The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 879

Luo Pei sighed, looked at the red-brown haired girl with pleading eyes and said.

"Before scientific research ruined Hong Liqi's youthful life, I thought about ways to increase professional fault."

"But hard work is hard work, the manufacture of the time machine is at its final stage."

Kevin said in conclusion.

"Not surprisingly, in about two to three months, Mr. Rope, you will be able to see the finished time machine. It will take you back to the past, and do something that calls the evil gods to come. Our world is It's so safe."

"Oh? Has the calculation and positioning been completed?" Makise Kurisu asked in surprise.

"I just finished it last night, Miss Makise, you can throw all the documents about positioning on the desk into the trash can..."

Kevin shook his head and took another sip of his coffee.

"In short, congratulations that we are about to complete a miracle. In addition, Mr. Rope, I very much agree with you for sending Wingate to the Amazon jungle. This old bastard has been paddling in the research institute in addition to providing Yisi technology."

"I don't!"

"You have."

"...Looks like I need to teach you a lesson, Kevin."

Looking at the two old men who were pinching each other again, Luo Pei shook his head, turned around and said gently to Makise Kurisu.

"Give yourself a little vacation. Go out on a date with me at night, and I will talk to you about secret arts in detail during a leisurely chat."

"Today, tonight?!"

"Huh? Hong Liqi, do you have any arrangements?" Luo Pei asked curiously.

The girl thought of some bad things, blushed up to her ears, and hastily denied it.

"No! Well... I have to go home and get ready, Luo Pei, you can go to my residence to pick me up..."

"No problem, and as an apology, I won't let you down."

With a date as today's curtain call, at the same time, Luo Pei also knew the exact date of his final battle.

——near at hand.

Chapter 96 Luo Pei: After this battle, I will go back to my hometown to get married...

Time always goes by slowly when you are bothered by trivial matters. Once it relaxed and wanted to enjoy it comfortably, it unnaturally quickened its pace like a bitch.

Two and a half months passed like a white horse.

Not to mention the leisurely life of a scumbag who is on several boats. During this period, Luo Pei used the bonus of faith to further draw out the divinity of "chaos". And the form of existence has completely separated from the realm where all things exist, resulting in a qualitative leap.

At the same time, constantly absorbing the star-studded taboo knowledge preserved by "The Polluter" Igoronak, Rope finally completed the cumbersome ritual of "The Appearance of the Old God" before the end of the time machine manufacturing.

"Crawling on the ground like a snake, with a thousand shapeless bodies, disaster and pain follow wherever it passes. The crown is dotted among the starry darkness, swaying the great power that corrupts the world."

Most of the so-called evil gods are like this.

They are the evil sons of "chaos", and what they represent is the essence of chaos-"disordered and indescribable".

Melting the double, returning the two into one, Lopez has his own "Old God's Appearance".

Not only the crazy growth of power and heterogeneity, the relationship between him and "chaos" has become closer.

The feeling of returning to the womb made the demigod involuntarily feel warm, like a faint flame ignited in the bottom of his heart, and it intensified.

So far, he has truly become an indescribable existence with great power.

Only in the distant future, when the time is ripe and "rebirth" is obtained, the birth of a new evil god will be announced to the entire multiverse and order life.


Institute of Physics in the suburbs of Tokyo.

It was another normal day with a sunny day, but the atmosphere in the institute today is a little different.

The soldiers of the "Two-Faced Tree" were dismissed.

They took the controlled researchers and left the research institute that had been working for several months, and none of the peripheral personnel was able to stay. The job of the guards was taken over by the monsters, watching the surroundings vigilantly, not letting go of the slightest sign of trouble.

——The air is so serious that it makes people chill.

Just because today is the most important day for their lord, their king, "Father of Demons" Rope.

The sound of leather shoes hitting the ground echoed in the hallway.

Luo Pei walked through the empty building, wordlessly pushed open the door guarded by Sanwei Mask himself, and walked into the spacious research hall.

Surrounded by dazzling mechanical equipment, dense cables are connected to a tapered strange creation in the center.

Apart from himself, there were only three people present.

"Doctor" Kevin Hollard. "The Cursed" Wingate Peaslee. "Mother of the Time Machine" Makise Red Liqi.

They gathered around the computer, doing the final simulation of the time machine, arguing and nodding, trying to be perfect in every way.

"I think there is still a problem with the function positioning..."

"The axis is immutable, Ms. Makise. At least we have no way to use manpower to change it. No matter how we improve the materials and additions, it is simply a dream to shake the foundation of the universe."

"Kevin, the great race of Yith has completed the idiotic dream you spoke of."

"Then who are the Great Race of Yith here? We discuss solutions as human beings, not to compare with higher races. "

"Learn from each other's strengths, you short-sighted and old-fashioned fellow."

Slowly, the two old men started their argument again, and the red-brown-haired girl was isolated outside with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"You two old gentlemen, stop arguing at this time... Ape is coming soon."

"I've already arrived."


Makise Kurisu looked at Luo Pei in surprise.

It was almost a week before we saw each other again, which was a slight torment for a girl who had confirmed her relationship long ago and was in the honey period.

Compared with the disgusting research data, she would naturally prefer to look at her boyfriend's handsome face.

"It's still a little short of the last, and it will be resolved in the afternoon... What's wrong with your eyes?"

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