The Endless Shuttle

Comprehensive Manga: Endless Shuttle Chapter 951

"What is the question?" "

"...So it's not unreasonable to say that machines will make people angry."

"Quiet." Rope glanced at Lawrence. "That's the nature of the Ex-Machines, even if you get angry at them, it's useless."

""Conjecture" According to the common sense of other intelligent species, the reason for the change of attitude of the Nightmare species should be that we did not observe the language etiquette of the lower class towards the God species. "

"Definitely lacks manners. "

""Review" has insufficient understanding of the phenomenon. "

Weird way of speaking, after talking with the machine next to him, the leading male Ex-Machina nodded.

"I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of all the Ex-Machina species for the help of the Nightmare species. At the same time, I would like to express my gratitude again to the noble God species for helping to resolve the crisis."

Almost at the same time, all the Ex-Machinas saluted together.'s the etiquette of the elves.

The Ex-Machines probably have only a small amount of their own culture, and the rest are parsed and stored from other intelligent races like a computer.

After all, it is a race without a "heart".

"never mind."

Luo Pei is too lazy to argue with a group of "real. Iron heads" about these trivial matters.

"As the price for my help, this area should not appear in the near future, otherwise it will be regarded as a hostile act by me and the nightmare species..."

""Definitely" If it weren't for the tug-of-war with the Dragon Spirits, the Ex-Machines would never have approached such a remote area. If the noble gods have no other requirements, the Ex-Machinas will leave this place. "

Rope shrugged.

"Although I know it's impossible, let me just ask..."

He looked directly at the Ex-Machina male.

"After waiting for such a long time after losing the creator, does the weapon have no plans to find a new owner for itself?"

That's right. This was Rope's idea of ​​the Ex-Machinas.

His desire for the Ex-Machinas even surpassed that of the Elves.

This was the only race other than the Flügel that killed the gods in the original war. And unlike the hairy god killed by the Flügel, the opponent of the Ex-Machina is the strongest Deity species "God of War" Artosh. If you have no idea about such a powerful race without a master, you are a fool.

Let the Nightmare species carry out the non-hostile order; his reflex to "Yanlong Xiao" just now; it is all out of the behavior of achieving this simple goal.

But the Ex-Machina's answer was exactly as the God of Disaster expected.

"The "Negative" Ex-Machinas will stand by until the return of the Creator. "

Even if you have forgotten who the Creator is.

Even if the weapon is gradually rusting.

The Ex-Machines still stick to their original principle—weapons should belong to those who make them.

Before being invaded by the virus named "Love", this was the purest and firmest idea held by the Ex-Machinas. That's why they choose to fight passively and never take the initiative to provoke troubles.

"Is it."

Lopez flatly agreed with the choice of the Ex-Machinas.

"Then let's end here."

"Of course thanks again for your help. "

Before the Ex-Machina flew out of this area, the eyes of the black-haired youth caught the young girl Ex-Machina at the end of the army, who was no different from other Ex-Machina.

This can be regarded as eliminating another uncertain factor...

The gods expanded their perception, and as expected, a small human tribe was carefully migrating not far from the war zone.

The aftermath of the battle between the Ex-Machinas, Nightmare, and Dragon Spirits frightened them even from a distance.

But fortunately, Luo Pei's act of bouncing the "Yanlong Xiao" into the universe interrupted the original direction set by the energy transfer of the Ex-Machinas, allowing the human beings in the tribe to preserve their lives.

Among the group of people was a boy with gray hair who was hugged by his frightened mother.

The boy was different from other humans, and he had a feeling that was very familiar to the gods.

"The inactive "God of Games", Tetu..."

Rope pulled a sly smile.

That's good--

Perhaps the opportunity to meet the Ex-Machinas and the Humans was lost, and the lovely Deity would have to wait until hundreds or thousands of years after Rope obtained the Star Cup, and when the "game" began to prevail in a peaceful world.

But it's all just in case.

For this kind of god, even if it is extremely weak, Luo Pei will allocate part of his attention.

Who let Tetu be remembered by him as the "leak picker" in the original book... Rope doesn't want to be disturbed by anyone when calling for the star cup, and there will be accidents. The work he is doing now to clear the gods participating in the war is for this reason.

"Go find what you want in the pile of keels, and go back to work for me after you get it."


Putting his mind back on the goal in the near future, the "God of Nature" Cainas, Rope blurred the gap between illusion and reality, and returned to the dream.


Regarding the matter of "Yan Longxiao", there are big problems in the original book.

For example, why Hubi can use "Pseudo-code. Yanlong Xiao" with an "Analysis Body", and why Jibril can easily take this attack... It is obvious that Xiaoji is fighting with the subordinate dragon of "Smart Dragon" in the episode At that time, the abuse was quite miserable.

Could it be that Yanlong doesn't have Conglong's subordinate Longqiang?

...with the same combat power as a fan.

Chapter 30: Cold Absolute Centralization, Everything Belongs to the God of Disaster

"The cold, salty sea water flooded the holy city. The god stepped down from the throne and walked in the dreamland. The noble family of the stars and the ominous deep diver wandered the ancient streets, waiting quietly With the recovery of the next era..."

The city of dreams, the compartment of the clock tower of the stars.

In the beautiful garden composed of illusory flowers, the black-haired god is holding a book, reciting in a low but elegant tone.

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