The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 821

Ignoring the guard's salute, Luo Pei saw an acquaintance's face under a big tree in front of the main entrance of the building.

It was the captain of the soldier squad who was in charge of escorting yesterday, and he also met him once during the SCP-049 "Plague Doctor" incident.

"Consultant Luo Pei, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The soldier said respectfully.

"Ms. Makise, including more than 200 researchers here, are waiting for you in the large conference room in the main hall. Please go this way."

"Maybe you should call her 'Director Makise' instead. "

Following the soldiers, Luo Pei asked.

"The new boss is a little girl who can be your daughter. Do you have anything to say?"

"Is this your order?"

"Just chatting."

Hearing this, the captain shrugged.

"Mr. Advisor, Director Wingate's order to me is to fully assist you, and you have saved the lives of me and the team members, so unless you give clear instructions, Ms. Makise cannot strictly mobilize me and the fund." Yes soldiers, it's a matter of rules."

Obviously, it is still very gossip for a sixteen-year-old girl who should be in high school to become the second-in-command of the current research institute and the soldiers, and one can see some scrutiny from the captain's attitude.

This is still the case for the soldiers of the Foundation, let alone some gray-haired researchers. As you can imagine, during the two hours when I came late, Ms. Makise Kurisu, who was preparing to take office, must have had a hard time.

"Leaving that small island, my advice to you is to change the rules—my rules."

Luo Pei said calmly, and at the same time, he was also considering whether to use a large-scale mental suggestion for a while, so that the group of researchers would at least not follow Makise Kurisu's instructions.

Building a time machine can't go wrong with such a small thing.

"You just said that it was just chatting..." The captain felt helpless, but who made Luo Pei the boss.

"I understand what you mean, and I will take your words as authorization for Makise-no... Makise's research director. In addition..." He suddenly lowered his voice.

"Dr. Kevin ordered me some things, so I may also work part-time here as a D-class personnel supply here. You can say hello to me when you need it, and I will arrange soldiers to pay attention to the researchers, so as not to let the Foundation's secrets Leak out..."

"Don't speak so darkly, my place is not a devil's lair where the Foundation eats people."

"Of course, it's up to you to decide."

Immediately, under the leadership of the team leader, Luo Pei came to the door of the large conference room. The modern decoration of the door was simple and simple, which seemed to suggest that scientists had abandoned their vanity.

The girl with long brown-red hair was standing in front of the door holding a stack of speech papers. Her eyes lit up when she saw Luo Pei's arrival, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, and then lowered her head in frustration.

——Well, the Lord has not started to work hard, and he is a little stage frightened.

"Hong Liqi, you don't need to worry about anything, just put your energy into the next research."

Luo Pei walked over with a smile, and patted the girl on the shoulder lightly.

"I will handle these trivial matters."

"Mr. Rope..."

"go in."

The black-haired young man signaled the team leader to wait here with his eyes, and randomly led Makise Kurisu to push open the door of the conference room and walked into the noisy hall.

The venue suddenly fell silent.

Everyone was watching Luo Pei and the girl beside him. At this time, Makise Kurisu didn't have much experience in speaking, so she couldn't help hiding behind Luo Pei.

The black-haired young man calmly stepped onto the podium despite these indifferent gazes.

After a brief audition, Rope adopted a cookie-cutter opening.

"Researchers, doctors, it's a great pleasure to meet you here. I'm Luo Pei. I don't want to gossip. I'm afraid a large number of people already know that this research institute has changed its owner, and now its director It is me. That is to say, from today onwards, all of you will live under my command."

It was so quiet that you could even hear a needle drop, and the researchers were all waiting for the next step.

Luo Pei flipped through the speech draft compiled by Makise Kurisu, and found that it was full of clichés and official euphemisms. He was instantly bored and threw the speech aside.

"Although I really want to tell you about your new jobs in the next year, because of one thing, I have to make a detour before starting the topic."

The black-haired young man put his hands on the podium, and his blue eyes looked down seriously.

"When I came here, I heard that some of you caused some unnecessary troubles to Makise Research Director? For example, are you questioning her age?"

Hearing that Luo Pei suddenly pulled her up, Makise Kurisu, who was in the audience, suddenly raised her head and looked at Luo Pei with a pleading expression.

The girl didn't want to talk about such ridiculous private matters on this occasion, it would be like putting her on fire, and it would even deepen the distance between her new job and her colleagues.

But Rope doesn't think so.

He pretended not to see Makise Kurisu's expression at all.

"Being able to produce such a ridiculous consciousness, I'm afraid you don't know what the so-called "incorporation into the SCP Foundation" really means. Let me explain a little bit..."

Luo Pei showed a weird smile and opened his hands.

"Congratulations to all of you who have officially entered the modern Auschwitz. Congratulations to you too. In a place that will soon be ruled by a dictator like me, you have successfully offended Makise Kurisu who can take your lives with a single word." Director of Research. Anyway, congratulations."

What is Auschwitz, even people who don't understand history have heard of this name-the most notorious concentration camp in Germany during World War II.

The long silence was broken after Luo Pei's words, and the audience below the podium was like water dripping from a frying pan, and the human voice exploded.

"Mr. Director Luo Pei, are you serious?!"

Finally someone couldn't sit still, and it was a young man who looked a few years older than Makise Kurisu.

"Please be careful with your words, even if you represent the acquirer, the so-called SCP Foundation, I can still call the police by intimidating researchers!" He said angrily.

"Who is this……?"

"Koji Tasho! Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Dr. Kinoshita's research assistant."

"Oh~" Rope nodded.

"It looks like Mr. Tiansuo is also very young, can you tell me your age?"

Koji Tiansuo frowned, he didn't understand why Luo Pei asked this.

"Twenty-four years old! It's not important, Mr. Luo Pei, the important thing is..."

"It turns out that you are only eight years older than Makise Research Director, um, very good." Luo Pei immediately snapped his fingers and called out in our direction.

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