The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 884

"Same as Yisi's information, the source of the ritual is in Haverhill's back space, but..."

Luo Pei's gaze turned to the distance, overlooking this relatively young industrial city.

To be precise, it is Miskatonic University on the edge of the city.

"The space on the back has been included in the scope of the "Death Lord"'s kingdom of God, the "Realm of Decay"... That guy summoned the fragments of his master's kingdom of God. "

Rushing into the territory of an enemy's kingdom of God is no different from courting death.

Not to mention the mighty Priest of Death who might exist among them, the instinctive repulsion of a divine kingdom with gods since ancient times would be enough for Luo Pei to drink a pot.

——He is just a demigod, not a deity who truly shocks the starry sky.

'It's's Azakalon's kingdom of God, so calling the incarnation of the old ruler won't have much effect. '

"Let me start with the "transit node" first. "

Luo Pei opened his blue hexagonal eyes.

"Now its "death" has not been saved, and if there is a problem with the transmission channel, it will definitely be unable to sit still. As long as the priest of death comes out of the "Kingdom of God", I will seize the opportunity to kill it even if I awaken the "Appearance of the Old God". Death with insufficient accumulated power will not be able to reach the "anchor point". At that time, try to cut off the back space and throw it into the bottomless abyss to make sure it is safe. I don't believe that Azakalon can travel through the barriers of the multiverse without any "road signs". "

'Ape, the ritual of the "Appearance of the Old Gods" has just been completed...'

"Hey, honey, what are you worried about?"

Facing Azalia's persuasion, Luo Pei just smiled freely.

"That's my body!"


Azalea was dumbfounded.

Even though it was a short period of time that I didn't even notice in the past, now I feel like "a long time has passed".

From a matured great mystic to a powerful demigod who perfectly controlled herself and even possessed the "appearance of the old gods", Luo Pei's growth gave her the illusion that she couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

It's really funny, is the rational side loaded with too many human emotions...

However, it also seems to be good.

'Well then, come on my dear. '

Azalia's voice was soft and gentle, like a spring breeze, and then fell into a standby state where she no longer disturbed the host.

The hill where the demigod was located finally couldn't bear the corruption, and turned into various abnormal creatures and fled in all directions.

The black-haired youth standing at the top has long since disappeared.


In the mountains not far from Haverhill, there is a small church.

It is not as magnificent and solemn as other churches at all, with dilapidated doors and dilapidated windows. Compared with orthodox churches, it may be more like a beggar's den for homeless people.

And even a beggar would not come to such a deserted place.

But the only owner of the church, Sister Alice, doesn't care about these little things at all.

In the courtyard, the woman took care of the plants in the garden with a calm face like a saint, watering them one by one with the kettle in her hand, her movements were very slow, as if it didn't matter if she did it all day long.

She was wearing the most traditional nun costume, which was made of old linen and was patched everywhere to look shabby. But her appearance is like a treasure bestowed by heaven, a bit delicate and not human.

Completely mismatched outfits will definitely make anyone who sees them feel sorry - such a woman should be the most dazzling star at the ball.

In this deadly silent repetition, the woman did not change until the position of the last pot of daffodils.

Her watering hands stopped, and her dark golden eyes, covered by the scarf, looked up at the sky.

"This is……"

Alice whispered to herself, her voice was as sweet as a lark.

"What happened inside the "Death Vein"... There is no such record in the given time...Master Siman, do you know what's going on? "


Loud noises rang in the female's ears, Alice nodded slightly, and put down the kettle.

"Yes, I'll check it out myself. Please restore the "dead vein" to normal as soon as possible. Our plan will be completed in only three months, and we can't make mistakes at critical moments..."

"..." The noise had a solemn feeling.

"Understood. I will pay attention. It does smell of "them"..."

She nodded to express her understanding, and took off the turban that wrapped her hair, and her long silver-white hair hung down.

The neck is gray and layered with dragon scales.

Beside the nun, the blooming narcissus withered in an instant, as if something had taken its life away.

Alice looked regretful.

Unlike Siman in "Crazy Death", she still can't let go of the glory of being a "deceased" long ago. Even though the God she serves has been corrupted, what she longs for in her heart is the normal death of life.

That's what the death of the multiverse order is supposed to look like.

But now she has absorbed too much "death", itself is a kind of disaster to life.

But this is helpless, if it is for the return of God...

Alice's eyes returned to calmness, she buried her redundant emotions, and walked outside the church where she had lived for a hundred years.

Chapter 100 The Deathly Dragon Soars in the Sky

In front of a certain lake on the outskirts of Haverhill, a terrifying alien scene is unfolding in reality.

The trees weep and bleed, the earth hates life, and the lake turns into something else that glows black.

The black-haired demigod trampled to death the little alien who ran to his feet, and nodded in satisfaction.

"In this way, it will be the second one."

With Haverhill as the central point of absorbing "death", there are many nodes around the city. Rope doesn't need any means of leaving no trace at all, as long as it can be undone, even a "blockage" like this is fine.

His purpose is to force the priest of death hiding in the Kingdom of God to face him, only its death can initially cancel the ceremony, how can it be done quietly.

"If you don't want to come out and fix it yourself, do you think I'm a small character who can be dismissed at will..." Luo Pei sneered.

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