The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 887

"I pass judgment on you in the name of 'Judge of Death', 'Priest of the Winged Ones' and 'Mist of Dawn'! Unholy son of the evil god! Azakalon orders you to pay back that eternal, unreasonable life! "

Another magic trick.

The most commonly used divine spell from the death dragon, as immortals who hate evil, they have the right to deprive this life.

In the past, quite a few independent races died under the spell of the death dragon.

But Rope is not an independent race.

The glory of Azakalon has long since disappeared without a trace.

In the gray mist, the skin of the black-haired youth kept decaying, and was reborn immediately. Alice's magic can't invade the soul that is protected by the gods.

"Honestly, I'm a little bit disappointed."

In this way, Luo Pei walked in front of the dying dragon, looking down at the giant dragon that was obviously countless times bigger than him.

"Do you know how much trouble I have encountered and how long I have been preparing for today? In the end, it is this level in front of the "Final Boss"? There is only this divinity and divine power in a long life, and your weakness seems to be mocking my hard work. "

The divine spell failed, and Alice opened her mouth suddenly, wanting to breathe out the divine dragon's breath that she had already prepared.

As a result, the tentacles turned from the right hand of the black-haired young man completely blocked the dragon's head as expected, causing her to hold back, almost burning her throat.

"I won't... let you succeed!"

The death dragon struggled.

"Although I regret that the deaths I have stored over the years cannot be used for His Majesty Azakalon's arrival, but...if I can bring you with me, it will be considered as my wish come true!"

She desperately drove her front paws, as well as her wings shattered by frost, enveloping little Rope.

Divine power is burning.

Death is galloping.

Like a nuclear bomb that is about to be activated, Luo Pei can clearly feel the dying dragon's desperate situation. Once it "explodes", not to mention cities, even countries, and even the earth are likely to be dug into a big hole.

But the black-haired youth just shook his head with a sigh.

"That's it...the result is good."

The black tentacles shrank, and the next moment, Luo Pei's impurity-free voice resounded in the soul of the dying dragon.

"Chaos. Great pollution."

One of the once supreme three pillar gods, "Chaos" Nyarlathotep used this magical technique to make "Lord of Death" Azakaron fall.

Although the difference between Rope and Nyarlathotep is not as powerful as the one used by Nyarlathotep, it is definitely more than enough for him to pollute a weak demigod dragon .

——Chaos, invaded the dragon's soul.

Hazy thinking is a precursor to madness.

If you can't even control what you think in your heart, how can you control divine power and death?

In an instant, Alice was forcibly "turned off".

The dragon's struggle gradually weakened, and finally lay on the ground like a corpse, no longer moving.

Her gray scales are dyed black, and the disorder of internal "death" is manifested externally. She is clearly the priest of death who controls "death", but she can visibly change between "aging", "rottenness" and "vigor".

The dragon is broken.

Luo Pei withdrew his deformed hand, facing the enemy who would end his life in a short time, but he was not very happy.

Too weak is one thing, and the "death" stored in this dragon's body is simply pitiful.

Is this really the result of absorbing the "death" of this world for at least hundreds of years?

No, wait a minute...

The information given by Yisi...the resistance in the "death vein"...

Luo Pei restrained the casualness after winning, and he seemed to realize something.

But just as his thinking was on the right track, the next moment, a shock-like alarm made him turn his head behind him instantly.

Gray, in the dissipated mist, there is an old man there.

The "old man" is only because of the bent back, and the exact age cannot be judged.

Because it looks like a snake.

Light blue scales, similar to human hands and feet, very similar to the family created by "Father of the Snake" Ego, but with a "second pair" of eyes different from the "Snakeman".

The majestic "death" can create a sense of oppression just by standing, and the instinctive resistance to death deep in the soul.

Rope twitched the corners of his mouth.

"So that's how it is..."Final Boss" has a second stage..."

This is the priest of death who actually presided over the "ritual".

Chapter 102 Leader of the Order, "Crazy Death" Siman

Ancient snake people.

Although this race is very close to the evil family "Snakeman" created by "Father of the Snake" Ego in terms of name and appearance, but in terms of essence, they are two completely different existences.

They are more rational and gentle than their serpent counterparts, and their need for forbidden knowledge is also very indifferent.

Because most of the capable outstanding people in the clan are the death priests of the "Lord of Death" Azakaron, the ancient snake people are often responsible for presiding over the requiem rituals after the death of creatures, and they are very popular among the orderly creatures in the multiverse.

But until Azakaron's fall, degenerating into the stillborn of the five gods, their evaluation immediately became lower than that of "snake people".

Even if the snake people are crazy about taboos, they will not do the evil deed of slaughtering a world and burying all life.

But the gentle and kind ancient snake man did it.

Pious belief is the original sin that induces the abyss in their hearts, and the ancient snake people cannot accept Azakalon's fall and departure. They were the first poor people to deviate from the orderly way of death, and finally the whole group was buried in the dust of history by the ancient god "Lord of Space" Vovados.

If there is nothing wrong with this information, then how many years has the ancient snake man in front of him lived...

Rope, who is not good at broken history, can't figure it out.

He only knew that if he could survive the purge of an ancient god, the ancient snake man in front of him must not be an ordinary person—at least it was different from the big reptile lying on the ground.

The gray mist dissipated, and the ancient snake man began to speak incomprehensible words.

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