The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 947

The pitch-black Yanlong King seldom raised his dragon wings to resist for a while.

No injuries.

Although "Fake Code. Beng Xiao" is not as good as the "Beng Xiao" of the real dragon spirit species, Yalong Leif's scales have not even a single scratch, so you can see how powerful the body of "Yan Long" is.

Among the two dragon kings, Yaron Leif, as a irascible fighting faction, is a bit stronger than "Smart Dragon".

"The roar of our life is so desecrated by you, tiny rusty pieces of iron..."

Yaron Leif's red vertical pupil shrank, and his wings spread out.

With a shock, the crazily burning flame was extinguished in the strong wind.

The subordinate dragons, the wild dragons saw their dragon king start to move, they leaned over one after another, and gathered beside Yalong Leif.

A suffocating horror.

If there are beastmen or humans, even elves, existing here, this aura alone can cause them to die.

Dragon spirit species, the highest race in ancient times.

"Kill them all."

Yaron Leif roared ferociously, and its subordinates also roared with high fighting spirit.

The Ex-Machinas remained silent.

At the last moment before the start of this frenzied war, in the connecting body on the edge, a juvenile female appearance analysis body with long black hair tilted its head slightly.

Her pupils shining with data narrowed to the west direction, like a focused camera.

Afterwards, Yaron Leif's incredibly powerful, dragon-speech attack that tore apart the world came.


"Lawrence, we seem to have been discovered?"

"Walking over like this swaggeringly, I will doubt the strength of these guys if I don't get noticed."

Using spiritual power to form a barrier in front of them, despite the storm and gravel, the three leaders of the nightmare species stood on the edge of a certain cliff and looked up at the two major races raging in the sky and the earth.

Behind them are more than a hundred nightmare species wearing dark trench coats.

Equally silent, but colder than the Ex-Machinas.

"Then do it directly."

Mikolash's left hand turned into sharp claws, tearing out deep scars on his cheek, and quickly recovered under the regeneration ability.

"Ex-Machines? Dragon Spirits? Or attack together? Whichever is fine, I can't wait to cut something!"


William glanced at Mikolash.

"The Creator once said that if it is not necessary, try not to form a hostile relationship with the Ex-Machinas. This race is very special. Even if they step into the hunting circle, depending on the situation, it is caused by the dragon spirits. The best way now is to sit Watching the tiger fight, if the Ex-Machinas are defeated, we will kill the Dragon Spirits, and if the Dragon Spirits are defeated, we will monitor the Ex-Machinas until they leave the hunting circle..."

"Go eat grass roots, idiot! I'm going to hunt Yanlong!"

Mikolash screamed strangely and jumped off the cliff.

"Praise the God of Disaster!"

The next moment, a huge spiritual power exploded in the perception of all nightmare species.

The mind distorts the space, causing the dragon spirits to lose their ability to fold and move in space as a "multidimensional creature", and even the connected body of the Ex-Machinas stagnates for a moment.

Immediately, Mikolash's almost prototype figure, with both energy body and dark blue tentacles, appeared on the back of a certain dragon spirit, raising the folded meat saw knife high.

Before the dragon could react, it took a hard hit.

Strangely, there was no sign of injury, and the scales were intact, but the dragon spirit wailed fiercely.

——Sawtooth, hidden in the dream!

"Creator, is this character also your inspiration..."

William moaned, covering his head.

"Lawrence, should we join forces to kill that guy after this battle...or something will happen sooner or later..."

"Then let's talk about it after the battle is over. My dragon bone statue is still missing something, and the bones of "Yanlong" are just right, and Mikolash can't preempt it. "

"...Even you are like this!"

Lawrence's body began to flush slightly, and cracks bloomed, as if a flame was surging inside his body.

It took out the spiral blade from the dream space, and in an instant the evil flames belonging to "Blaster" Cthugha surrounded it.

William sighed, and took its mystic handaxe.

No orders, no instructions, just like the Ex-Machines, after entering the combat state and connecting to the mind network, the unity of consciousness is completed.

Then, there was a collective psychological attack on the nightmare species against the dragon spirits.

The two leaders take the lead, and the "mind blast" is fully open!

——Tonight, the nightmare species will continue to join the hunt.

Chapter 28 The Dragon King's swan song, Yan Longxiao

The "connectors" of the Ex-Machinas lined up in an orderly formation and dived towards the ground. In front of them, the huge pitch-black dragon spirits kept trying to shake off the "connector", but they were still tightly bitten.

This is unusual.

The flying of the dragon spirit is not so much "flying" as it is the space moving towards it. The rejection of space-time interference, the fixation of self-coordinates.

But the Ex-Machines were still able to catch up to the Dragon Spirits, presumably because they analyzed this movement method after several chases.

"Inferior block of iron..."

The light of "Pseudo-code. Bengxiao" exploded on Yanlong's back, Yaron Leif, who was suffering from pain, was furious, turned his head and opened his bloody mouth, and a high-heat elf breath aimed at the "connection body" and exploded.


The fiery foehn twisted the edges of the mountains, the sun lit up the night, and the air was as dry as a scorching hell.

Maybe he killed and destroyed a lot of Ex-Machinas, but Yaron Leif didn't even look at his own results, adjusted his posture, turned his head and flew to where his subordinate dragons and wild dragons were.

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