The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 888

Afterwards, it immediately realized its mistake, and an apologetic and sarcastic smile appeared on the snake's face.

"Sorry, I seem to have forgotten that the ancient snake language has long been a lost language. From the current standpoint, it is appropriate to use human language for communication."

"I don't think there is any need for communication between the two demigods who are bound to die."

On the surface, Luo Pei smiled calmly, but in his heart he was already extremely vigilant.

The majestic divine power is ready, and it only takes a short moment to create a powerful evil divine art.

The ancient snake man shook his blue head.

"Through countless millennia, you are still exactly the same as in the past... filled with chaos, irritable, sadistic, and warlike. You can tell from the way you look that your gods, the old masters, are not in the seal at all. Reflect on the reasons for your defeat..."

As it said, a dilapidated wooden staff appeared in the hands of the lizard's claw.

No killing intent, no hostility.

With just a slight pause, Luo Pei felt the distortion of the space behind him.

The huge figure of the Death Dragon gradually disappeared like a mist, and was transported by the powerful demigod to the absolutely safe "Realm of Decay" belonging to the territory of Azakaron.

Even if the main god is lost, the Kingdom of God still lingers.

This is the glory of the second son of order, powerful and unrivaled dignity.

"This little girl is too reluctant..." the ancient snake man sighed.

"The dignity of dragons is always so elusive, but as the only companion, I can't really let it go as she said... If the power is lost, it will be lost. We have been waiting for countless years. Waiting for hundreds or thousands of years... makes no difference."


Rope adjusted his suit.

"Do you mean that the one of us who left alive must be you?"

"Maybe, maybe not, how do you know if you don't try?"

The ancient snake man's smile turned ferocious, becoming more like a poisonous snake.

"Little ghost, I can see that the "favor" on your body is almost overflowing. Berkrug, Atrak Nakya, Ithaqua... Even the two hateful gods, Nyarlathotep and Yog Sothoth, have left traces on you, But you don't underestimate us too much. "

It raised its head slightly.

It's like the posture that was respected by creatures of order a long time ago.

"Even if His Majesty Azakalon's glory disappears in the long river of time, I, the current leader of the sect, Sman will never allow this kind of vicious trampling on the sect of the dead."


Unexpectedly, Luo Pei had an impression of this name.

To be precise, it came from the impression in the information about Azakalon.

Rumor has it that the first priest of death who slaughtered the world in an attempt to provide power to the Lord God was High Priest Siman.

After that incident, this Priest of Death was also given the title of "Crazy Death". In the ancient records of various races of order, there are creatures whose dangerous sequence surpasses that of evil gods.

——A living legend.

"Although I'm curious how you survived Vovados..."

The unique corrosive characteristics of the evil god system reappeared around Luo Pei.

The ominous smell of divine power seems to add unimaginable poison to the earth, further tormenting this land that has just been baptized by "death".

"But, do you priests of death only defend your remaining dignity by showing off your past glory?"

Hearing this, the ancient snake man raised the wooden staff in his hand.

It was smashed down heavily.

The wind, which even Lopez's authority as the "ruler of the sky" cannot determine, is not a storm, and a storm erupts violently like this.

The storm of unknown nature blew away everything, including the land that Rope had just eroded, and turned into dead gray objects.

With just one blow, the divine power effect of the black-haired youth was removed, almost affecting his soul.

Sman has lived up to its legendary name.

"If you think of me as that little dragon girl, I will be very troubled. She is just a young junior."

Sman said.

"However, what you said is correct...staying alone in the country for too long has made me talkative. Is it the result of the deviation of my lord's essence... ...Forget it, whatever it is..."

The ancient snake man's tattered robes shattered.

Its body kept climbing and twisting, and finally turned into a terrifying deformity that humans could not imagine.

The crown of bone is worn on the top of the giant snake, and "death" is draped over the scales like a veil.

The sky was affected by Siman's enormous divine power, and it was clearly a clear sky, but the blue that was illuminated by the sea water slowly faded, turning into a decaying dark gray, even covering the sun's rays.

This influence is probably not limited to the area where the two demigods are staying.

Judging from this burst of divine power, at least the sky seen by all intelligent creatures in North America is the same as the current Rope.

——The loss of life creates the "realm of death" of death.

When Sman despises "orderly death", life is no different from garbage in its eyes. Even if this kind of divine power would even kill people in North America, Siman didn't care at all.

It has only one thing in its mind right now.

Then, at the end of misery's flight to life, put an end to the demigod who dared to prevent it from calling Azakalon down.

This is simply like the epitome of the battle between Azaccalon and the evil gods.

Order and chaos, two equal persons, a battle between demigods of different camps.

"Order. Death by force."

Sman's twisted arms swung his staff.

The next moment, Luo Pei's eyes widened.

The demigod's keen sense made him aware of the traces of the continuous disappearance of a large area of ​​life force.

Everything, including humans.

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