The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 946

With spiritual perception in full swing, Lawrence easily figured out who was forcing the dragon spirits to use "Broken Roar".

"How could there be a conflict between the Ex-Machinas and the Dragon Spirits?"

"Who knows."

Mikolash jumped onto the railing of the Grass Dome.

"There are a lot of dragon spirits, many Ex-Machines...and one dragon spirit has an extremely large spiritual power...Lawrence, their battles are approaching the hunting ground, and they have violated our rules."

"Order the nearby nightmare species to gather, let's go and have a look."

Lawrence flickered and disappeared on the grass dome boat.

Then came Mikolash.

William was not in a hurry, it turned around and nodded slightly to Xin Ke Nilvalen.

"Miss Nierbalen, I will leave the cruise to you. We will be back as soon as possible."

"Don't you need the support of the fleet?"

"This is the hunting of the nightmare species."

After speaking, William also disappeared.

How should I put it...

Xinke Nierbalian continued to sit down and drink tea, enjoying the last tranquility before the war between the gods and the gods, showing a subtle smile.

The sky is falling and the tall man is holding it up. This feeling is really reassuring...

Chapter 27 Yanlong’s roar, the son of nightmare continues to join the hunt

To the east of the hunting ground, there is a distance of 20,000 miles from the roaring crack, where a desperate war is unfolding.

On one side is the dragon spirit that waved its wings, uttered a loud dragon chant, and commanded all things with words.

On the other side is a cold and silent machine.

"Insignificant and unknowing pieces of iron, you will become dust on the earth from today, and will be trampled on forever..."

On the towering mountain peak, "Yanlong" Yaron Lefe lowered his wings, and his scarlet vertical pupils kept looking at more and more figures of Ex-Machinas.

The latter did not communicate, did not have eye contact, and even faced the panic of the dragon spirits, even if their companions were chewed and crushed by the sharp teeth of the dragon spirits, they remained indifferent.

- Start the battle and fight it.

The Ex-Machina's judgment is only that simple.

The rest is to use calculation and analysis to win.

The incorporated wild dragons, Aaron Leif's subordinate dragons, the sky was covered by multiple dragons, and the noisy dragon's language continued to act on the Ex-Machinas.

Crush it, smash it, smash it—

Gone, Gone, Gone—

Gradually, the dragon spirits found that the effect of their dragon language seemed to be weakening. Direct commands could no longer reduce the number of iron blocks, but they were still increasing.

Ex-Machines are a very special race.

Their abilities can be summed up in almost one sentence.

——"Analyze and imitate the race that breaks down the factor."

If it can be analyzed, it can create targeted military equipment. Theoretically speaking, as long as strong enemies keep appearing and the number of Ex-Machinas is sufficient, they can even become infinitely stronger through self-reformation in battle.

'"Report" The enemy's attack has been analyzed. '

"Command" further consumes the analysis body, analyzes the enemy's defense method, and keeps the combat body on standby for low-level attack. '

'"Acknowledgment of receipt. '

Silent information transmission, the Ex-Machinas precisely executed every order.

If there is a "perfect match" in the world, then this phrase must be for the Ex-Machinas.

Even the Nightmare species of the Psychic race will have some gaps due to the differences between individual consciousnesses, but the Ex-Machinas don't have even a single flaw.

Because they don't have a "heart", they naturally don't have doubts about orders.

The roar of the dragon essence shakes the air, and the dragon language tears the earth. The Ex-Machinas use their unique "code" to fight against the Dragon Spirits.

The weapons are constantly transformed by the elves, changing their appearance and function.

Finally, the Ex-Machinas were no longer slaughtered unilaterally.

After the analysis bodies analyzed the dragon scales of the dragon spirits, their counterattack began.

Orderly and fierce.

The dragon spirit that was suspected of being a wild dragon couldn't withstand the attack after only a few times. It raised the distance and released the dragon spirit's unique move at the cost of its life.

——"Beng Xiao".

The swan song of life, even if this blow was predicted and evaded by the analysis bodies in advance, the Ex-Machinas would still pay double-digit combat bodies.

But it didn't matter at all.

In a short period of time, the number of Ex-Machinas gathered here has exceeded 3,000. They are constantly linked to each other to form a composite combat unit - "connected body".

'"Report" The analysis of the enemy's defense factors has been completed. '

'"Order" all combat bodies to unfold, and the joint body is 100% activated. '

'"Proposal" There are too many enemies, please continue to support. '

'"Answer" proposal passed. '

'"Report" The dragon spirit species "Beng Xiao" has been analyzed and is requested to be put into actual combat. '

' "answer" request for permission, sending external widget. '


A scarlet laser swept across from left to right.

The "Pseudo-Beng Xiao" that the Ex-Machinas put into actual combat not only injured the dragon spirits in the sky, but also cut open the mountain where "Yanlong" Yalong Leif was located, creating an impact like a tsunami of flames. .

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