The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 878

Luo Pei put down the girl's neatly folded black trousers in the wardrobe in embarrassment, and spread out her hands in a helpless gesture.

"If it's a secret technique, which is the "magic" you know, if there is anything on it that I need to add, I will be happy to help. But before I leave, all the runes and formations with various effects have been etched on the prototype of the time machine, right? Therefore, the work I am responsible for has long since ended..."

"Theory, theory!"

The girl slapped the table vigorously.

"You just talked about the effects of those comic strips, but you didn't say how they achieve this effect! If you want me to combine magic and technology without giving me a theoretical proof, are you making things difficult for me!?"

"Didn't Wingate explain it to you?"

"Old Mr. Peasley's technological knowledge is a new system!!!"

This is the root of Makise Kurisu's irritability.

Occult techniques, former SCP containment, Peasante's knowledge of Iss, normal human technology, a few mixed together can no longer be said to be multi-dimensional creations, it is simply a hodgepodge.

It is already a great talent for a girl to find the correct path out of this mess like a ball of yarn and put it into reality.

For this reason, let alone her private time, she will almost live in the research institute for the past few months.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Rope said apologetically.

"I will explain the principle of the secret technique to Hong Liqi in detail, but... are you sure you can understand it?"

Makise Kurisu lowered her shoulders in frustration, and lamented.

"...I'm trying my best. The time machine is seven-tenths completed, and the rest is in the stage of correction and verification. Anyway, it's already like this, and it's no big deal to have some magic knowledge...Maybe I can still become a magician And the girl...a sixteen-year-old magical girl...heh."

"I will do my best."

Rope said seriously.

"The text of R'lyye, the Necronomicon, the Book of Eibon, and the secrets of worms, as long as you want to learn, Hong Liqi, I will never hold back anything!"

"What are those! Why does it sound so scary! Are you a black mage!"

"I'm currently serving the demigod of the evil god department, so I don't guarantee that I will grow tentacles in the future."

"It's a pity that the earth needs a big devil like you to save it!"

Extremely proficient in making complaints.

Whenever she gets along with black-haired youths, Makise Red Liqi will find the feeling of seeing all kinds of absurd speeches when she was addicted to "@ch".

It's just that this time it's no longer a fantasy of the Internet, but a real reality.

"It's too bad, this guy, if you don't hurry up and do something..."

The girl covered her face, and began to play around with internet slang again.

After such a commotion, the atmosphere was indeed much better than before, and Makise Kurisu's expression was no longer so sad.

"Relaxation" is the most suitable medicine for people in intense work.

"Uh... Did I come at the wrong time?"

At the door, an elderly male voice sounded playful.

He was in a neat suit, his silver hair was combed meticulously, and he was holding a large amount of paper documents in his right hand.

Wingate Peaslee looks very comfortable in his new role.

"Good afternoon, Wingate." Rope greeted with a smile.

"How does it feel to switch from an SCP fund account to a new organization?"

"It feels great. Your Excellency Luo Pei. An unconstrained life and a super high salary are several times better than staying on that sloppy trail." The old man laughed.

"Or do you want me to call you 'BOSS'? "

"You are coming less often."

Rope waved.

"Is it for the "time machine" thing? Kevin wasn't with you? "

"I'm not that old-fashioned bastard's lover, why do I have to be with him." Wingate said with disgust.

He walked in, fully embodying the concern of a kind old man for the younger generation, nodded to Makise Kurisu with a smile, and put the documents on the table.

"Miss Makise, it's a proposal for the possible correction of the time point of the curve. There are about 3,000 proposals. Please make sure to resolve them within a week."


Makise Kurisu looked at the mountain of documents that was getting higher and higher, and tears began to brew in her purple eyes.

"You bully people..."

Peasley hastily denied it.

"Hey, hey! Ms. Makise, don't say that! His Excellency Luo Pei is still here, I don't want to be sent to the Amazon jungle by him to play with the black caiman."

"If you don't want to go, it's best to explain to me why you have to throw everything at Hong Liqi?"

Luo Pei crossed his arms and looked at the old man.

"Hollard, are there so many researchers in the entire institute mentally handicapped?"

Before Peasley could speak, a tired voice took over the question from the black-haired youth.

"I'm not mentally handicapped...Mr. Rope..."

Kevin stared at the two big panda eyes, and walked in from the door with a high-strength coffee.

"What we gave to Ms. Makise are the necessary documents after careful screening. After all, she is the person who knows the time machine best, and some things have to go through the hands of Ms. Makise." Kevin said with a wry smile.

"As for sharing the work again... With all due respect, Mr. Luo Pei, my office of more than 100 square meters has long been buried with documents, and five or six high-encryption hard drives have been filled, and other capable researchers have also been buried. This is mostly the case...we have not died from overwork and have been well maintained."

A paradoxical thing like a time machine is very cumbersome, and it is not something at the level of "1+2+3+4=10" at all.

Even with countless black technologies and the help of Luo Pei's secret technique, the manufacturing process is still troublesome and makes people want to vomit.

——In order to ensure safety, there are too many things to consider.

"All right……"

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