The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 914

Inzahn Nibia was speechless.

"Don't be silent, I'm the one who was surprised."

The black-haired young man rubbed his eyebrows and asked with a strange expression.

"I said to you... Is the so-called ultimate move just this kind of "brute force"? It seems that the Flügel is also like this? There is no attack aimed at the depths of the soul, or more essential? If I remember correctly, even the elves have magic that affects the soul and ideology, but you phantoms don't? "

'……unnecessary. '

Without the power to fight again, and being slowly eroded by the power of "Chaos", as a defeated Inzaen Nibia had no choice but to answer the questions of the Deity Species.

'Release the power in one breath...Annihilation...Any existence will dissolve...The so-called destruction should be like this...'


In the final analysis, it is a difference of concept.

Just like the Cthulhu Department focuses on the soul and essence, most of them are too serious. The superior creatures in this world also firmly believe that everything under "violence" is a paper tiger, and they pursue the purest power. "Marrow Explosion" and "Void Zero Protection" were created by goblins and elves under such a concept.

——If you can stretch out your hand and crush it to death, what kind of messy detours do you have to make?

Among them, Artosh, the "God of War" who can destroy planets with "God Strike" is the most typical existence.

It cannot be said that they have gone the wrong way, each has its own advantages and strengths, it can only be said that the perception of power by the upper class in this world is completely different from that of the evil demigod Rope.


Inzahn Nibia interrupted Rope's thinking.

'This battle is your victory... I don't have the strength to fight anymore...Then what will you do with me for this "result"? '

Slowly, the small world is dissipating, and the normal world returns...

Not only that, but Luo Pei also discovered that the phantom species "Central Core" that had just been hidden by Inzan Nibia had appeared in front of him again.

'I... also have dignity. If you change your mind and want my life, I have no objection. '

"Oh, unexpectedly spineless..."

Floating in the air, looking at the fantasy species shrunk into a small gray mist, a trace of appreciation flashed in Luo Pei's blue eyes.

'What about your answer? ’ Injaen Nibia asked.

Rope didn't rush to answer.

He looked at the elves under his feet in the "grass dome boat", who did not bear the impact of Inzaen Nibia because of their descending altitude, panicked and thanked for their narrow escape.

And that beautiful elf woman staring blankly at the sky.

"I hope to get the "Star Cup" and the right to dominate this world. "

Rope spoke.

"But if you play alone in the game, there are too many uncertainties. Therefore, I will start to create my own race after I find the "habitat". The race can't be justified... I also have a rough idea about the habitat..."

Inzaen Nibia quietly listened to the rambling words of the gods in front of him.

It's not surprising at all.

As long as it is a god species, after activating the essence, it will have the ambition to dominate the world.

"So, do you want to come?"

Rope stretched out his hand towards the gray mist.

"Even Artoxiu has a phantom species. I don't think I'm inferior to him. Naturally, there's no reason why I'm inferior to him. Do you want to be my "apostle"? fantasy species. "

Injaen Nibia fell silent.

For a long time, while Luo Pei waited patiently, the voice of the soul sounded.

'I... really can't understand you and other gods. Attack me after stopping me, and ask me to be your apostle after winning... Are you playing me? '

"I'm serious."


Another long meditation.

Just when Luo Pei felt that the other party would refuse, Inzahn Nibia stretched out the chain made of gray mist.

That should be the limb it simulated, similar to the "hand".

'I name is Inzaen Nibia, and I will use the continuation of this life as a sacrifice to dedicate it to the gods—you. '

Inzahn Nibia said.

‘Then, the gods, my future lord, what should I call you? '


The black-haired young man said with a smile, holding the white hand of Inzaen Nibia's gray mist that can "destroy" all things.

No matter which world you live in, if you have competent subordinates, you will have fewer troubles. This is a very simple and easy-to-understand truth...

Thus, under the dusk-colored gloomy sky under the witness of a group of insignificant elves, another pair of gods and phantoms reached a "covenant" that existed in ancient times.


Here, the second update you want, I'm exhausted...

Chapter 7 Dedicated to the Deity Seed

Fortunately, there is still day and night in this world.

Even though everyone was beaten badly, and the "skeleton" of the dead elves formed blood-red dark clouds to cover the sun, they still walked steadily to all creatures in the dark and cold night.

By the time the Deities ended the battle and landed on the "Grass Dome Ship", the sky had completely darkened.

As an elf, Xinke Niervalen would not be blocked by the darkness, and correctly saw the humanoid black-haired youth walking towards him. But in this environment, she still felt inexplicably panicked, as if the image of the thirty-meter deep blue demon god was still in her mind, lingering.

"On behalf of the elves, I welcome you, honorable god..."

With a smile on his face, Xin Ke Nierbalian lifted the corner of his cassock and performed a perfect elf etiquette.

Even if the appearance of the other party ruins the grand plan of "Phantasy species capture", they must not express any dissatisfaction, otherwise they may step into the footsteps of those goblin species.

Luo Pei glanced around, and found that the entire elf fleet, and only this Mrs. Huaguan could still remain normal. The other elves were either shivering in fear of facing the superior, or were affected by his old god's appearance, and showed signs of mental breakdown under the suppression of their companions.

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