The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 886

Their responsibility, as Azakalon's second-in-command and servant, is to maintain the normal death of the "multiverse".

But these rare species have been extinct in the hunting of other powerful races after Azakaron was expelled from the multiverse.

In front of him, it is likely to be the last "Dragon of Death".

Alice in the form of a dragon took a deep breath, and the etheric magic power in the atmosphere frantically rushed into her mouth, and even her scarce divine power was added to it.

A moment later, what came with the destruction was the roar that resounded through the sky.

"You and this land will be turned into dust forever!"

Facing the dragon's angry breath, standing on the ground, the black-haired young man who was extremely small in appearance just raised his hand.

——To deal with such an enemy, there is no need for "the appearance of the old gods".

"Chaos. Chaos fusion."

In an instant, time lost its meaning.

Except for the city of Haverhill, which Alice deliberately turned her back on, the entire vast green mountain range, including the city nearly 100 kilometers away, with a population of more than 100,000, was overwhelmed by the mixed light of chaos and gray.

You can be sure that after this day in 1913, the earth will be a geographically colossal spectacle, and the United States will have the highest number of civilian deaths in history.

But unfortunately, these "futures" in Rope will be forcibly corrected by the great power of "One Who Turns All Things into One".

Except for the death of the Priest of Death, the rest will never see the light of day.

——This is a disaster that only exists at this moment.

Chapter 101 The Weak Dragon, the True Priest of Death Appearing in the Mist

The impact of the ultimate energy not only shattered the ground, but even the space where the two demigods lived was turbulent.

Behind the light, prism-like fragments scattered, and were repaired in the blink of an eye under the characteristics of the space itself. This rapid reincarnation, which is enough to burn people's brains, annihilates all the existence it wraps, leaving no trace of observability.

In the sky, the soaring death dragon cautiously pulled up some distance to prevent being absorbed by the chaotic scene. Even the thick scales of the demigod dragon couldn't withstand such a violent impact.

Then, did not leave that area, there is no sign of activity in the perception, is the demigod who was blocked in the space dead?

Alice just forcibly extinguished this idea just as soon as it occurred to her.


Her age is still young for the demigod dragon, but a long time ago, when the elders of the order were still there, Alice, who was deeply influenced by those ancients, had heard the vast "battle between order and chaos".

As the "old opponent" corresponding to the rank, if the demigods of the evil gods were so easy to kill, the war would not cause such terrible casualties, nor would it drag on for so long. This group of evil guys who know the mysteries of the soul are as hard to destroy as their god, the old master.

Where is it……

The dying dragon hovered anxiously in the sky, its dark golden eyes turned at high speed, trying to find the figure of Luo Pei after the light gradually faded.

She barely flapped her wings, and the ether magic power automatically replaced the role of "wind", providing power smoothly.


The noisy noise sounded in Alice's heart again.

The dragon had to spare part of his mind to deal with the call.

"Master Siman, I can do it... If you come here, the "dead pulse" will lack the source to lose its power...Compared to the damage of the "node", that is the most deadly situation..."

She opened her mouth wide, accumulating the next breath of divine power.

"Please promise me! Even if I fail and die here, you will not be able to leave the "Realm of Decay"! The return of His Majesty Azakalon is the top priority! "

"..." The noisy noise fell silent.

After a while, in Alice's perception, the "death vein" buried deep in the earth's leylines continued to sink, sinking towards the core of the earth that could not be touched.

that's it.

The rest is just to focus on...

! ?

It was just a momentary distraction, and when the attention came back, the dark golden vertical pupils of the death dragon suddenly shrank due to shock.

A handsome young man with black hair and casual clothes had come before her at some point, smiling at her, his reptile-like eyes were full of cruelty, surrounded by shadows.

How can it be! The space blockade is obviously still working! ?

In a panic, Alice flapped her wings instinctively, trying to blow away the black-haired youth with a storm, and she also retreated backward.

——The lack of combat experience is reflected in this way.

If it is an older demigod dragon, when the enemy appears in front of him, he will only choose to spray it with a mouthful of dragon breath, which is a strong trust in his own weapon. But as an exiled believer of the shameful ancient god, Alice lacks the teachings of the dragon elders, and the only thing she can trust is that Siman, who is like a "grandfather", cannot teach her how to fight the dragon.

Plus that buried deep in my heart, the fear of evil gods...

"Chaos. Frost Dust."

In no time, Alice paid the price for her blunder.

Countless cold white ash gathered around the dying dragon, no matter how much she waved her wings, she couldn't blow it away.

When she wanted to open her mouth to release the breath of the divine dragon, the original divine technique created by the "God of Frost and Death" Itakua had already surrounded her like maggots on the tarsus, taking root and sprouting on her scales, growing transparent ice crystals.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

The wings are getting heavier and heavier, not to mention the magic power of ether, even the concept of "freezing" has occurred in the depths of the soul.

The white palm of the black-haired young man deformed, and tentacles composed of countless shadows flew around, grasping the ice crystals on the dying dragon like a lasso.

Then, the dragon howled, and the gray blood and the gray dragon scales wrapped in ice crystals were torn off abruptly.


Accompanied by the uncomfortable sound of ice breaking, the death dragon fell into the mountains very close to Haverhill.

"Death, I order you, leave my side! "

Alice was no longer stingy with the scarce divine power, and roared desperately in dragon language.

The gray mist of "death" spewed out from the mouth of the giant dragon, and the target was none other than herself, and the crystal erosion stopped visible to the naked eye.

Before the ultimate truth of the annihilation of all things, Ji Han had to get out of the way.

——Ropey's magic effect was suspended.

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