The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 822

"Mr. Captain, come in, there are new D-class personnel that need to be received by you."


The door of the meeting room was quickly pushed open, and the team leader who heard the conversation from outside the door opened the safety of the pistol, and walked towards Koji Tasuo with a ferocious smile.

Not surprisingly, after half an hour, this brave Koji Tasho will enter the Foundation's D-class personnel list, and then be assigned to be a guest at the home of an SCP project a few months later.

Seeing the research assistant being taken away like a chick, this group of researchers and doctors who are accustomed to living in the normal world finally had a glimmer of understanding.

The words of Auschwitz by the black-haired youth in front of him may not be false.

Chapter 58 Distortion of time, from now on

After the first assistant who voiced his dissatisfaction was taken away, some people soon couldn't sit still.

They can change the composition of the institute under the influence of money, and even take over the research that the new boss promulgates that they are not interested in. But there is absolutely no need for them to sell their lives and freedom for money.

Because based on the knowledge of the researchers and doctors here, no matter where they go, they will be the upper-middle class of human society, and there is no need to stay and suffer with this young man who obviously has mental problems.

"Mr. Rope, are your words and actions serious?"

The middle-aged man with a sense of majesty stood up, looking like the management staff of the original research institute.

"If it was a joke, we can pretend it never happened. But if you are serious, then we will not only choose to leave, but also let the police call to ruin your reputation. So, you must be joking, right?"

"Before you speak, state your name first."

"Kinoshita Junichiro."

The assistant who was just taken away, the Dr. Kinoshita he was talking about was obviously this one.

Luo Pei searched for the information at hand and found that Junichiro Kinoshita's resume was on the top few pages.

...and a man with a Ph.D. at Oxford University.

The black-haired young man closed the file and answered the middle-aged man's question.

"Dr. Kinoshita, I don't like joking with strangers. As for what you said about 'resigning' and 'calling the police' you think I'll allow it? "

"I'm afraid Mr. Luo Pei overestimated himself. You don't need your permission for this, so please forgive me!"

Kinoshita Junichiro sneered, he pushed away the colleague next to him, and strode towards the door after arranging his clothes, with a somewhat chic attitude.

This is a common problem in modern society after the promotion of human rights. Most people deeply believe in the law, in peace, and in everything that can protect themselves, so there is no taboo. But many people forget that before this, the most primitive law of the jungle is the basic law of survival.

Violation of it, only a dead end.

"Dr. Kinoshita..."

Makise Kurisu was in a panic and wanted to save something.

In fact, the girl has already regretted letting Luo Pei take the stage. Although these old doctors are not convinced to conduct research under her subordinates, if she said it, they would definitely not let things evolve to the present situation.

"Hong Liqi, sit back."

Lopez stopped the brown-red haired girl from getting up, and firmly nailed the girl to the seat with a majestic voice.

The black-haired young man covered his forehead and muttered to himself.

"It's enough... I didn't want to use hints to manipulate you, that would probably make the mysterious "inspiration" disappear... However, you are too ignorant of flattery. How about being a research dog for me? Anyway, your food and clothing wages will not be lost. In the previous world, countless people lined up to be dogs, and I am too lazy to accept it..."

Even though it was a low whisper, Luo Pei's voice still resounded through the hall with a microphone next to his mouth.

All the researchers were baffled, and couldn't understand what the black-haired young man was saying. This made them even more convinced that the purchaser sent this young man here just to disgust themselves. confusion.

After a few seconds, the chaos ended.

Before Makise Kurisu could do anything, a strange wave of spirit spread that normal people could not feel at all. Intense, full of oppression, and penetrated into the minds of everyone present except the girl in an instant.

With such a wide range of hints, these researchers didn't even have time to react, and Uniform became the most loyal slave in Rope, who could order suicide without any problem.

"It's finally quiet."

Luo Pei sighed, and showed a reassuring smile at Makise Kurisu.

The poor girl didn't know what happened, she just sat on the chair stupidly.

"Dr. Kinoshita, go back to your place." Luo Pei said to the middle-aged man at the door.

Kinoshita Junichiro's expression was no longer as lively as before, he nodded numbly, and then walked back to his seat silently. Everyone in the venue was almost like him, like a living corpse.

There is no need for pointless wrangling, and Luo Pei goes directly to the topic.

"Glad we have reached an agreement, my slaves," he said.

"At this moment, in this research institute in Tokyo, we will complete one of the greatest research projects for human beings, which is the "time machine" that was considered impossible. "


Without the master's permission, the slaves could not speak, they just listened silently.

"The people sitting here are all outstanding talents in this country. There must be people who have a certain degree of research on quantum mechanics, mechanics, and space science. Then use your brains, follow the order of the research director Makise, and transfer all Efforts are concentrated in the next year and a half."

"Of course, the utopian black technology is not something I can just say. I will also provide something that breaks the inherent rules. With the help of these things, I believe that you will be able to complete this impossible task. Help me achieve "Time Machine" manufacturing. "

Luo Pei's words are to give the hinted researchers an exact command direction. After all, even if they obey, they must have an implementation goal to achieve the desired effect.

"Next, please invite your direct person in charge, who is also the existence you will obey orders from now on—Miss Makise Kurisu."

Makise Kurisu walked up to the stage awkwardly, and finally took a panoramic view and saw the researchers with stiff expressions below, and couldn't help but gasped.

The same look, hundreds of thousands of appearances are really too much pressure for the girl, and there is also an inexplicable sense of creepiness.

The girl leaned closer to Lopez in embarrassment, and asked in a very low voice.

"Mr. Rope, is this...?"

"I have made them more obedient, so it will be more convenient for you, Hong Liqi, right? You don't have to deal with personnel relations." Luo Pei explained with a smile.

Makise Kurisu knows that the black-haired youth is not human, and has abnormal power. What Luo Pei said immediately reminded her of the dark events in many anime works, such as brainwashing, manipulation, spiritual domination...etc.

"Is this... is it too much for you?"

The girl asked tentatively.

Among the three elements of silly, white and sweet, "stupid" is not 100% considered by Makise Kurisu, but "white" and "sweet" are for the beholder to see.

——Without him, the necessity of a well-educated young girl.

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