The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 798

"Mr. Luo Luo Luo Pei! This is... this is..."

Due to being overly nervous, Makise Kurisu even started to stutter when speaking.

It wasn't the ink-scented text on the information, but the real scene, which was in front of her eyes, less than three meters away.

Even though the experience was bizarre and a genius, Makise Kurisu did not lose the normal reaction that a sixteen-year-old girl should have when facing abnormalities.

"Sorry, I really didn't mean to scare you, Ms. Makise."

Luo Pei crushed the product made by the power in his hand, stood up and walked to the window, and said gently while looking at the thunderstorm outside.

"Deliberately making such a big scene is just to let you have a deep understanding. It takes an opportunity to step from normal to abnormal. Reading comprehension is never as good as personal experience."

It seemed that Luo Pei's tone had played a role, Makise Kurisu calmed down.

The girl clutched her forehead as if dizzy, and it took a long time to calm down her chest.

"...The "research topic" mentioned by Dr. Kevin is really to study you. "

"Yeah. I quickly agreed, and I didn't want to go back on my word, so I borrowed Ms. Makise's hand to fulfill his wish."

"That... Mr. Luo Pei, are you also... a containment object of the SCP Foundation?" The girl asked cautiously, for fear of touching the taboo of the black-haired youth in front of her.

"Do you look like me?"


Makise Kurisu immediately withered.

"It's okay. It's just that I have some bad relationship with this place."

Luo Pei smiled and patted the girl on the shoulder.

"Please give me more advice from now on. This job will never let you down. Just do some tests, write some reports, and the rest of the time is where Ms. Makise surfs the Internet, sleeps, drinks coffee, and even stays in the apartment instead of coming to work." , your salary will not be less than a penny. Within a year, Ms. Makise can use my name to be a salary thief in an open and honest way?"

The black-haired young man didn't want the girl to be too entangled with this, so he tried to lightly expose it.

Still indulging in the charm of shock and bewilderment, but Luo Pei's witty words rushed Makise Kurisu's panic to nowhere.

Makise Kurisu couldn't help but whispered.

"...How could I do such a thing?"

Great, Mr. Luo Pei is not a dangerous villain after all...

Makise Kurisu settled down.

Being mentally prepared in advance, with her natural intelligence and the calmness of the researchers, the girl quickly adjusted her stimulated mentality, and her gaze at Luo Pei gradually returned to normal.

This is the world ruled by the Appearance Association.

It is self-evident that people who are different from human beings are easy to accept, not to mention that Luo Pei is still one of Makise Kurisu's bosses now.

"Why can't it be done? You must know that the top person in charge of this base is the biggest salary thief..."

Rope teased Wingate Peaslee, then changed the topic and said very deliberately.

"However, before getting to know each other in detail and summarizing our work process, I am still very interested in yesterday's topic. How about you, Ms. Makise?"

"Oh? ... Oh, are you talking about the time machine again?"

"As I showed you, things that cannot be done by conventional science may be able to combine abnormal forces. Most importantly, I don't think the time machine is an imaginary black technology. We can talk about this topic... "

Jingle bell, jingle bell.

Just as Luo Pei was about to give Makise Kurisu the ecstasy soup of "magic technology" and the like, the wired phone on the desk rang in a disturbing manner.

Because Luo Pei was relatively close, he picked it up easily.


The tone of the black-haired young man was a bit unfriendly, and he was at the most important juncture.

"I knew you were with Ms. Makise."

It was Wingate's voice in the microphone, and the old man's tone was a little strange.

Luo Pei also temporarily let go of the dissatisfaction in his heart, and smiled apologetically at Makise Kurisu. The girl quickly smiled, expressing that she doesn't care.

——The girl is taking advantage of this gap to look at Lope more carefully.

"What? I asked you to call me specifically. Is 682 out of trouble?"

"The lizard is staying well in its 'new home'. "

A noise started to come from the other side of the microphone, and Rope could make out it was Kevin's voice.

"However... If you are not busy, you'd better go to the airport. Something happened there. Because of this sudden thunderstorm, the plane carrying two SCP containment items crashed at the airport. Simultaneously, a large number of non-accidental fatalities and injuries occurred... two SCP objects, most likely have escaped..."


Luo Pei's face instantly became very exciting.

Chapter 41: The Plague Doctor Who Saved by Killing

After a moment of silence, Luo Pei crunched the microphone and said through gritted teeth.

"Wingate, you told me this morning that the two SCP containments will arrive on the island in the afternoon. Is it afternoon?"

"I misread the model of the plane, and the flying speed is a little faster than expected..."

As you can imagine, Wingate on the other side of the phone is already sweating profusely.

Two "Euclid" level objects have completely escaped containment and are scattered on the island, and even one of them has begun to kill humans. This is a disaster comparable to the last "SCP-682".

If the creature numbered "SCP-049" and codenamed "Plague Doctor" has already started its "purification operation", then...

Wingate didn't dare to think about it, he could only try to hold on to the last straw - his powerful ally - as he did last time.

"Mr. Luo Pei, I will trouble you this time too... The task force is already on its way there, I hope those soldiers can hold on for a little longer."


Luo Pei looked at Makise Kurisu next to her.

Wingate's voice in the microphone was very loud. Even though the conversation was somewhat obscure, the girl still intelligently realized something, nodded with a serious expression, and left the office immediately without stopping.

Outside the door, the footsteps of the soldiers hurriedly trampled on the stairs sounded, and they were notified that they would be responsible for protecting the safe transfer of Makise Kurisu.

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