the cold wind and changed her black stockings into light blue jeans, giving her a more youthful look.

"Miss Makise."


The hall was quite empty, and the sudden echo startled the girl.

As soon as she loosened her fingers, the heavy box was about to fall on her feet. Fortunately, Luo Pei had quick eyes and hands, stepped forward in two steps, and held the box lightly.

"What, Mr. Consultant..."

Makise Kurisu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Luo Pei.

"Don't be so nervous, right? There are more than twenty heavily armed soldiers stationed outside, and they will never forget their important responsibility to protect researchers."

"Haha...Because I read some information last night and found that many researchers died here, I was a little nervous..."

Makise Kurisu was a little embarrassed.

Just like no one dares to live in a house where people have died, in this place where there are clearly abnormal events and creatures, it is no wonder that a girl who has just joined the SCP Foundation thinks so.

"Even so, you can ask the soldiers to move it for you."

Luo Pei smiled and put the carton down.

It can be seen from the mouth of the box without sealing tape that it is almost full of sundries, and there is even a cute mug on the top. Obviously, the girl is preparing for the job.

Makise Kurisu shook her head, "I still have to move my own things, so I don't need to cause trouble to those soldiers, they have been busy for a long time to tidy up here..."

"Then let me help you."

"Huh? How is that so embarrassing."

The girl seemed very unaccustomed to accepting help from others, so she waved her hands repeatedly.

"Mr. Consultant is very busy, right? If you help me here, won't it delay your work..."

"You forgot, my work is with you. Besides, just call me Rope."

Without explaining much, Luo Pei lifted up the girl's sundries and walked towards the second floor.

Makise Kurisu opened her mouth, seeing that Luo Pei was about to disappear at the top of the stairs, and finally trotted all the way behind the black-haired young man.

There is no need to look for it at all. There is only one independent office on the second floor that has been tidied up. The rest of the rooms are locked and unpopular. In addition, there are no windows at the end of the corridor. The quiet corridor on the second floor under dim lights is a bit inexplicably intrusive.

This atmosphere is probably the culprit behind Makise Kurisu's frightened bird.

But it's purely psychological.

Under the eyes of Luo Pei's true vision, don't say anything unclean here, even half a ghost hair can't be seen, it's too safe to be safe.

"Compared to Condolia University's research institute, is this place still satisfactory?" The black-haired young man put the cardboard box on the table and asked Makise Kurisu.

Makise Kurisu thought for a while and said: "Although the environment here is indeed a bit...but Dr. Kevin and the soldiers are very kind, and I will adapt as soon as possible."

"Well, if there's anything you're not used to, just don't hesitate to mention it to me."

Luo Pei sat down on the chair in the office, sorted out the sundries on the table, and put them together with the cardboard boxes.

Makise Kurisu also realized that she had been wondering all night, and the real work content was about to be answered, so she held her breath and listened carefully.

"Ms. Makise has some knowledge about the SCP Foundation, and has a preliminary understanding of abnormal non-human creatures and events, but in order not to scare you for a while, I will deepen your understanding."

Rope raised his index finger.

"This world is more exaggerated and dangerous than Ms. Makise imagined. Supernatural events, rumors of monsters, fairy tales, when scientists proudly announce one discovery after another, these things exist in the corner where human beings lack attention , so they often have strong and abnormal... strength."

"...Like "Anomalous-023"? "

"There's a gap in rank, but it's okay to think so."

"But what does this matter have to do with your work with me?" Makise Kurisu asked puzzled. "Don't scare me", is it possible that Mr. Luo Pei will take me to see some abnormalities in a while? "

Rope smiled and pointed to his nose.

"You've seen it."


"The "research topic" mentioned by Kevin is just a promise I made casually, and it doesn't matter if you cooperate with him. Now after seeing Ms. Makise, I found that this is a good way to pass the time. It just so happens that you are too young to be exposed to "Anomalous-023". "

The truth is that Luo Pei hopes to get acquainted with Makise Kurisu as soon as possible, so as to induce the girl to turn to the manufacture of black technology time machines, but language modification is also an essential thing.

With the girl's face full of question marks, Luo Pei closed his eyes.

When it was opened again, patches of dark clouds had gathered outside the window in an instant.


Thunderbolts illuminated the room, and fine raindrops fell down, accompanied by the sound of complaints from the soldiers outside the room.

Makise Kurisu was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized, with an apologetic smile, she planned to close the window where the raindrops came in.

"The weather forecast didn't say it would rain today...Fortunately, I brought an umbrella. It looks like it will rain for a long time. Mr. Luo Pei can go back to the apartment with me after get off work..."

The girl's kind words were choked up.

She put her fingers on the edge of the window, as if someone had pressed the freeze button, and stared out of the window blankly.

Raindrops converge into countless streams. Thunder, entangled in the current.

They floated in the air, rubbing Makise Kurisu's cheeks like this, and flowed into the independent office on the second floor.

The girl turned her head suddenly, and found that those "thunder snakes" that seemed to be supernatural events were obediently surrounding Luo Pei, and the black-haired young man also looked relaxed, manipulating them.

Taking an unnatural step back, the girl leaned against the wall in shock.

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