The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 880

Makise Kurisu was reporting the situation of the time machine, but suddenly found that the blue eyes of the black-haired young man were always closed.

"Don't worry, little problem. After completing the big ceremony, I can "see" a little more things. Closing my eyes can reduce some sequelae, and it won't affect my normal vision. "Rope closed his eyes and said with a smile.

Makise Kurisu frowned.

"Ape, the "big ceremony" you are talking about has something to do with the recent major accident in Kanagawa Prefecture..."

"Haha, what Hong Liqi is talking about, how is it possible, I have been staying in Tokyo and never went out."

Luo Pei panicked without changing his face.

In fact, that disaster was the aftermath of his "big ceremony", but can this kind of thing be admitted in front of the girl?

Ms. Assistant is not some bad guy who doesn't eat people's food. She has the conscience of a normal human being. If she is found out, there will be no good fruit to eat.

"Is it……"

Although suspicious, there was no sign of lying on Luo Pei's face, so Makise Kurisu gave up.

Right now, the time machine is the most important thing.

Route, direction, timing, equipment working properly—

After everything was confirmed, the time came to about three o'clock in the afternoon just as the assistant lady said.

"That's almost done..."

Makise Kurisu unplugged the last cable by herself, looking at the time machine with complicated eyes.

The girl never dreamed that the "impossible black technology" that had been denied repeatedly would be truly manufactured by her hands.

Although there are many incredible things mixed in, even magic has come out, but this is undoubtedly a product of a cross-age.

If public...

"Miss Makise, I advise you to get rid of the thoughts in your mind."


Wingate was not ashamed of his age, and he could see the inner thoughts of the girl in trance at a glance.

He said very seriously.

"From now on, I will dispose of all the data related to the time machine, and please Miss Makise try to forget the experience of the past few months. It is a disaster for human beings to obtain an uncontrollable artifact, not everyone has it Your Excellency Rope ignores or even eliminates the power of paradox. Once the time machine appears in the sight of human beings, and some people can’t resist the temptation to travel through time, then the terrible collapse of time and space will occur, which is ten thousand times more terrifying than any nuclear bomb more than double."

"……I know."

The flame that had just risen in poor Makise Kurisu's heart was ruthlessly wiped out by Wingate.

She also counted on this real "achievement" to reconcile her and her father.

It seemed impossible now - and her reason agreed with Wingate's words very much.

Human greed has no limits, and the typical regret medicine of "changing the past" is what everyone in this world desires to have.

Wingate took a deep breath, and turned his gaze to the black-haired youth with his eyes closed.

"Lord Luo Pei, everything we can do for you ends here. Please save this troubled world, please!"

"Hmm. The only special product I brought back from this trip is "Death of the Priest of Death". "

Rope said in a low voice.

He stood up, put his hands on Makise Kurisu's shoulders, and said seriously.

"Don't worry, when I finish this battle smoothly, we will go back to our hometown to get married, and nothing will happen."

"Are you a big idiot?! Don't make such jokes before such an important event! A bad flag will definitely work!"

The girl who was originally infected by the atmosphere immediately became dumbfounded when she heard these words. She buried her face in the chest of the black-haired young man, enjoying the last peace.

After a while, Luo Pei pushed Makise Kurisu away.

He stretched out his hand, and a gray flame ignited in his palm.

Crush it vigorously, and the gray sparks scattered in all directions, and the gift from Yog Sothoth, the "one who returns all things to one", was effectively used.

a split second.

Passing through the distant starry sky, no one can detect it, and a great power that cannot be seen has descended.

It was as if something was strangling the throat of this world with both hands, and everything stopped.

All-One freezes the "now" of this world with a corner of its supreme power, protecting it from the erosion of paradox.

Looking at the still movie-like scenes around him, Luo Pei smiled knowingly, turned around and stepped into the time machine that lowered the ladder.

The curtain of the end unfolds at this moment.

Chapter 97: The Horror Demigod Across Time

Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA, was a name that was absolutely familiar in the era of 1913.

However, its fame has nothing to do with its own customs and economy, and it is not realistic to talk about it with a city that is less than fifty years old after the Civil War.

Specifically, Haverhill's claim to fame is a university located on its outskirts.

— Miskatonic University (Note 1).

This college is very special. It is different from the regular world-famous colleges. The education level of Miskatonic is completely behind any "world-class" colleges. It is not worthy of giving shoes to Harvard, MIT, and Cambridge. Mostly it has to do with something on the back of the world.

Religion, mysterious people, secret organizations, and even many researchers of the SCP Foundation came from this university in the past. Miskatonic's library holds the world's largest collection of mysterious books, anecdotal historical materials and religious rumors, more than 80% of which are traceable.

Thanks to such a university, the streets of Haverhill are full of all kinds of strange costumes all year round. From devout Christians to Indian witch doctors with a long history, eccentric people are all attracted by Miskatonic. The gathering in this city has become a unique landscape, and the residents have long been familiar with it.

Of course, this also includes the dark-haired youth in modern casual clothes on the streets of Haverhill in 1913.

The journey through time was unexpectedly smooth.

As if under the shelter of Yog Sothoth, the "all things are one", Rope did not take any detours, or jumped to an era that shouldn't be, and precisely landed in Haverhill in 1913.

But this section of the road is by no means a pleasant one, and I want to do it again.

In the standard time of more than two months, the demigod trapped in the time machine, apart from simulating magic and chatting with Azalia, the rest of the entertainment can only be with those empty ghosts living in the turbulent flow of time, Tinda The Rosshound is playing a shoot-1-2 shoot-2 kind of game, it's so boring it makes me want to die.

Well, it's finally over.

Black and shiny asphalt roads, brand-new and bright classic cars, newsboys wandering in the streets and alleys, as well as those young people with peaked caps and girls in floral dresses, the 1913 Haverhill highlights the uniqueness of this era. Some flavors relieved Luo Pei's depressed mood.

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