The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 883

– it is the conceptualization of the road itself.

Therefore, their respect for Yog-Sothoth is above all the gods. To be more serious, it is not an exaggeration to call them a race of servants outside Yog-Sothoth, but the Yis Few of us acknowledge this reality.

Compared with them, the empty ghost and the Hound of Tindalos next door are more bachelors, even proud of being Yog-Sothoth's pets.

"I turns out that everything has been arranged by the great one...your arrival is not accidental, but an inevitable time...I am still a prisoner in the prison of time..."

Is took a deep breath and spread his hands.

He held the tiny firefly-like light in both hands, and the huge mental power condensed into substance, bringing knowledge together in the small spot in the center of the light.

"Exchange, the details of the rituals of the "Lord of Death" Azakaron and the Priest of Death in this world... The price, the great Damigold will pay for the record of His Majesty "The One Who Walks the Dust" Kwache Utaus The Will of Cannamangos. "

"You guys are really obsessed with "time", haven't you given up your physical body's efforts to span time? "

"That is my clan's... wish..."


Rope nodded in satisfaction.

"It's a reasonable exchange. It just so happened that I got the "Kanamangos Will" from Igoronak, but it was impossible to give it to you, so I had to rub it."

"You mean...His Royal Highness the Polluter?" Iss was startled.

"Who else is there besides that fat man?" Luo Pei said indifferently.


Yet another holy name of the Great Old One.

It was only then that Yis felt that the "Damigaud" in front of him was fundamentally different from the ones he had come into contact with.

The name of the great Yog Sothoth, who is indifferent to the mortal world, is casually mentioned, and even the hateful and stingy scribe can ridicule at will, without being cursed and retribution, and even got it from Ygoronak. The "Kanamangos Testament" that records the secrets of time...

What kind of blessing is this?

Is it possible that those ancient and brutal rulers have undergone some changes that they don't know about?

Yisi didn't know, it could only lower its head deeply in the chaos.

Rope took out the original copy of "Kanamangos' Will", and instantly copied a handwritten version written in English under the ability to distort reality, and threw it over.

At the same time, the information that recorded the key points of the trial also came into his hands.

Chapter 99 The plan to destroy the dead veins, the nun with dragon scales

Although there are all kinds of ridiculous problems with IS, fortunately, once the deal is established, they will never breach the contract or make small moves, and the information given is very comprehensive.

The current situation of "Lord of Death" Azakaron, the location of the Priest of Death and the method of launching the ceremony——

All of these already existed in Luo Pei's mind.

And because of this, Luo Pei understood where the trouble was in this "hunt".

"That guy actually did such a thing... Was it really proud of the "deceased", a follower of the God of Order? Even interstellar priests would not have such a crazy move..."

The black-haired youth shook his head helplessly.

"The "death" of the extracted world is forcibly sealed inside one's own body, and when the time is right, it is released in one breath in the form of the most painful "total self-destruction", serving as an "anchor point" to receive Azakalon... plus The chaotic nature of this world is indeed a perfect way to "let death come". "

"Death" exists in every world. They are eternal, most abstract forces, ineffable and ubiquitous, functioning as the rules of the normal birth and decay of all things.

Once this constant force withers under the interference of some great existence, the reincarnation will be destroyed, the quality will increase infinitely, and the world without the digestive system will shatter like a swollen water polo.

It's hard to imagine that this is the method thought up by a follower of the ancient god of order who once hated chaos extremely.

But then again.

The priest of death is so crazy that he doesn't even care about his own life. How can this kind of destruction of the foundation of a world cause ripples in its heart?

Anyway, as long as Azakalon comes, this world is destined to become the food of the "Lord of Death".

'This may be the so-called "the most terrifying sanity is infinitely close to madness"? '

Azalea sighed and said.

'It loves its god, believes in its god, and will give everything for Azakalon, including trampling on the creed that was once regarded as everything...'

"Seeing this fate, I think those interstellar priests who are willing to sacrifice their lives are cute."

Rope sneered.

"If a certain old ruler appears silent, except for its fanatics, other interstellar priests will definitely pat their asses and run to believe in another evil god..."

'Well, that's what chaos is like. We don't particularly care about faith, just food. There is also no obsessive-compulsive disorder of the ancient gods who promote their own order ideas. Everyone is very casual about this. '

"Hey... This is the important reason why you lost to the ancient gods. You can kill each other internally, there are many contradictions, and your subordinates are all scattered except for the created servant race. It is a strange thing to win..."

'Shut up! Ape, you should think about how to solve this ceremony. '

Azalea said angrily.

Luo Pei shook his head and put his palms on the rock wall beside him.

This is the suburban mountain range of Haverhill, the closest location to the leylines.

The divine power erupted, and under the control of the demigods, it was elaborately compiled into a magnificent divine art, which continued to extend downwards, grasping the tiny veins of the earth, and more deeply perceiving the "death" flowing in it.

It's just a leak of some power, and the hill that Luo Pei stands on has a tendency to become corrupt and rotten and transform into "chaos".

Just the use of a small probing spell is enough to create such a vision, and the danger of the demigods of the evil gods can be seen at a glance.

They are not the kind of "macho male" powerhouses who wield their power, level this nuclear level all day long, dismember continental plates, and explode stars-although these evil gods can easily do it.

Cthulhu-type demigods, no, all Cthulhu-type powers are closer to the "source". Regarding the operation of the soul, rules, and essence, it is like a lingering poisonous form of power that is harmful to all existence. .

This is why Cthulhu guys are so dangerous in the multiverse.

There are as many strong people who can explode stars as crucian carp crossing the river, but the only ones who can corrupt a powerful civilization and turn it into another kind of abomination are those chaotic scoundrels.


Withdrawing the little divine technique, Luo Pei sighed.

"Like the roots of tiny trees, there are too many "passages", and it is impossible to disintegrate in reverse... I suspect that not only this city, but the entire North American continent has been transformed into a "ceremonial place" by that priest of death. "

'What about the source? '

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