The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 950

"Battle body", "Analysis body", "Design body" and "Observation body", and finally the "commander body" gives orders.

After "Yan Long Xiao" came into contact with the Ex-Machinas and melted the 300 "combat units" that were initially determined to be consumed, the Ex-Machines completed the assumption of "traffic control" and the calculation of the expected deflection direction.

"It's true that if you don't pay attention, you will make big news."

First of all, the suspicion is that there are loopholes in itself.

Because under such circumstances, the Ex-Machinas actually heard a complete sentence.

Immediately after, there was an even bigger burst of energy, and at the moment when "Yan Long Xiao" was about to approach "Communication Control", a pale energy came from bottom to top, colliding with "Yan Long Xiao" with an incomparable momentum.

Not traction.

Instead, force change.

It seems that even the deadly power of the dragon king of the dragon spirit has to succumb to this power.

The two streams of energy were mixed with each other, and before the explosion, they were overwhelmed by the pale force, and shot towards the completely opposite direction, that is, the sky covered by the dark clouds of the spiritual skeleton.

Thousands of miles of dark clouds were defeated.

One red and one white, the two terrifying energies disappeared in an instant, disappearing among the stars in the night sky that the earth creatures hadn't seen for a long time.

The light faded, and the Ex-Machina silently looked at the black-haired young man with a helpless expression in front of them.

He kept shaking his right hand.

In the ultra-high-speed regeneration, as a result of the hasty response, all the fractures and burns were recovered, and even a trace of it could not be seen in the blink of an eye.

Poor Yaron Leif's life-saving trick can only cause this little damage.

But the black-haired young man seemed to think that it shouldn't be like this - he shouldn't even have this damage.

"Is "Yan Long Xiao" so strong? I remember that in the original book, the parallel dragon king was not good at all... Beng Xiao, who contributed 42% of his power, was taken over by a Flügel without any damage..."

Just muttering like this, the remaining two subordinate dragons who were still stubbornly resisting were cut off by an invisible attack.

The flesh evaporated, leaving behind the immortal keel, and the wild dragons fled in all directions, announcing the complete disbandment and demise of the dragon spirit species "Yanlong faction".

"Creator, Master Creator!?"

"Why did you..."

Stretching their heads out of the dream again, the leaders of the nightmare species looked at the black-haired youth in astonishment.

Their creators, the gods who were supposed to be on the throne of the star clock tower in the dream, appeared before their eyes.

"You three."

Rope smiled kindly.

"I should have said that we should be cautious about the expulsion of higher-ranked species, especially the "Dragon King" and "Phantom Species", right? Why didn't they even report and summon a large army, and participated in the war against "Yanlong" with more than a hundred people? "

He tilted his head and continued to ask.

"What if the number of races participating in the war increases? Have the Flügel and Goblins been left behind by your arrogance? Thanks to your mischief, some Nightmare species have died..."

Condensing the body completely in reality, kneeling in mid-air.


Lawrence and William glanced at each other guiltily, and pointed at Mikolash next to them in unison.


Mikolash was a little confused.

Just sold yourself like this?

Speaking of participating in the "Yanlong" battle, didn't everyone discuss it together...



"One year of confinement."


Mikolash took everyone's blame, and under the order of the Creator, he returned to the dreamland in despair.

In the next year, I am afraid that this "Crazy Blade" will not be seen in the real world.

"Master Creator, regarding your question, because we saw the conflict between the Ex-Machinas and the Dragon Spirits, we thought it was a good opportunity, so we..."

Lawrence tried to explain.

But Rope waved his hand.

"I know it all. Instead of wasting time with me, it's better to organize the conversation and go back and apologize to Mikolash. After all, some people must be left to help the elves. Considering Mikolash's personality , it was punished on your behalf..."

Of course he knew what was going on, which is why Luo Pei chose to shoot immediately after sensing it.

——The battle between the Ex-Machinas and the Yanlong is the precursor to the beginning of everything.

Turning around, Lopez looked at the silent Ex-Machinas.

Taking a closer look with the eyes of the Deity species, Luo Pei realized that the Ex-Machina species are really amazing.

It does not refer to power, but the existence of this race itself. Infinite learning ability, self-improvement and self-improvement machinery, perfect in all aspects.

Moreover, because there is no "heart", there is no dispute, and naturally there is no need to take a detour.

No wonder the weak Artosh was able to be killed in the original book...

Although at the cost of an entire race.

I'm afraid the God of Suspicion didn't expect that the props that were once made just for "talking objects" to relieve boredom have grown so amazingly.

"'Question' Is the existence standing in front of us the last intellectual race, the creator of the Nightmare Species codenamed by himself, the 'God Species' Rope? "

In the Ex-Machinas, a feminine man with long dark blue hair asked in a cold and unwavering tone.

Lawrence's shoulders shook.

He slowly raised his head, looking at the Ex-Machina with a dangerous look.

"Facing the guys who were comrades-in-arms just now, although I don't want to say these things...but if you don't pay attention to the politeness of your words, some unpleasant things may happen."

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