The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 913

The terrifying body of the demigod automatically repelled Inzan Nibia's "death", and Luo Pei looked at the surrounding environment with his spiritual vision.

——It is indeed a small world.

The gray sky and the gray ground are like the scene before the chaos.

The "small world" of Inzan Nibia is completely different from the green and beautiful environment of Abangt Heim, another fantasy species, "Apostle of the God of War". Perhaps it was also because Abant Heim changed the environment of his "small world" because he considered that all Flügel and the Lord lived on his back.

Only Rope can be so leisurely under the "hug" of a hostile phantom species.

But immediately, Luo Pena's plan to walk around was forced to stop.

A force that cannot be ignored is brewing.

‘God, I know that conventional force cannot harm you...then I will respond respectfully to your provocation, and use the only weapon that can resist the tyranny of the gods given to me by God! '

Inzahn Nibia's voice came from all directions in the world of gray mist.

At the same time, Luo Pei sensed the chain collapse starting from the basic law.

It is different from the divine spells he used before, it feels orderly and progressive.

The unique law of collapse links the macroscopic existence of the external world, and then is further compressed by the "core" of the fantasy species to extract power.

It has the same nature as the Flügel's "Sky Strike", the Dragon Spirit's "Broken Roar", and the Goblin's "Marrow Explosion", and it is a unique move of the Phantasm——

'Bad release the fusion world! '

Injaen Nibia roared in his heart.

The next moment, the small world where the demon god stood was buried by a genuine energy flow that could melt the world.

Chapter 6 The Apostle of Oneiroi, Fantasy and the Gods Make a Contract


The small world in the body reorganizes and regenerates.

Inzahn Nibia carefully scanned every inch of space inside himself, wanting to make sure that this strange and violent god had eaten the "Bad Fusion Realm" head-on.

It didn't even dare to hope that it could incapacitate the gods with a single blow.

Inzan Nibia only hoped that this attack would cause the Deity species to suffer a little damage, so that it could leave this place quickly and move on towards the gathering place of more than one phantom species.

As long as they get there, no matter how crazy the gods are, they won't be able to risk the potential danger of fighting multiple phantoms to trouble themselves.

— Normally speaking, this is the case.

In a short period of time, the reorganization of the internal space was completed, and on the other hand, the power in the "central core" of Inzaen Nibia was also on the verge of drying up.

Gray sky, gray earth.

Everything is normal in perception, and there is no sign of any gods.

But it was just like this that made Inzan Nibia even more panicked.

Absolutely, definitely, it is impossible to kill the gods only by "bad fusion world"!

The gods stand at the top, and there is no concept of "death" in the conventional sense of existence beyond the concept of life. Unless the marrow is destroyed by fighting with other gods, no, even the marrow can be revived.

But here is its body again, and it cannot be transferred in space. How did the god species disappear completely?

"I just entered your "dream" huh? "

'——! ? '

"Although it is extremely difficult to sneak into your layer upon layer of non-subjective consciousness dreams, but... well, what is surprising is that a behemoth like you can also dream. Fantasy dragging everything into "death" and letting the planet re-emerge Restoring peace and security... If you are a creature outside the world, you must have a lot in common with the priests of Azakaron, the "Lord of Death". "

Unlike the 30-meter-tall dark blue demon god, a young man with black hair and blue pupils appeared next to Inzaen Nibia's "Central Core" at some point.

Before Yinzahn Nibia could express his astonishment, Luo Pei flicked his index finger on the dewdrop-like "middle core" like a child playing.

In an instant, not even a microsecond, the instinctive desire to survive caused Inzahn Nibia to transfer the "Central Core" and place it in an elusive position.

Followed by, is the fantasy kind of question that surrounds the heart.

'……Why? '

Inzahn Nibia asked incredulously.

'Since you have found my "core"... why didn't you destroy it immediately... aren't you longing for my death? '

"According to my previous plan, if you are a violent guy who gives everything to instinct, I don't mind killing you. But before entering your world, I changed my mind a little bit, after all, "we" are very kind What has changed..."

Rope said with a smile.

"Besides, I've got what I want."

The power level of the fantasy species, under the attack of "Bad Fang Fusion", Luo Pei has already figured out.

At this point, he also had a rough estimate of the power level of this world.

If Inzaen Nibia had a human form, he would definitely sigh at this time. But it doesn't, so it's just a long silence of the mind.

'... My "Bad Fusion Realm", can't even inflict a little damage on you? '

"No, I entered the dream after receiving your attack head-on."

Rope shook his head.

"The current appearance has been regenerated and re-imitated, so don't pay too much attention to it."

In "Bad Fusion World", even with the use of defensive secrets, almost 30% of the mass of that terrifying body evaporated.

But, that's it.

Regardless of the soul attack that Rope had been prepared for a long time ago, and the distortion and disintegration of the rules of careful defense, these attacks that could really hurt him did not come with the "bad release fusion world". It's like wearing a thick armor, but the enemy's attack doesn't even touch the armor, which makes people feel surprised.

Or maybe this fantasy species has not yet reached the level of "affecting the soul with energy quality", the effect is too subtle, and it is ignored by his strength.

So after ignoring it, how much threat can the pure energy attack of fantasy cause?

— no threat.

Back in time, high-speed regeneration.

Among the forces controlled by Luo Pei, regenerating a new body is simply easier than eating and drinking. Because it is his soul shrouded in radiant divinity that contains the source of his power.


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